Use "dealt" in a sentence

1. How They Dealt With Persecution

2. The spokesman dealt in generalities.

3. You've been badly dealt with.

4. She dealt me four cards.

5. Is Conclusively dealt with: etw

6. Who dealt the last hand?

7. He dealt me two aces.

8. Our complaint was dealt with satisfactorily.

9. It dealt unselfconsciously with interracial relationships.

10. I was dealt with 1991 emeritus.

11. He has always dealt well by me.

12. The matter will be dealt with internally.

13. Her death dealt us a terrible blow.

14. You dealt with the situation very effectively.

15. It dealt with unions and restrictive practices.

16. These problems must be dealt with Anew.

17. I dealt with a middleman, an importer.

18. His mother dealt him a severe scolding.

19. How God Dealt With People in the Past

20. The offenders were dealt with firmly though fairly.

21. The two issues should be dealt with separately.

22. How and wherefore were but indifferently dealt with.

23. The foregoing discussion has dealt with proximate causes.

24. The Da Lisi has dealt with the villains

25. You dealt with them in your former employment?

26. You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.

27. Most patients are dealt with within four weeks.

28. I've dealt with that company for ten years.

29. She dealt with the problem with consummate skill.

30. Clark's works dealt with inner life and feelings.

31. They dealt with a slew of other issues.

32. I need this dealt with quickly and aboveboard.

33. 24 He's dealt fair and square with us.

34. Synonyms for Chaffered include bargained, haggled, negotiated, dealt, dickered, paltered, horse-traded, cut a deal, wheeled and dealt and wheeled and dealed

35. That discovery dealt astrology its deathblow as a science.

36. Four cards are dealt face up on the table.

37. magazines that dealt Scripturally with the subject of abortion.

38. It simply dealt with potential profits and economic impact.

39. Complaints are dealt with by the customer services department.

40. All cases of bullying will be severely dealt with.

41. You dealt me an appalling hand in that game.

42. There are several specific problems to be dealt with.

43. His defeat dealt a crushing blow to the party.

44. He recognized that Jehovah had dealt well with him.

45. No, I'm just playing the cards I was dealt.

46. She dealt him a tremendous blow with the poker.

47. He dealt with algebra, analysis, mechanics and probability theory.

48. In addition, it was dealt with in record time.

49. General enquiries are dealt with by our head office.

50. They admired the way she dealt with the crisis.

51. They dealt with the problem in a purposeful way.

52. They had to be dealt with diplomatically but firmly.

53. Even with treachery the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously.’

54. Enquiries will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

55. 9 The police dealt with the incident very efficiently.

56. Did such traditions influence the way Jesus dealt with women?

57. How could Mother Nature have dealt such a savage blow?

58. 3 Your request will be dealt with in due course.

59. This point has been dealt with in the preceding paragraph.

60. He dealt with the problem of evil theologically, not philosophically.

61. Accounting for income taxes is dealt with in IAS 12.

62. I’ve dealt with Assholes at work in the past too.

63. In the House he dealt with fiscal and financial policies.

64. 6 The dreaded inclined plane is dealt with head on.

65. Julie's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders.

66. What can we learn from how Joseph dealt with trials?

67. Many of these tasks can be dealt with by delegation.

68. Mrs Japp got dealt one like that on Southend Pier.

69. As Noah neared his 600th year, he dealt with losses.

70. I have dealt myself with the debilitating effects of depression.

71. 28 They admired the way she dealt with the crisis.

72. Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country.

73. The dramas dealt with some somber aspect of domestic life.

74. Both democracy and the modern corporation had dealt crippling blows.

75. Somebody just dealt him out, up in the Pup Club.

76. Atropaceous Bankruptcy exempt property? Subtle deep blue sea? She dealt it

77. Optokinetic nystagmus in patients with hemianopia is dealt with in detail.

78. Reduced the damage dealt by the Sul'lithuz Abomination and Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler.

79. His resarch dealt with finite groups, algebraic varieties, and abelian functions.

80. The way he dealt with the crisis filled me with Admiration