Use "conquered" in a sentence

1. Death was conquered!

2. ISIS never Conquered Rome, but this month a Roman pontiff Conquered Iraq

3. Bureaucracy Has Conquered Schools

4. Napoleon Conquered vast territories

5. I have conquered the world.”

6. They Conquered all their enemies.

7. Smallpox has finally been conquered.

8. In time, Willie conquered his vices.

9. The Ancient Assyrians who Conquered Samaria

10. I conquered my dislike for mathematics.

11. Synonyms for Conquered in Free Thesaurus

12. 7 The conquered often die ignominiously.

13. What does Conquered mean? Information and translations of Conquered in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

14. The Romans conquered and destroyed Alalia Corsica.

15. The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror.

16. Down there in the lands I conquered.

17. + They conquered all the others by war.

18. The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes.

19. In 642 A.D. the Arabs conquered Egypt.

20. When Pelé Conquered India’s Soccer Capital

21. In 212 B.C.E., the Romans conquered Syracuse.

22. The Zulus conquered all the neighbouring tribes.

23. Definition of Conquered in the dictionary

24. 14 Mount Everest was conquered in 19

25. Conquered self will not be liable to you for any lost profits or other consequential, special, indirect, or incidental damages arising out of or in connection with this Conquered self user terms and conditionsor Conquered self systems and services, even if Conquered self has been advised of …

26. The result of this insubordination was, that the White army conquered Donbass, and later (August to December 1919) conquered entire Ukraine.

27. The Turks never conquered the capitals of Europe.

28. UnConquerable definition is - incapable of being conquered : indomitable

29. 2 days ago · Conquered: No

30. Someone who has Conquered a country or its…

31. The city was Conquered by the ancient Romans

32. Conquered - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions

33. He has never conquered his addiction to smoking.

34. Their objective was to civilize the conquered nations.

35. Egypt was conquered by the Persian king Kambyses.

36. What does inConquerable mean? That cannot be conquered; unConquerable

37. The English were Conquered by the Normans in 1066

38. Folks say the West was conquered by the railroad.

39. He is the greatest conqueror who has conquered himself.

40. The world champion conquered yet another challenger last night.

41. In 638 the Muslims conquered the area of Palestine.

42. During King David’s reign, the Israelites conquered the city.

43. The English were Conquered by the Normans in 1066.

44. The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.

45. The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors.

46. Conquered cities had to pay tribute to the Aztecs.

47. The Khoshud in Qinghai were conquered in 1723/24.

48. Conquerable may be defined as “ Capable of being conquered or subdued“Capable of being surmounted or excelled“Subject to being conquered or overcome”

49. They set up a puppet government in the conquered territory.

50. The Spanish Conquered the New World in the 16th century

51. Hatred can be conquered by those who practice true Christianity.

52. The mines were manned by forced labour from conquered countries.

53. She has conquered the city and rules as its queen.

54. Some of them conquered the place by force and bloodshed.

55. Someone who has Conquered a country or its people 2

56. Yet restenosis, the Aphorismic 'Achilles heel', remains to be conquered

57. Conqueror There's always a relationship between the conquered and the Conqueror.

58. Thus, this practice became widespread during the war in areas conquered.

59. Conquerable: Capable of being conquered; that may be vanquished or subdued.

60. Conquerable Capable of being conquered; that may be vanquished or subdued.

61. A Conquered city [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples

62. The army stormed in, conquered the city, and killed the king.

63. 24 Some countries may be defeated but can never be conquered.

64. With every kingdom conquered, with every level added to your tower.

65. Again, Nehemiah did not let himself be conquered by evil opposers.

66. A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.

67. 4 Though he conquered Coruscant, fortune turned sour for Tsavong Lah.

68. Conquered By The Highlander is a fantastic historical romance by Eliza Knight

69. By about 1680 they had conquered the Tarim Basin to the south.

70. In the 16th century, though, Hernán Cortés of Spain conquered the Aztecs.

71. Some claim the region was conquered by the Ostrogoths in 455 AD.

72. Of course, conquered or subjugated peoples were frequently set to forced labor.

73. I am proud because you and your sister conquered ba sing se.

74. Afterwards, Hideyoshi subjugated Kii Province and conquered Shikoku under the Chōsokabe clan.

75. What does Conquered mean? Simple past tense and past participle of conquer

76. The Assyrians sack Babylon! About 1200 BC, the Assyrians finally conquered Babylon

77. Later, in the early 17th century, Islam Khan conquered all of Bengal.

78. They conquered the southern part of the country in a few months.

79. Several hundred years after that, the Fulani —an Islamic people— conquered northern Cameroon.

80. Arrogance and callousness for the conquerors, bitter endurance and hatred for the conquered.