Use "akinesia" in a sentence

1. Akinesic From the web: what akinesia means; what causes akinesia; what does akinesia mean

2. Akinesic From the web: what akinesia means; what causes akinesia; what does akinesia mean

3. Akinesia Definition Akinesia is a medical disorder characterized by impaired muscle movements

4. Akinesia means “without movement”

5. Neurology: Parkinson’s Akinesia

6. Home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / Akinesia definition Medical Definition of Akinesia

7. Akinesia literally means absence of movement, and Akinesia is commonly viewed as an extreme of bradykinesia

8. There was no significant difference between the two groups in lid akinesia, globe akinesia, and globe anesthesia.

9. akinesia (loss of muscle movement

10. Akinesia paradoxica was never definitely influenced.

11. The pure Akinesia with gait freezing phenotype illustrates that bradykinesia and Akinesia should be viewed as separate phenomena.

12. Akinesic meaning Of or pertaining to akinesia.

13. What Is Akinesia? The formal Akinesia definition is the inability or decreased ability to move voluntarily, whether it is temporary or permanent

14. Contributing to these symptoms is the akinesia.

15. In neurology, Akinesia is categorize as a motor disorder

16. Lid akinesia was supplemented with periosteal injections if needed.

17. Akinesia Akinesia is a term for the loss of ability to move your muscles voluntarily. It’s most often described as a symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD)

18. Hypokinesia is often seen together with Akinesia and bradykinesia

19. In neurology, Akinesia is termed as a motor disease.

20. All patients were studied when acute Akinesia led to hospitalization.

21. Medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease will show symptoms of Akinesia

22. Furthermore, the chief parkinsoniam symptoms (tremor, rigidity, akinesia) are better influenced.

23. Akinesia is usually a symptom of advanced Parkinson’s disease

24. Akinesia is sometimes referred to as “freezing” in patients with Parkinson’s disease

25. References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries applicable to the clinical term "Akinesia" Akinesia - R29.898 Other symptoms and signs involving the musculoskeletal system

26. Akinesia is the condition in which there is impairment of motor function

27. Stiffness without rigidity (Akinesia, Asynergia) seemed to be not influenced by Pallidotomy.

28. Akinesia is a medical term which describes a loss of motor function

29. Akinesia of the orbioularis muscle does not influence the ophthalmodynamographically recorded pressure values.

30. Such adverse effects can motor deficits, which include catalepsy or akinesia.

31. Akinesia is a medical disorder which is characterized by impaired muscle movement

32. Akinesia is the absence of movement while hypokinesia describes abnormally decreased movement

33. Objective: To assess acute Akinesia in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) (“acute Akinesia” defined as a sudden deterioration in motor performance that persists for ≥48 hours despite treatment)

34. 1 Basically patient suffering from Akinesia does not have any normal bodily movements

35. Akehorne akene aker akimbo akin I akin II akinesia aknee akola akre-al

36. Akinesia, hypokinesia and bradykinesia are often used loosely and inaccurately (Berardelli et al., 2001)

37. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR; Akinesia: The state of being without movement

38. 61 rows  · Fetal Akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) is a condition characterized …

39. Medical definition of Akinesia: loss or impairment of voluntary activity (as of a muscle).

40. Akinesia is a term in medicine as meaning or describing loss of motor functions

41. Akinesia can affect a particular part of the body or all parts of the body

42. Akinesia is the medical term for your inability to move your muscles willingly

43. "Akinesia" References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

44. What does Akinesia mean? Loss of normal motor function, resulting in impaired muscle movement

45. Akinesia means lack of movement or contraction of a region of the heart muscle

46. Clinically, unilateral rigidity and tremor prevailed in most cases while akinesia was slight or absent.

47. Akinesia is a symptom pertaining to bradykinesia (slowness of movement) and muscle stiffness or rigidity

48. Akinesia is a disease which makes muscles inflexible, and the patient feels frozen permanently or temporarily

49. Akinesia is a compound word that comes from the prefix, “-a”, meaning without or lacking thereof and, the Greek word “kinesis”, meaning movement or in motion. Literally speaking, Akinesia translates to “the lacking of movement” or “without movement”

50. Injectable anesthesia (RBA, PBA, STA) provides a higher level of analgesia and globe akinesia.

51. This is in contrast to results obtained previously in Parkinsonian patients with severe akinesia.

52. Akinesia is a movement disorder that is diagnosed and studied in several medical disciplines

53. But, Akinesia (akinetic-rigid syndrome) can also occur as a sign for other diseases

54. Akinesia can be caused by paralysis (temporary or permanent), or being in a coma.

55. The fetal Akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) refers to a clinically and genetically heterogeneous constellation of features including fetal Akinesia, intrauterine growth retardation, arthrogryposis, and developmental anomalies, including lung hypoplasia, cleft palate, and cryptorchidism (Vogt et al., 2009).

56. Beyond any doubt, however, profound globe akinesia offers a broader safety margin to the ophthalmic microsurgeon.

57. Fetal arthrogryposis multiplex congenita/fetal Akinesia deformation sequence (FADS)-Aetiology, diagnosis, and management Prenat Diagn

58. The patient died of refractory shock with persistent intracardiac shunt and RV akinesia on day nine.

59. Akinesia of globe and orbicularis muscle is widely considered as an essential prerequisite for cataract surgery.

60. Pertofran (Desmethyl-imipramine) shows good therapeutie effects in cases of Parkinson-Syndrom on rigor, tremor, and akinesia.

61. Additionally, O’Brien’s method was used immediately before RBA to create akinesia of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

62. Akinesia may also be observed as an extrapyramidal behavioral side-effect of antipsychotic medication in various patients.

63. Although akinesia and rigidity are well described by current animal models, the pathophysiology of tremor is unclear.

64. The cardinal symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) are akinesia, rigidity, and a 3-6 Hz limb tremor.

65. ‘This is a hypokinetic disorder characterized by hypokinesia or Akinesia, rigidity, and a rhythmic fine tremor at the rate of 3-6 cycles per second.’ ‘An echocardiogram excluded major pericardial effusion, showing a non-dilated left ventricle with inferior wall Akinesia and overall moderate function.’

66. For example, pollakisuria and urge incontinence are restrictive for social activities and, simultaneously, nighttime akinesia disturbs sleep and recovery.

67. Lid akinesia was obtained with a medial extraconal injection (3.5 ml) of alkalinized bupivacaine with or without an adjunct.

68. ‘This is a hypokinetic disorder characterized by hypokinesia or Akinesia, rigidity, and a rhythmic fine tremor at the rate of 3-6 cycles per second.’ ‘An echocardiogram excluded major pericardial effusion, showing a non-dilated left ventricle with inferior wall Akinesia and overall moderate function.’

69. PubMed is a searchable database of medical literature and lists journal articles that discuss Fetal Akinesia syndrome X-linked

70. In consequence, the importance of orbicularis akinesia and facial nerve block is reduced during closed-system cataract surgery.

71. During the initial phase the patients exhibited severe akinesia and prolonged reaction times as compared with normal subjects.

72. Akinesia is due to disturbances in the functions of the cortico-thalamo-nigro-striatal system and associated areas.

73. Akinesia (Concept Id: C0085623) Inability to initiate changes in activity or movement and to perform ordinary volitional movements rapidly and easily.

74. The degree of improvement in akinesia, rigidity and tremor tended to be reversely related to the severity of the disease.

75. Despite decreasing preference within the last years, retrobulbar anesthesia is still the best method to achieve good globe akinesia [11].

76. Fetal Akinesia has multiple clinical subtypes with over 160 gene associations, but the genetic etiology is not yet completely understood

77. Patients have apical akinesia of the left or both ventricles with hyperkinesia of the basal segments, which causes ventricular dysfunction.

78. In neurology, Akinesia is a sign of Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive destruction of neurons in the brain

79. In the subsequent echocardiography a severely impaired left ventricular function with apical akinesia was observed, while the preoperative echocardiogram was normal.

80. For globe akinesia all patients (n = 120) received an inferolateral intraconal injection (3 ml) of pH-adjusted bupivacaine 0.75% and hyaluronidase.