Use "argue" in a sentence

1. Argue with Gallacher continued to Argue with the referee throughout the game

2. Paxton, don't argue!

3. They argue continually about money.

4. When they stop, they argue.

5. And I started to argue.

6. They always argue about everything.

7. Don't argue with your mother.

8. And nobody is gonna argue.

9. Are we going to argue?

10. Can't argue with his logic.

11. We shouldn't argue about politics.

12. 6 They argue continually about money.

13. Well, there's no need to argue.

14. Argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss, reason

15. I've, I've done more than argue.

16. Don't agree, but don't argue either.

17. I wouldn't argue with that statement.

18. Few will argue with this conclusion.

19. Three considerations argue against increasing fee.

20. They sometimes argue off for hours.

21. His manners argue a good upbringing.

22. Backgrounders provide information, position papers argue

23. We began to bicker and argue.

24. Why do you argue against me?

25. Who could argue with that, huh?

26. The admin, they argue, is too fiddly.

27. Motorists who argue with police are beaten.

28. Does this not argue for divine inspiration?

29. Tom , they argue, is rightfully their property.

30. Argufy (v.) "to argue for the sake of controversy, wrangle, worry with arguments," 1751, colloquial, from argue + -fy.

31. People generally quarrel because they cannot Argue

32. Critics argue raising employment costs deters hiring.

33. The children listen attentively, argue, develop themes.

34. Gentlemen, when we argue, the terrorists win.

35. I don't have to argue with anybody.

36. Well, I can't argue with basic arithmetic.

37. It is Absurd to argue about this

38. I would argue life is a rheostat.

39. She tried to argue the matter away.

40. It is absurd to argue about this.

41. To argue would be prissy, he decided.

42. I won't stoop to argue with him.

43. Nobody felt inclined to Argue with Smith

44. The balloon takes off while they argue.

45. Libertarians argue that nothing should be censored.

46. Acetabulous To argue otherwise is the fixture data

47. Argue → Page 1 of 474 Results →474 Results →

48. Language Bank Argue verbs for reporting an opinion

49. Is it ok for parents to argue sometimes ?

50. Contrarious (Adjective) Tending to counter, oppose, resist, argue.

51. You can also say that two people Argue

52. And I would argue that there are four.

53. Argue definition: present reasons and arguments synonyms: expostulate, reason, defend, fend for, lay out, re-Argue, support, present, represent antonyms: conform

54. Controvert definition, to argue against; dispute; deny; oppose

55. The New Science of How to Argue—Constructively

56. Some environmentalists argue that the concept of Assimilative

57. I tried to argue him into joining us.

58. All right, I'm too tired to argue tonight.

59. Don't argue with him on this happy occasion.

60. Who are you to argue with the “experts”?

61. And what that means is that I argue.

62. I always come off worse when we argue.

63. People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms.

64. Intuition told her it was unwise to argue.

65. Brabble definition, to argue stubbornly about trifles; wrangle

66. Many people argue that long Backswings feel powerful

67. Human beings Argue, but not always so effectively

68. I am not in the mood to argue.

69. They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.

70. It's bad form to argue with the umpire.

71. People generally quarrel because they cannot argue

72. It's normal for couples to argue now and then.

73. It 's normal for parents to disagree and argue .

74. 3 [transitive] Argue something (formal) to show clearly that something exists or is true These latest developments Argue a change in government policy

75. Japan 'Twitter killer' victims Consented to death, lawyers argue

76. Previous first ladies, they argue, Cannily downplayed their impact

77. There is therefore this temptation to argue against doctrine.

78. WHO can argue with the above-mentioned historical truism?

79. They argue that Zionism is exclusionist and thus racist.

80. Students find that all historians argue reasonably and persuasively.