Use "caretaker" in a sentence

1. You've always been the caretaker.

2. He put in a caretaker.

3. Have to find the caretaker for them.

4. The caretaker is also increasingly monitoring fuel consumption.

5. The caretaker stokes up twice a day.

6. I'm a caretaker for a mentally ill person.

7. This block of flats has a non - resident caretaker.

8. The caretaker probably airs the rooms in the daytime.

9. The caretaker opens up the school every morning at seven.

10. Wasn't that the name of your caretaker at the orphanage?

11. 3 This block of flats has a non - resident caretaker.

12. A caretaker boss is expected to be named today.

13. She is not KINKY - She is a CREATIVE CARETAKER.

14. Coach Robert " The Buzzer " Ferdinando was a caretaker by profession.

15. 22 This block of flats has a non - resident caretaker.

16. The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.

17. Abbot is the caretaker of the wall in Diamond City in 2287

18. “Don Fausto” was the primary caretaker of endangered tortoises in captivity.

19. Ah, sir, there'll be no more caretaker service as from Monday.

20. Castellan (plural Castellans) The governor or caretaker of a castle or keep

21. Another instance is when one cracked up after peeing on his caretaker.

22. Several caretaker managers have gone on to secure a permanent managerial post after performing well as a caretaker, including Paul Hart at Portsmouth and David Pleat at Tottenham Hotspur.

23. The chancellor seems to accept that hers is perforce a cautious , caretaker government.

24. He was succeeded in a caretaker capacity by his deputy, David Gandy.

25. He will be the club's caretaker manager until a new manager is appointed.

26. Eventually a superstitious caretaker took fright at this omen and killed the bird.

27. Arrested Cassandra Shepard, 27 – her caretaker Sherrie Lynn Beckering, 50 Dale Robert Beckering, 52

28. Physical Neglect refers to acts of omission on the part of the parent/caretaker.

29. Former trainer Jupp Heynckes was named as caretaker until the end of the season.

30. Shekhar was asked to continue as caretaker Prime Minister, pending elections in late May.

31. Antonyms for Consanguineous include adopted, adoptive, nonbiological, foster, surrogate, proxy, deputised, deputized, displaced and caretaker

32. They put their chairs on their desks so that the caretaker could sweep the floor.

33. 21 Eventually a superstitious caretaker took fright at this omen and killed the bird.

34. Bard The Wandering Caretaker Find the best Bard build guides for League of Legends Patch 11.5

35. Synonyms for Curate include caretaker, assistant, clergyman, cleric, dominie, minister, pastor, priest, divine and ecclesiastic

36. Once the last few people had left the hall, the caretaker began stacking the chairs.

37. The caretaker ran out and saw off the boys who had been damaging the fence.

38. Next, Pum was asked to become the assistant caretaker of an Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

39. After Ueshiba died, caretaker Morihiro Saito took responsibility for hosting the ceremony every month on the 14th.

40. The preverbal identifications of the Imaginary involve identifications based on symbiotic fusion with the primary caretaker.

41. She'd be off to Legoland like a shot, to see that caretaker, if Henry said anything.

42. Meanwhile, your children’s Custodian is the caretaker of their assets until they reach the age of majority

43. Synonyms for Adoptive include foster, surrogate, caretaker, acting, provisional, substitute, replacement, temporary, stand-in and fill-in

44. To visit these, notice must be given in advance and the caretaker will have the tomb open.

45. Synonyms for Commissionaire include doorkeeper, doorman, gatekeeper, janitor, porter, caretaker, concierge, custodian, tiler and door attendant

46. Mr. Waddicar the caretaker was hobbling across the landing, like an old lollipop man frustrating traffic.

47. Caretaker Gazette: The Newsletter Filled With Worldwide Property Caretaking Jobs The Caretaker Gazette is a newsletter for property Caretakers with job listings all over the world for house sitters, pet sitters, land caretaking, domestic help, estate managers, and farm workers.

48. 1 (OF 4) VARIOUS "We'll have to get that Blundering caretaker away from there," whispered Will

49. Nick Wileman is a school caretaker so it is vital that he gets on well with young people.

50. Baptist Nunn, the caretaker of Bigshot Rayle and Lodge was receiving threats of extortion from the gang.

51. The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months.

52. “They escaped with only the clothes they were wearing, all soaked with mud,” relates Márcio, the hall’s caretaker.

53. They sought extra-parliamentary means to oust Chavalit, establish a caretaker government and hold a new election.

54. What does Chowkidar mean? (India) Watchman, caretaker; one who inhabits a "chowki", police station or guard house

55. The other, the caretaker said, had been empty since 1974 and had housed a testing facility for the Navy.

56. Apparently she accepted that she was the primary caretaker of her children and the linchpin of family life.

57. He lived in the slums of Accra with a caretaker, who gave him food and a place to sleep.

58. As the caretaker in charge, an Aquarist’s responsibilities to the zoo curator, fish and aquatic animals are extensive.

59. At about age two, the bubble does indeed burst as a parent shifts roles from caretaker to instructor.

60. After that the Prime Minister had a meeting with the Chief Advisor of caretaker Government in Bangladesh Dr.

61. Baptist Nunn(, the caretaker of Bigshot Rayle and Lodge was receiving threats of extortion from the gang.

62. Housekeeping and concierge services, namely apartment and house management, being caretaker services, including while the occupant is absent on holiday

63. The Deputy Prime Minister, Meechai Ruchuphan, became caretaker Prime Minister for an interim period until the new government was assigned.

64. It also gives the new caretaker a chance to settle to his tasks without the added problem of learning switchboard.

65. Chowkidar (plural Chowkidars) ( India ) watchman , caretaker , gatekeeper ; one who inhabits a " chowki ", police station or guard house

66. It finally did so on Dec. 14 and asked the government to continue in office in a caretaker capacity.

67. The Caretaker Government assured us that they would not allow Bangladeshi soil to be used for activities inimical to India.

68. Once the political order had been restored, the caretaker government was expected to execute general elections and restore civilian rule.

69. Now ubiquitous, Jang is the caretaker-mentor while Kim's greenhorn youngest son, Kim Jong-un, is belatedly groomed as dauphin.

70. No one who has held the post, even on a caretaker basis, is allowed to run or serve again.

71. The son of a caretaker who had annoyed them was waylaid by four of them and bludgeoned to death.

72. Throughout her life she was employed as a caretaker for Babion Foster Care in Merrill and the Arnold Center in Midland.

73. After retiring he became a youth coach at Colchester as well as having a brief spell as caretaker manager in 1999.

74. Under the current electoral law, parliament could have dissolved itself immediately and carried on until the election in a caretaker role.

75. When they had fruitlessly exhausted their task, Myeloski called the caretaker to guide them round the rest of the palace.

76. "Appeaser": examples and translations in context We have the caretaker, the Appeaser , the hero, the scapegoat, the lost child

77. 1 When they had fruitlessly exhausted their task, Myeloski called the caretaker to guide them round the rest of the palace.

78. The story of Skip Cuddy, the Blessings caretaker, who finds a baby asleep in that box and decides he wants

79. One that has charge of something; a caretaker: the Custodian of a minor child's estate; the Custodian of an absentee landlord's property

80. Until December 2011, Belgium was governed by Leterme's caretaker government awaiting the end of the deadlocked negotiations for formation of a new government.