Use "cannot afford" in a sentence

1. We cannot afford another Bach.

2. We cannot Afford any more delays.

3. I cannot afford any more mistakes.

4. She cannot afford a new dress.

5. Many Americans cannot afford health insurance.

6. We cannot afford to waste precious time.

7. A statesman cannot afford to a moralist.

8. Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.

9. We cannot afford to ignore their advice.

10. England cannot afford a war on two fronts.

11. This tournament is an extravagance we cannot afford.

12. The govern-ment cannot afford to alienate either group.

13. We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.

14. But Simon is very poor and cannot afford it.

15. The company cannot afford to do blue-sky research.

16. We cannot afford to be Complacent about our health

17. We cannot afford to be Complacent about our health

18. “Many people cannot afford a decent place to live.

19. I cannot afford to leave the land lying idle .

20. We cannot afford to pay so much for admission.

21. With his income, he cannot afford the costly dinners.

22. It is an invaluable opportunity we cannot afford to waste.

23. And the MNCs give them machines that they cannot afford.

24. You cannot afford to relax your vigilance for a moment.

25. The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.

26. 26 The govern-ment cannot afford to alienate either group.

27. 4 The govern-ment cannot afford to alienate either group.

28. " If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed... "

29. The birds cannot afford to relax their vigilance against predators.

30. And those who want to be quite frankly cannot afford it.

31. Afford to do something We cannot Afford to ignore this warning

32. We know that we cannot afford to fail this acid test.

33. We cannot afford to treat lightly this loving provision from Jehovah.

34. We know that we cannot afford to fail this acid test

35. A number of people simply cannot afford to rent accommodations there

36. Bacillite Work never tasted so good making instruction but cannot afford me

37. If you cannot afford An attorney, one will Be provided for you.

38. If you cannot afford an attorney, the court will appoint one for you.

39. However, to learn from history we cannot afford one-sided or biased interpretations.

40. The United Nations cannot afford to ignore the suffering of the Palestinian people.

41. However, for this very reason, they cannot afford to be soft on terror.

42. As a result, some parties are in debt and cannot afford any political activity.

43. 3 The ANC government cannot afford to risk capsizing the fragile South African economy.

44. Architectural schools and the profession cannot afford to stand Aloof from these other disciplines.

45. Elderly people may die of hypothermia if they cannot afford to heat their homes.

46. We cannot afford to let blind ideology and rabid partisanship threaten sensible economic policy.

47. "'We cannot afford to fail': Pacific leaders appeal for action on World Oceans Day".

48. The Benefactor will pay for the education of the students who cannot afford it

49. We simply cannot afford to be complacent about the future of our car industry.

50. 9 We cannot afford to dirty our minds with things “shameful even to relate.”

51. And so very many of those who become involved cannot afford the money it takes.

52. I'm afraid we cannot afford to show weakness in the face of the Western powers.

53. Six thousand residentially qualified householders who rent accommodation cannot afford to rent without a subsidy

54. He cannot afford to buy her a new dress, not to mention a gold ring.

55. Because families are eternal, we cannot afford to be casual or complacent about those relationships.

56. 22 Lower-paid workers often cannot afford the high cost of living in the capital.

57. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you at the government's expense.

58. The funds available for the health service are finite and we cannot afford to waste money.

59. But every time they are forced to accept that they actually cannot afford their dream house

60. We cannot afford to view disloyal conduct as unimportant simply because it is common in the world.

61. 5 People pay in advance for a coffee meant for someone who cannot afford a warm beverage.

62. Afford definition: If you cannot Afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it

63. (Psalm 49:7, 8) We desperately need help because we cannot afford the price of the ransom.

64. The temptation to buy things you cannot afford, getting into debt, has led many families into shipwreck.

65. 28 He cannot afford to buy her a new dress,[] not to mention a gold ring.

66. However, the Setubal-born tactician will not wait any longer so Moratti cannot afford to waste any time.

67. - Attention needs to be paid to the accessibility of support, as businesses at risk cannot afford expensive advice.

68. Attention needs to be paid to the accessibility of support, as businesses at risk cannot afford expensive advice

69. Attention needs to be paid to the accessibility of support, as businesses at risk cannot afford expensive advice.

70. In this setting we cannot afford to lower our standards so as to appear “normal” to those around us.

71. Women often fail to wear the abaya not out of defiance but because their families simply cannot afford them.

72. Even if you do, however, remember that such “success” will come at a price —one that you cannot afford.

73. However, even though their resources are too high for Categorically Needy Medicaid eligibility, they cannot afford to pay their medical bills

74. A Complacent attitude towards the problem Complacent about We simply cannot afford to be Complacent about the future of our car industry

75. We have so little leeway at home that we cannot afford to go back with a message that our supporters will not find acceptable.

76. At the same time, prominent researchers said conservationists cannot afford to shortchange large and regional protections at the expense of focusing on targeted species.

77. Acoustic ceilings help to reduce noise and reverberation, sparing the nerves and voices of teachers and students, but many schools cannot afford to install them.

78. But we cannot afford to wait for so-called natural market forces, or for the "blind" law of supply and demand, to correct the situation.

79. According to Wikipedia, A Bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees

80. According to Wikipedia, a Bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees