Use "as you know" in a sentence

1. I get around, as you know.

2. As you know, Julia is leaving soon.

3. I'm no friend of socialism, as you know.

4. And as you know, greed knows no bounds.

5. As you know, matter is composed of Atoms

6. Yes, but he's so elusive, as you know.

7. And as you know, China is the most populous.

8. He always was a fancy dresser as you know.

9. And as you know, ma'am, the workforce is highly skilled.

10. As you know, your wife's CT scan showed intracranial hemorrhaging.

11. As you know, fighting is abhorred here at St Trinian's.

12. Cyprus, as you know, is an island in the Mediterranean.

13. As you know, I was struck while riding a motorcycle.

14. The traffic jam is awful in Tokyo, as you know.

15. W : No , we don't, as you know, we are dicker.

16. Well, as you know, war is just politics by other means.

17. Well, the brain, as you know, is made up of neurons.

18. As you know from the reading, DNA is a fragile molecule.

19. As you know, Parallax receives demands from all phases of industry.

20. And the pitches, the notes, as you know, are just vibrations.

21. As you know, Kudankulam is a plant which is Indo-Russian collaboration.

22. As you know, he was brought in in a very deranged state.

23. As you know, sir, we think the state secret defense is strong.

24. 4 I have, as you know, been slightly down in the mouth.

25. As you know, we have a standard procedure for announcing Prime Ministerial visits.

26. Boys, I'm not a drinking man, as you know, but there are times.

27. As you know, today Prime Minister has had a packed calendar of engagements.

28. As you know, acceding to our request, they increased our quota by 10,000.

29. India, as you know, is going to develop 100 rivers as inland water ways.

30. And so computers, as you know, these big computers, there are now tiny computers.

31. That’s a unilateral law, a unilateral act imposed by the Congress, as you know.

32. Now, as you know, sunflowers track the sun during the course of the day.

33. Question: As you know, the Australian Government does have a uranium supply agreement with China.

34. Now, a satyr is naturally drawn, as you know, to the power of the Fleece.

35. We have learned to talk to the big brain -- taste and reward, as you know.

36. As you know Blackwork is a vintage style of embroidery so we decided to create our

37. So use Blasty if you wish, as long as you know the extent of its powers

38. In fact, we never spoke words of adulation, as you know" (1 Thes 2: 2, 5).

39. As you know, the main vault is here in the counting room on the top floor.

40. As you know, many hoard their wealth, greedily seek to increase it, or spend it selfishly.

41. As you know, participation at the Summit was based on the "Banjul formula” of the African Union.

42. As you know, we have a very carefully crafted, united kind of strategy by the developing countries.

43. As you know, the Administration has not shied from sanctioning such activities, as required by U.S. law.

44. You'll want to add as many bridge addresses as you know about, since additional bridges will increase reliability.

45. Now, Venice, as you know, has a tempestuous relationship with the sea, and is built upon wooden piles.

46. As you know, however, it all depends on whether the energy package proposed by the Commission is accepted.

47. Mein Führer, as you know, all medical departments that fall under the SS and Himmler, have left Berlin.

48. As you know, India attaches great importance to this Agreement and to civil nuclear commerce with the international community.

49. As you know, when you're a kid there's no way you wanna hang out with your four-year-younger brother.

50. As you know, the term BRIC actually came into existence because of the combined economic strength of these four countries.

51. As you know, I'm Chinese, and some of you might heard that China is a big country of Piratical Products.

52. As you know, my last posting before I resigned my commission was at Nuremberg from November 1945 to October 19

53. As you know, President Vladimir Putin has submitted a proposal to arrive at a visa-free regime in the long term.

54. Alan Turing, as you know, is the father of computer science and in many ways, the father of AI as well.

55. As you know, Prime Minister arrived in Singapore from Malaysia last evening and almost immediately went in for the Singapore Lecture.

56. He actually mentioned the fact that they proceeded down a path in the past, and, ultimately, as you know, nothing got done.

57. Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you're aiming for and don't let others undermine you.

58. As you know, we are committed to and we have always advocated freedom of navigation, of over flights and of un-impeded commerce.

59. 5 Professional and pecuniary plans meet with success so long as you know what you're aiming for and don't let others undermine you.

60. Official Spokesperson: As you know, these are all operational issues and these are best addressed to those who are handling these operational matters.

61. Anapests Yet she was a goddess, as you know, and the offspring [ genos ] of gods, 835 while we are mortals and mortal-born [ genos ]

62. Kids, as you know, earlier that year, I'd learned that Lily had broken up not one, not two, but seven of my past relationships.

63. Categories means (as you know), in Greek, the equivalent of the word "predicaments" in Latin: what is most radically predicable to define a field.

64. What does Acquaintance mean? The definition of an Acquaintance is someone you know casually but don't know as well as you know a friend

65. But I got a phone call from Bono in 1985 and, as you know, he's a great singer, but he's a magnificent hustler, and --

66. As you know, “scaphā” means “boat”, but what does “scaphīs” mean? Scaphīs is the plural Ablative, which means that instead of “boat”, it’ll be “boats”.

67. As you know that is a decision which was adopted by consensus and in November the next round of the IGN is expected to begin.

68. India is participating actively in preventing piracy operations, as you know, on the other side in the Gulf of Aden and off the Horn of Africa.

69. 10 Wendy: As you know, as an intern, you're an assistant to all of us here. We have a junior accountant, Dennis Lin, but he's off today.

70. As you know, you can trim down the JBoss AS configuration to the set of services that you actually need; this has always been possible with JBoss.

71. As you know, there are plans afoot for dialogue of this kind to take place and there is also due to be a meeting on 8 November.

72. Bravelets has been hard at work producing your custom Texas Brave Collection! As you know, 100% of proceeds were donated to the American Red Cross - Hurricane Harvey Relief

73. In the area of trade, as you know, we are already offering Bangladesh duty free access to the Indian market for some 4800 tariff lines under the SAFTA agreement.

74. The repairer may have to examine the item to locate the fault and is entitled to charge a fee for doing this , so long as you know in advance .

75. As you know, the plant of Jordan India Fertiliser Company Limited (JIFCO) was incorporated on 6th March 2008 and its produce mainly phosphoric acid which is going to be shipped back to India.

76. I liked them but they seemed to be extraneous activities , my main function being reading and writing , and as you know to your cost I produced 1500 printed pages during my last term .

77. We had a bit of a break because, as you know, there were aftershocks today in Kathmandu which closed the airport for some time but by late evening we expect to have all 13 in.

78. Now as you know the current bill is before the Parliament, once that bill is accepted and becomes an act then we might bring about changes in our current rules as we have at the moment.

79. As you know, conducting foreign policy is hard, requiring an understanding of nuance and linkages among issues, as well as focus and the ability to earn the trust and respect of those with whom you interact.

80. This is an ongoing conversation, as you know because these are issues which we need to address jointly and we will brief in detail about this after the Prime Minister's meeting on the 2nd (August) tomorrow.