Use "be a law unto oneself" in a sentence

1. Boys his age are a law unto themselves.

2. No matter how high one's position, he must never be a law unto himself.

3. Boys of that age are a law unto themselves.

4. The police seem to be a law unto themselves sometimes, even if it does prejudice a fair trial.

5. My car's a law unto itself I can't rely on it.

6. Burning oneself is forbidden to Brahmans and Kshatriyas by a special law .

7. She was a law unto herself and did what she wanted to do.

8. Thanks be unto God.

9. Offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a Contrite spirit; and unto

10. Stocking For some reason or other, each and every system is a law unto itself.

11. Welcome to Acing Your Law Exam The law-exam format is unique among academic tests, and taking law exams is a skill unto itself—a skill most law students lack, especially early on

12. Charlie, of course, never fills in the record forms but then he's a law unto himself.

13. One should be strict with oneself.

14. Be ye faithful unto the end.

15. Chaos arises when we allow each state to act as a law unto itself in world affairs

16. 18 Now, there was a punishment affixed, and a just law given, which brought remorse of aconscience unto man.

17. 10 For he said unto them: What ye shall ado unto me shall be a type of things to come.

18. Let all things be done unto edifying.

19. Be equal to say to sell him oneself.

20. James calls the command to love one’s neighbor as oneself “the kingly law.” —Jas 2:8.

21. To be a recipient is normally to put oneself in a subordinate position.

22. 2 ‘a minor official Condescended to see us’ SYNONYMS deign , stoop, descend, lower oneself, humble oneself, demean oneself, debase oneself, vouchsafe, think fit, see fit, deem it worthy of oneself, consent

23. To change oneself so as to be Adapted

24. 19. (a) How can one prove oneself to be like good soil?

25. If one was unable to gratify oneself, that would be a disorder.

26. Should not be absorbed in recommending oneself simply.

27. They observed to akeep the law of Moses and the bsabbath day holy unto the Lord.

28. The mood after be lovelorn, who can accuse oneself?

29. Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people.

30. to be severe with oneself and lenient with others.

31. Mt 12:31-32: Therefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and Blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

32. Ask: After be lovelorn how to adjust oneself present mood?

33. I am sightly extending this logic: If you measure love unto others, the same love will be measured unto you.

34. What a tragic result for allowing oneself to be misled by teachings of demons!

35. How can this matter of conducting oneself as a lesser one be well summarized?

36. Would you cry bitterly, be like to enchant an oneself?

37. While Abrogate means ‘repeal (a law),’ arrogate means ‘take or claim (something) for oneself without justification,’ often in the structure arrogate something to oneself, as in the emergency committee arrogated to itself whatever powers it chose

38. Autobiography, the biography of oneself narrated by oneself

39. Peter: Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.

40. Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, andblasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme.

41. Imprison oneself in a person's world.

42. Confidence towards oneself and towards the own partner seems be a basic of a good partnership.

43. The giving of oneself in the marital act is a revealing of oneself to the other.

44. See: (a)round the corner a tight corner all Corners of the earth all Corners of the world amen corner around the corner back (one or oneself) into a corner back oneself into a corner back/paint somebody/yourself into a corner be backed into a corner be cornered be in a tight corner box (oneself) into a corner box (someone) into a corner catty-corner

45. See: (a)round the corner a tight corner all corners of the earth all corners of the world amen corner around the corner back (one or oneself) into a corner back oneself into a corner back/paint somebody/yourself into a corner be backed into a corner be Cornered be in a tight corner box (oneself) into a corner box (someone) into a corner catty-corner

46. See: (a)round the Corner a tight Corner all Corners of the earth all Corners of the world amen Corner around the Corner back (one or oneself) into a Corner back oneself into a Corner back/paint somebody/yourself into a Corner be backed into a Corner be Cornered be in a tight Corner box (oneself) into a Corner box (someone) into a Corner catty-Corner

47. 42 And she shall be an aensign unto the people, and there shall come unto her out of every bnation under heaven.

48. Fear can be irrational, and in this case the approach should be to desensitize oneself.

49. See: (a)round the corner a tight corner all Corners of the earth all Corners of the world amen corner around the corner back (one or oneself) into a corner back oneself into a corner back/paint somebody/yourself into a corner be backed into a corner be cornered be in a tight corner box (oneself) into a corner box (someone) into a corner catty-corner

50. Anoint (someone/oneself) with To touch someone or oneself with a liquid (such as oil or water)

51. This might be due to a sensitive, introverted disposition or even to an overestimate of oneself.

52. " We're basically a world unto ourselves.

53. It is impolite to be arrogantbrag about oneself or one's inner circle.

54. This is not a matter of pushing oneself forward to be noticed, or competing with others.

55. To amuse ( oneself ) a light, frolicsome manner.

56. Swearing is a way of expressing oneself.

57. Customary law is said to be unspecialised law

58. 24 Therefore, wo be unto him that is at aease in Zion!

59. The accused may be prosecuted under Criminal Law whereas a private individual may be sued under Civil Law.

60. And imitating God means coming out of oneself, giving oneself in love.

61. And, moreover, he did not wait for the members of his family to be Admonishers unto him, because by his life and acts he became a teacher unto them.

62. * Wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion, 2 Ne.

63. Before going amongst outlandish strangers, it may be sensible to camouflage oneself.

64. Be like intended person contact directly with oneself please, intermediary not faze!

65. It can be spent freely and mercifully on others or can be hoarded stingily for oneself.

66. To adorn ( oneself ) in a showy manner.

67. Anoint (someone/oneself) with To touch someone or oneself with a liquid (such as oil or water)

68. • Caring for oneself.

69. * The gospel must be preached unto every creature, D&C 58:64.

70. * Be reconciled unto God through the atonement of Christ, Jacob 4:11.

71. Therefore, go with me into my house and I will impart unto thee of my bfood; and I know that thou wilt be a blessing unto me and my house.

72. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

73. * Wo be unto him that rejecteth the word of God, 2 Ne.

74. He thought it churlish not to be able to acquit oneself in French

75. Administrative law enforcement must be strict, civilized law enforcement.

76. 36 Yea, and acry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy bdoings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy cthoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

77. 10 Wherefore it Behooveth me that he should be a ordained by you, Oliver Cowdery mine apostle; 11 This being an ordinance unto you, that you are an elder under his hand, he being the a first unto you, that you might be an elder unto this church of Christ, bearing my name—

78. How can one be so stupid, as to cut oneself in the ass?


80. Self-Anointed definition is - chosen or designated by oneself : Anointed by oneself