Use "defend" in a sentence

1. Defend your lady's honour?

2. We defend our cliff.

3. Defend lord cotys!

4. God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself. 

5. 29 God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself. 

6. Share and defend His gospel.

7. Defend yourself with your right.

8. Defend it at all costs.

9. God defend [deliver] me from my friends; from my enemies I can [will] defend myself. 

10. How can you defend such behaviour?

11. But I will defend myself.

12. Why do you defend her?

13. Robin wanted to defend her honor.

14. They fought to defend the realm.

15. We need to defend against military aggression.

16. 30 God defend [deliver] me from my friends; from my enemies I can [will] defend myself. 

17. What sword did he defend himself withal?

18. He plans to defend his Olympic crown.

19. But we have guards to defend us.

20. She plans to defend the lawsuit vigorously.

21. It is equipped with weapons to defend itself.

22. We must defend our motherland from the enemy.

23. He hired a top QC to defend him.

24. Boa Constrictors may bite to defend themselves

25. A Peaceable People Defend Their Good Name

26. Under wise rule They defend the country

27. (b) How did Jesus defend God’s Word?

28. She demonstrated how best to defend oneself.

29. Our Alliances were created to defend shared values

30. A family must defend its home against attack.

31. 18 A Peaceable People Defend Their Good Name

32. Think of the body’s capacity to defend itself.

33. Just how did the apologists defend their faith?

34. I know how to defend my own keep.

35. She's running to defend her 400 metres title.

36. 10 She plans to defend the lawsuit vigorously.

37. It was my natural instinct to defend myself.

38. The accused had a lawyer to defend him.

39. I can defend the Batallion at the SSI.

40. I want to learn how to defend myself.

41. Earth has no sorcerer supreme to defend it.

42. Defend news with blood, expose truth with conscience

43. Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders.

44. If disturbed or cornered, the snake will defend itself.

45. 24 Troops have been sent to defend the borders.

46. Who will defend them if not their king?

47. Defend news with blood, expose truth with conscience.

48. A tiger has a large territory to defend.

49. 3 We need to defend against military aggression.

50. I have sworn an oath to defend her.

51. Troops have been sent to defend the borders.

52. The antelope will control and defend its territory.

53. Hank had made no attempt to defend himself.

54. Just to defend why I add Stopwatch function.

55. They learn to defend themselves, or they go under.

56. I gave my word to defend against the getae.

57. And Chinese troops didn't defend Manchuria from the Japanese!

58. Edgar used to Arrogantly defend his government’s endless borrowing

59. Enough culling, embrace the passers-by, defend the pregnant.

60. [We] request the Government to firmly defend our Fatherland.

61. How vigorously will the local companies defend their turf?

62. She had to defend herself against the guard dog.

63. They retained a famous lawyer to defend their case.

64. I need drop zones I can hold and defend.

65. Some young people are carrying knives to defend themselves.

66. Refusing to defend parents, school, or country is disloyalty.

67. A cop Apologist will defend their actions no matter what

68. Could I defend the Church with just my simple testimony?

69. The only way to defend ourselves is with an army.

70. Otherwise, doing no reprehend me can not also defend you.

71. He got the best advocate in town to defend him.

72. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it.

73. We are a unit because we defend from the front.

74. The city was compact and therefore easy to defend.

75. A year later he would successfully defend his title.

76. White blood cells help defend the body against infection.

77. We strike hard, defend, protect, and fade into the night.

78. You defend these men who insult you behind your back.

79. Thorpe hires George Carmen, a merciless lawyer, to defend him.

80. 3 Ya wan na defend yurself, ya stay the course.