Use "deduct" in a sentence

1. Depreciation Allowable is depreciation you’re entitled to deduct, but didn’t necessarily deduct for tax purposes

2. Your employer will deduct income tax from your salary.

3. Your employer will deduct the tax for you.

4. Self-employed business owners could deduct all health insurance costs.

5. Employees carry the other half, which they may not deduct.

6. Once you deduct your expenses, there is nothing left.

7. Institutions shall deduct the following from Additional Tier 1 items:

8. We deduct 16% from all your manual payments to cover IVA.

9. Deduct the lower earnings limit, and divide the resulting figure by

10. In case discrepantare presented, we shall deduct USD 00 for each discrepant.

11. If one is rotten, I'll deduct two dollars, and so on.

12. If you are on benefit , we will usually deduct some money each week .

13. Shall I deduct the balance of my fee from the cash at hand?

14. Governments commonly allow taxpayers to deduct certain expenses from their taxable income.

15. If you pay for repairs, you can deduct the cost from your rent.

16. The Commission is to deduct that amount from or add it to the next intermediate payment.

17. Citizens and individuals with U.S. tax residence may deduct a flat amount as a standard deduction.

18. Similarly, taxpayers using the accrual method would deduct interest expense on an accrual basis.

19. The formula in Form GST524 allows you to calculate and deduct the purchaser's rebate.

20. Mr. Cao had the rickshaw repaired and didn't deduct the cost from Xiangzi's wages.

21. And then ,[] we will deduct it as ROB in the ullage report.

22. In case discrepant documents are presented, we shall deduct USD 00 for each discrepant.

23. The deal also would have allowed the 49ers to deduct the taxes from the price.

24. We send you herewith a cheque, value 90 have deduct the usual trade discount of

25. From this it used to deduct an arbitrary amount of 0,2 euro per tonne.

26. Otherwise, the company will deduct 2 percent of our travel costs from our reimbursement checks.

27. 24 Otherwise, the company will deduct 2 percent of our travel costs from our reimbursement checks.

28. You're a smart and talented guy who's afraid to do anything with it, deduct a point.

29. The miller would then deduct a proportion of the grain in payment for his services.

30. Florid and openhanded colors, excellent and transcendental quality. Deduct modem people feelings advocating the nature.

31. 7 It is not permissible under that law to deduct the cost of acquisition of repurchased shares.

32. Certain restrictions apply to the amount of the expense you can deduct for advertising in a periodical.

33. You do not have to deduct it from your income, as in the case of personal allowances.

34. That will tend to be offshore as banks and building societies in this country have to deduct tax at source.

35. Additionally, we deduct the VAT amount from merchant payouts for sales to customers in applicable EU countries.

36. 13 Before applying the 35 percent tax rate, firms may deduct employee compensation, interest payments, and depreciation allowances.

37. To decrease the depth of a V neckline, deduct 1 from this figure for each 0.5 centimetre required.

38. However, certain restrictions apply to the amount of the expense you can deduct for advertising in a periodical.

39. Issuers are able to deduct the interest they pay on TOPrs and similar securities because they are debt.

40. Depending on the type of account you have with PayPal, PayPal may deduct a service charge for disbursing your Creator Revenues.

41. Provided there was a valid card in the box, the beacon would deduct some of its value and record no details.

42. Deduct Line 15 from Line 14 in order to get the additional "Financed cost of equipment". 17.

43. Leasing costs You can deduct the lease payments incurred in the year for property used in your business.

44. That would be a substantial improvement from the 25 percent of health-care premiums that they can deduct now.

45. This report contains the amount paid by buyers and doesn't deduct taxes or Google fees from the totals.

46. Leasing costs Deduct the lease payments you incurred in the year for property used in your fishing business.

47. Your Attorney will place the retainer fee into an account, and deduct money as work on your case progresses

48. When this happens, we have to deduct the related revenue from publishers on whose content those advertisers’ ads appeared.

49. When you make an LGU+ payment, we automatically deduct 10% VAT from your payment to use against your anticipated advertising costs.

50. They would go straight to his agent, who would deduct his commission and the rest went to pay the tax man.

51. If you pay Alimony to a former spouse/RDP, you're allowed to deduct it from your income on your California return

52. This is even before others realize their employers no longer will be able to deduct the cost of their health insurance.

53. You will have to pay income tax on the rent you receive, although you can deduct expenses such as insurance.

54. Being able to deduct the money spent on such a ‘Cess’ from one’s taxable income would surely sweeten the blow a bit

55. Corporations are allowed to deduct interest payments on bonds, but stock dividends are effectively taxed at the both the corporate and the individual level.

56. It has been agreed that we will deduct the excess from the loss and then pay up to the policy limit where applicable.

57. Legal Definition of Aliquot : of, relating to, or being a fraction or percentage of a whole may deduct an Aliquot part of the cost — D

58. 26 It has been agreed that we will deduct the excess from the loss and then pay up to the policy limit where applicable.

59. If you've already paid for medical expenses this year totaling 5 percent of your adjusted gross income, you can deduct any medical costs over that amount.

60. 13 Article 14 When calculating the taxable income amount, an enterprise may not deduct the costs of the investment assets during the period of external investment.

61. That statement was made in the (analytically prior) context of whether the inability to deduct cross-border losses was a restriction contrary to Article 43.

62. If you are truly serious abut preparing your child for the future, don't teach him to subtract teach him to deduct. Fran Lebowitz 

63. Pricing: 1- Arboreal Rack : $329 each 2-Arboreal Racks : $319 each3-Arboreal Racks : $309 each4-Arboreal Racks : $299 eachEmpty Arboreal Rack no Rubbermaid tubs included: Deduct $15 each rack.

64. Regular employee Contributions Each pay period, your agency or service will deduct your contribution from your basic salary in the amount or percentage that you chose when you started contributing

65. As a result of falling stocks of fish, there is a move to impose controls on shore angling and to deduct these catches from the quotas of the commercial fishing industry.

66. Bonus depreciation can allow rental property owners to deduct the entire cost of certain capital investments all at once, maximizing their federal income tax deductions for the current tax year

67. [Medieval Latin Aliquotus contained an exact number of times in something else, from Latin aliquot some, several] : of, relating to, or being a fraction or percentage of a whole [may deduct an part

68. The Whitecoat Battalias in the center were able to deduct several SPs from Parliament despite being past exhaustion point, but in the end were too far behind to pull a victory from defeat

69. If one's car is declared to be a "write off" (or "totaled"), then the insurance company will deduct the excess agreed on the policy from the settlement payment it makes to the owner.

70. Aliquot aliquot adj [Medieval Latin Aliquotus contained an exact number of times in something else, from Latin aliquot some, several]: of, relating to, or being a fraction or percentage of a whole [may deduct an part of the cost "D

71. In 2020, you can participate in a 401(k) and still deduct your entire IRA Contribution if you are a single tax return filer and earn less than $65,000 or you are married, file jointly and earn

72. (v) That recruitment agencies, offices or companies of both countries shall not charge or deduct from the salary of the General Category Worker any cost attendant to his/her recruitment and deployment or impose any kind of unauthorized salary deductions;

73. This shows that it was the firm intention of the French authorities to retain the initial exclusions from the right to deduct VAT and not to abandon the idea of using the standstill clause in Article 17 of the Sixth Directive.

74. Where the services in question are provided in one or more Member States other than that in which the package is sold, under the normal scheme the travel agent cannot simply deduct the input VAT of 20 from his output VAT of 24.

75. The Bunching technique may benefit donors whose non-charitable itemized deductions fall below the new higher standard deduction ($24,400 for persons married filing jointly in 2019), so long as the donor has sufficient taxable income to fully deduct several years of charitable contributions in a single year, given deduction limits.

76. Aliquot — al·i·quot / a lə ˌkwät, kwət/ adj [Medieval Latin Aliquotus contained an exact number of times in something else, from Latin aliquot some, several]: of, relating to, or being a fraction or percentage of a whole may deduct an aliquot part of the

77. Aliquot — al·i·quot / a lə ˌkwät, kwət/ adj [Medieval Latin Aliquotus contained an exact number of times in something else, from Latin aliquot some, several]: of, relating to, or being a fraction or percentage of a whole may deduct an aliquot part of the

78. Regular employee Contributions Each pay period, your agency or service will deduct your Contribution from your basic salary in the amount or percentage that you chose when you started contributing. If you began or rejoined federal service on or after October 1, 2020, you were automatically enrolled at 5% of your basic salary.

79. A taxpayer can elect to deduct up to $5,000 of start-up and $5,000 of organizational expenditures in the tax year in which the trade or business Begins. Each $5,000, however, is reduced (but not below zero) by the amount by which the cumulative cost of start-up or organizational expenditures exceeds $50,000.

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