Use "air density" in a sentence

1. ratio between density of exhaust component and density of air

2. Air density and, uh, combustion.

3. is the ratio between CO2 density and density of air (u factor)

4. air density at the test conditions

5. is the ratio between density of exhaust component and density of air

6. Aerostatics studies density allocation, especially in air.

7. ratio between density of exhaust component and density of air from table 6

8. Dry intake air density = 1.293 kg/m3 with

9. Density of the air varies with altitude and temperature.

10. The Aerodynamic forces also depend on the air velocity and density.

11. D0220 Density of dry air Ratio of the mass of dry air to the volume which it occupies.

12. Soils with a low dry density have a lower air-entry value and residual matric suction than soils with a high dry density.

13. A Chillness, a density in the air that had not been there before

14. • Energy density, relative density, or density meters

15. Compaction is defined as the process of increasing soil density by removing air voids

16. is the density of dry air at # °C at a pressure of # mm Hg

17. All of a sudden the density of the air is no longer the same.

18. If breathing carbon dioxide seems uninviting, the density of the air will appear worse.

19. Density of dry air at standard temperature and standard pressure shall be taken as: i.

20. is the dry air density defined in paragraph 3.2.10. of this UN GTR, kg/m3;

21. **) For air density of 1.225 kg/m 3 , corresponding to dry air at standard atmospheric pressure at sea level at 15° C.

22. 3 synonyms for Absorbance: optical density, photographic density, transmission density

23. A mixture of clean dry air and water vapour for which the vapour pressure (density) is less than the saturated vapour pressure (density) at the same temperature.

24. — cair is the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure and density [kWh/(m3 K)];

25. " RHO " is air density in slugs per cubic foot, and velocity is in feet per second.

26. The coating formulation was successfully sprayed onto a medium-density fibreboard using an air-assisted spray gun.

27. — 0,0012 is the density of dry air at 20 °C at a pressure of 760 mm Hg

28. 0,0012 is the density of dry air at 20 °C at a pressure of 760 mm Hg

29. Using the standard sea level conditions of # a and # °C and the gas constant for dry air # the air density D may be calculated as

30. Spectral density and cross - spectral density and bi - cross - spectral density are also de.

31. B1270 Bulk density of soil Dry weight of a soil sample per unit volume (inclusive of air enclosed).

32. Dry wood calibrations demonstrated strong predictive relationships with R2p ranging from 0.87 (air-dry density) to 0.95 (stiffness).

33. Then it Calculates how much power the wind turbine produces at that wind speed at standard air density.

34. At both height levels, mean air-dry (11–12% m c) density is an uniform 0,60 g/cm3.

35. FRAME: 272 The rate of change of pressure with altitude varies, depending upon the density of the air.

36. Density ratio to air - the heavier gases and vapours are, the faster they sink, mixing progressively with the available air and accumulating in trenches, conduits and shafts.

37. Density meter

38. Density Map

39. density declaration

40. Print Density

41. density map

42. The density of Chlorine gas is approximately 2.5 times greater than air, which will cause it to initially remain near the ground in areas with little air movement.

43. In aircraft (other than lighter-than-air balloons and blimps), the added mass is not usually taken into account because the density of the air is so small.

44. VL was related positively to air-dry density, and negatively to static shear modulus (Longitudinal-Tangential and Longitudinal-Radial planes).

45. 7 synonyms for Compactness: density, solidity, thickness, concentration, denseness, density, tightness

46. — Storing silage correctly to avoid dry matter losses: packing silage to a proper density eliminates air and thus undesirable aerobic organisms.

47. "Density" in all surveys refers to relative rather than absolute density.

48. A diagnosis of Atelectasis requires the following: A density, representing lung devoid of air ; Signs indicating loss of lung volume - classification

49. 7 In terms of density, the voyage from interplanetary to intergalactic space is more drastic than going from water into air.

50. Twenty Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) radial strips were characterized in terms of air-dry density, microfibril angle (MFA), and stiffness.

51. Storing silage correctly to avoid dry matter losses: packing silage to a proper density eliminates air and thus undesirable aerobic organisms.

52. In fact, water has a density about 800 times that of air and its viscosity is about fifty times as great.

53. • Digital density meter

54. Due to the density of a HEPA filter, it may act to strain the air pumps, restricting air flow which would impede the cabinet’s ability to properly dry exhibits (13).

55. Because density -- the units of density are like kilograms per meter cubed.

56. That's because your Airspeed indicator reports a slower speed than true Airspeed as density decreases, based on altitude and air temperature changes

57. Identical basic principle of fuel/air metering (e.g. carburettor / single point injection / multi point injection / engine speed density through MAP/ mass airflow);

58. According to standard # and # */, the relative density for # i.e. the ratio of masses of equal volumina of gas and dry air is

59. The actual density of the soil is always greater than its bulk density.

60. Autoclaved Concrete Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), a form of cellular concrete, is a low-density cementitious product of calcium silicate hydrates in which the low density is obtained by the formation of macroscopic air bubbles, mainly by chemical …

61. However, at lower altitudes, the higher air density and lack of a power assisted control system makes the aircraft very difficult to fly.

62. Buoyant density: the density that allows a substance to float in some standard fluid.

63. Online Butane Density Calculator

64. Uh, gravity, electron density.

65. Water density must be specified, since Buoyances will vary with changes in water density.

66. *) The density of dry air at standard atmospheric pressure at sea level at 15° C is used as a standard in the wind industry.

67. Relationships between measured and NIR estimates for green wood were good; coefficients of determination (R2) ranged from 0.79 (MFA) to 0.85 (air-dry density).

68. NIR spectroscopy has the potential to predict the air-dry density, MFA, and stiffness of 10-mm sections of green P. taeda wood samples.

69. I assume density is absolute.

70. - the absolute density and/or

71. Aluminium is low in density.

72. Bradded Megaphones - - High-density plastic

73. · the absolute density and/or

74. Actually, I really like density.

75. Lead has a high density.

76. Abrasive medium with selected density

77. You can serve higher density versions of creatives to mobile devices that have high density displays.

78. 20 Paclobutrazol can retard seedling futile growth more strongly under normal density than under high density.

79. Alchemic precursor Details Type Density

80. (b) The actual filling density;