Use "declines" in a sentence

1. These declines will offset increased activity levels, producing absolute declines in all emissions.

2. As the years advance, my hearing declines.

3. As civilization advances, poetry almost necessarily declines.

4. As one grows older one's memory declines.

5. Fecundity declines rapidly after the age of

6. On average, physical activity declines with advancing age.

7. Sugar content declines due to (lactic acid) fermentation.

8. “As parenting declines, the need for policing increases.

9. Multiple years of hefty price declines debunked this myth .

10. For all other payment declines, contact your local bank.

11. Motolora company declines any seasonable comments to this report.

12. MJP Aluminium stocks declines 10% y-o-y in Feb

13. Rather, both are the results of declines in aggregate demand.

14. If your bank declines the refund, the reason may be:

15. 10: British Prime Minister Chamberlain declines Hitler's offer of peace.

16. Biden declines to call for Cuomo to resign, Awaits probe

17. Cocaine and marijuana use registered similar steep declines after marriage.

18. Negativism a spouse leads to disillusionment over time as love declines.

19. As Birthrate Falls, South Korea’s Population Declines, Posing Threat to Economy

20. Clasping coneflower is a prolific reseeder, but eventually declines without soil disturbance

21. Bay Crabbing success usually declines after significant rainfall as salinity levels drop

22. Fluid intelligence declines with age, while Crystallized intelligence is maintained or improved

23. That’s why an ecosystem that’s losing Biodiversity only declines slowly at first

24. Figure 3 is a graph showing how gravitational force declines with distance.

25. The front-end load often declines as the amount invested increases, through breakpoints.

26. Restricted border closures, because of the BSE re-occurrence, are behind these declines.

27. Similarly, if the rate of unproductive consumption declines, then - cet. par. - accumulation increases.

28. Sugar content is low and declines towards zero due to (lactic acid) fermentation.

29. Declines in mCa may also help account for increases in respiration previously measured.

30. Since your body’s Collagen production declines as you age and you need adequate Collagen …

31. With every generation that passes, the Anglophiliac chain gets looser, and the fondness declines

32. The legislature further finds that Arboreta are of increasing importance as world biodiversity declines

33. Targeted Advance Payment in place to provide assistance in times of serious income declines.

34. The report predicts 1991 will see further declines in occupancy and achieved room rates.

35. If biodiversity declines, the absorptive capacity of the planetary ecosystem will decline as well.

36. 17 Instead of the record profits promised to investors, Kodak reported double-digit declines.

37. In the face of 30 percent sales declines , that 's what mainstream consumers want .

38. Antonyms for Ameliorations include blocks, blockages, declines, decreases, demotions, deteriorations, diminishments, failures, halts and hindrances

39. For speeds above # km/h, the adhesion coefficient demand declines linearly to # at # km/h

40. This method allows declines in inventory value to be offset against income of the period.

41. Antonyms for Approbates include declines, denies, disallows, disapproves, negatives, rejects, vetoes, contradicts, disagrees and invalidates

42. Synonyms for Abates include decreases, declines, diminishes, subsides, dwindles, eases, lessens, ebbs, wanes and fades

43. • Total foreign spending (exports) advanced in the fourth quarter (up 0.9%), following three consecutive declines.

44. The Blackpoll Warbler is a common bird of concern because it is experiencing sharp declines

45. In fact , while Microsoft and most other tech companies continue to report declines across their business .

46. Success of surgery declines in the postoperative period because of fibrosis and the effect Chyle has

47. Long-term cohort studies show declines beginning in 1982 and continuing steadily through the late 1980

48. Indeed, the overall declines in civic engagement are somewhat greater among housewives than among employed women.

49. And they are heightened demand will allow them to stanch recent price declines in the market.

50. The rate of collagen synthesis is high in youth and declines through rest of the life .

51. Declines in both trade balances (goods and services) outweighed the advance in the investment income balance.

52. Advanced exploration and development may include such techniques as drilling, trenching, and driving shafts, adits and declines.

53. Are called when interest rates decline Appreciably and have a call price that declines as time passes

54. Have a call price that declines as time passes and are called when interest rates increase Appreciably

55. Plants expressed acetylene-induced and oxygen-induced transient declines in nitrogenase activity, from which they spontaneously recovered.

56. The Commission points out that if the Agency declines to sign a contract, the contract is void.

57. Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.

58. For speeds above 200 km/h, the adhesion coefficient demand declines linearly to 0,10 at 350 km/h.

59. However, deflation remains a major policy concern and adverse shocks could lead to entrenched expectations of price declines.

60. OK. I want a list of the guests, of the wedding, and the banquet, including people who declines.

61. Therefore an important question is what will runoff base cation concentrations be once acid deposition declines even further.

62. An Asset may be depreciated over time, so that its recorded cost gradually declines over its useful life

63. The share of government expenditures allotted to public health and education witnessed declines in the past several years.

64. Further declines are expected in 2006 as industry faces weak markets, reduced landings and adverse exchange rate movements.

65. The rapid technological advances in information technology production has led to rapid declines in information technology equipment prices.

66. Cormorants have rebounded from historic lows in the 1970s, after suffering steep declines because of exposure to environmental contaminants

67. Bush declines to slap Misty May-Treanor's Bikinied butt August 9, 2008 5:44 pm President George W

68. The plant has undergone substantial declines in the past, commensurate with the steep decline in active sand dunes.

69. (13)The added value of the programmes, as it has historically been perceived, naturally declines as implementation advances.

70. Conservation of the world's biota, as we know it, will depend upon rapid, steep declines in greenhouse gas emissions.

71. To the degree that competition declines, the market system will be weakened as a mechanism for efficiently allocating resources.

72. Their aggressive feeding behavior has been one of the factors that led to severe declines in Great Lakes salmonoid stocks.

73. The global financial crisis caused an abrupt shift in tourism growth with declines in international arrivals by 4 per cent.

74. Until recently, the Buzzard was only found in the north and west of the country due to severe population declines

75. Abortion rates shows larger declines during recent Democratic presidential Administrations, and says its due to the party’s approach of …

76. Supermarkets reliant on transportation and the industrial scale farms that supply them are unlikely to survive as oil declines.

77. Alzheimer's disease is a severely debilitating condition that affects thinking, learning and memory, beginning with declines in episodic memory.

78. Bastardise definition: change something so that its value declines; for example, art forms synonyms: misdirect, deprave, pervert, bastardize, demoralise, subvert

79. When this measure is larger than one, which happens in the presence of monopoly power, average revenue declines with output.

80. The demand declines, prices drop, the produced commodities get accumulated in inventories, which informs entrepreneurs of the necessity to reduce output.