Use "collapsed" in a sentence

1. Leona's lungs collapsed.

2. His throat's collapsed.

3. " Mom collapsed from fatigue. "

4. Lennon recalled: "We collapsed.

5. 2 He collapsed with exhaustion.

6. He collapsed, groaning with pain.

7. Splenectomy, brain contusions, collapsed lung.

8. The bridge collapsed without warning.

9. Numerous houses collapsed in the Earthquake.

10. And the whole building collapsed anyway.

11. The wall collapsed under the strain.

12. 1 His health collapsed from undernourishment.

13. Soon, Communist regimes throughout Europe collapsed.

14. They collapsed gasping to the ground.

15. The government collapsed amid budget quarrels.

16. The project collapsed through financial mismanagement.

17. He collapsed into the nearest chair.

18. We both collapsed into helpless giggles.

19. The roof had collapsed long ago.

20. 6 She collapsed as if poleaxed.

21. The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud.

22. He collapsed on the floor, mumbling incoherently.

23. The tall chimney tottered and then collapsed.

24. The bridge collapsed and 8 workers drowned.

25. The modern healthcare sector has totally collapsed.

26. Uncle Ted's chair collapsed under his weight.

27. The roof of the mine passage collapsed.

28. One girl died after her house collapsed.

29. The bridge collapsed into the swollen river.

30. Jack collapsed in agony on the floor.

31. Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.

32. The Assyrian empire collapsed in 612 B.C.

33. He staggered and collapsed as if poleaxed.

34. With Chernobyl the foreign market collapsed overnight.

35. It collapsed instantaneously once we left Vietnam.

36. The Türgesh empire collapsed from internal strife.

37. All opposition to the plan has collapsed.

38. The central portion of the bridge collapsed.

39. That arrangement collapsed with the Soviet Union.

40. Six years later, the whole world economy collapsed.

41. Wild animals have collapsed from hunger and dehydration.

42. The clay feet broke and the statue collapsed.

43. 10 Uncle Ted's chair collapsed under his weight.

44. He collapsed in a heap on the floor.

45. The woman staggered and collapsed in a heap.

46. She collapsed on the floor in a heap.

47. 22 She collapsed suddenly from a heart attack.

48. 4 He collapsed on the floor, mumbling incoherently.

49. And her right lung is collapsed, burst spleen.

50. 19 Two of the horses collapsed with exhaustion.

51. The transportable house collapsed. We trembled with terror.

52. 8 He staggered and collapsed as if poleaxed.

53. The back staircase collapsed a few weeks later.

54. Somebody inspected the fire escape before it collapsed?

55. The dam collapsed, and the water plummeted irresistibly.

56. A section of the Bay Bridge had collapsed.

57. 17 The enterprise collapsed through lack of support.

58. After that regime collapsed, Jehovah’s Witnesses were exonerated.

59. She collapsed on the floor and cried inconsolably.

60. Their plan for a Paris rendezvous had collapsed.

61. His throat collapsed because of what we predicted.

62. A judge at the campus pool center collapsed.

63. Financial markets collapsed, as did the prices of commodities.

64. The dynamic network of international trade fairs also collapsed.

65. He collapsed under the full impact of the blow.

66. We came in and collapsed thankfully onto our beds.

67. 18 He had lost blood profusely and had collapsed.

68. A content area which can be Collapsed and expanded

69. A large section of the building immediately collapsed inwards.

70. They finally collapsed in a heap on the grass.

71. Inversely, sometimes collapsed frontal systems will degenerate into troughs.

72. 15 Then I must have collapsed at the shoreline.

73. 12 He collapsed and died of a heart attack.

74. In Agony Jack collapsed in Agony on the floor

75. Some 126 houses collapsed and 453 others were damaged.

76. ... dozens of weakened structures collapsed when the aftershock hit.

77. Some trains were so overloaded that their suspension collapsed.

78. The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room.

79. The northern electrical grid had previously collapsed in 2001.

80. Some chimneys on the distant island of Jamaica collapsed.