Use "becoming a jew" in a sentence

1. Half-Jew.

2. What about the Jew?

3. He is as rich as a Jew.

4. A money-grabbing hook-nosed jew.

5. Where's the Jew?

6. A gentile is person that is not a Jew.

7. Used as a disparaging term for a Jew.

8. He talked of being an artist before becoming a furrier, of being a proud Jew and a friend to young artists. He tried not to think about what was next.

9. Anne married a Jew, despite being raised a Catholic.

10. Where is the Jew?

11. Being a Jew is a Bloodline, a heritage & gene-Alogy

12. Being a Jew is a Bloodline, a heritage, and geneAlogy

13. The Jew is behind it.

14. 28 Anne married a Jew,( despite being raised a Catholic.

15. Okay, so we have an African Jew wearing a hoodie.

16. The Jew pig attacked me

17. There are 613 commandments required of a pious Jew.

18. This Italian Jew situation called for a persuasive diplomat.

19. He was born a Jew in first century Palestine.

20. Max Liebster is a natural Jew who lived through the Holocaust.

21. He is a Jew in a staunchly and even Arrogantly Christian country

22. Ella’s gynecologist, Karl, a German-born Jew, was very impressed.

23. Although he was not a Jew, the Jews respected him.

24. Could some other Jew receive wider acceptance?

25. You blew up my club, Jew Hair!

26. Seventy Years of Holding On to the Skirt of a Jew

27. A Jew was beaten and left half-dead along the road.

28. 18 Seventy Years of Holding On to the Skirt of a Jew

29. Nordau was an example of a fully assimilated and Acculturated European Jew

30. The big "Jew" stamp was still on their papers.

31. Perhaps he expected Jesus to answer: “Your fellow Jew.”

32. (22:1-30) He identified himself as a Jew instructed by highly respected Gamaliel.

33. In commerce and usury field, Jew is more activity.

34. He suffered the supreme humiliation for a Jew, to die accursed on a stake.

35. Jesus was a Jew, trained by Jewish parents in the Old Testament scriptures.

36. The big " Jew " stamp was still on their papers.

37. Julius Streicher , the Jew - baiter of Nuremberg , was there.

38. A check of his ancestry - he had been categorised in 1938 as a "half-Jew", and in 1941 declared a "quarter-Jew" - led to an ongoing ban on the performance of his works.

39. An Orthodox Jew and a Muslim form a strong bond while getting Arranged marriages."

40. The men chasing the Jew spoke a foreign tongue, yet they used the word'halt'.

41. When Mattathias refused, another Jew came forward, ready to compromise.

42. The last thing we need is another poor, stinking Jew.

43. Becoming definition, that suits or gives a pleasing effect or attractive appearance, as to a person or thing: a Becoming dress; a Becoming hairdo

44. He wants my name to curse the lips of every Jew.

45. A JEW named Andrew made the above startling announcement to his brother over 1,950 years ago.

46. Or that he might have been a Jew whose parents converted to escape the Spanish Inquisition.

47. Scholarships for Becoming a Biophysicist

48. The Jew that was hanged - I want to unearth his body.

49. His keen thinking abilities were respected by Jew and Gentile alike.

50. Chapter three narrates the economy activity which Jew return the Occident.

51. I don' t even know a fuckin ' Jew who' d have the balls to say that

52. Although this scholarly Jew had become a Catholic convert, the Spanish hierarchy refused to overlook his background.

53. Left, Jews at Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and, above, a Jew praying, with Jerusalem in background

54. “I Dreamed of Becoming a Priest”

55. I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian .

56. The unsub's anticipating becoming a suspect.

57. He admitted to becoming a convert.

58. It was becoming a ticklish situation.

59. He is a. on becoming a sailor.

60. Career Resources: “Becoming a Biophysicist.” (n.d.)

61. Coal is becoming a rare commodity.

62. Her life was becoming a desolation.

63. Commercials are really becoming a plague.

64. She dreamed of becoming a chef.

65. He is fast becoming a personage.

66. Harry aims at becoming a doctor.

67. Albert Einstein was an Ashkenazi Jew, as were Gertrude Stein and Carl Sagan.

68. In Israel or the diaspora, hardly any Jew considers himself of Arab culture.

69. A priest and a Levite ignored a half-dead fellow Jew, yet a Samaritan went out of his way to help him.

70. May 3 - The Aleph Zadik Aleph , the oldest Jew ish youth fraternity, founded.

71. I don't dodge guilt, and I don't Jew out of paying my comeuppance.

72. Invest-ment is becoming a chancy business.

73. Before becoming an author, Barer was a …

74. Congratulations on becoming a Litchfield correctional officer.

75. He felt her becoming a fixture, irreplaceable.

76. Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.

77. The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.

78. Our foundling is fast becoming a woman.

79. But an anti-Semitic slur when used Attributively: I shoulda known they'd stick me in a room with a Jew cop

80. How can a writer avoid becoming a plagiarist?