Use "agama" in a sentence

1. Balinese Hinduism (Indonesian: Agama Hindu Dharma; Agama Tirtha; Agama Air Suci; Agama Hindu Bali) is the form of Hinduism practiced by the majority of the population of Bali

2. One of the most famous lizards is the Agama agama.

3. Red-Headed Agamas (Agama agama) is a species of lizard that is found in Africa

4. Extracts and perfusate effluents of lungs of the rainbow lizard (Agama agama) were assayed for prostaglandin-like activity.

5. Primary schools are called Sekolah Rendah Agama (SRA), while secondary schools are called Sekolah Menengah Agama (SMA).

6. The Tail of the Agama Lizard

7. The relaxant effects of isoprenaline, noradrenaline, and adrenaline on the isolated rectum of the rainbow lizard (Agama agama) were studied.

8. Then perhaps sentator Agama, you should accmopany her

9. This agama lizard has spotted an opportunity.

10. Terorisme adalah musuh semua agama," kata Ahy …

11. An Agamid lizard, especially one of the genus Agama

12. Late 19th century from modern Latin Agamidae, from agama.

13. THE agama jumps from a horizontal surface onto a vertical wall with ease.

14. The herbivore species that are thriving eat mostly agama beans, soy, anything lysine-rich.

15. Within a very short period AGAMA was again viable. Proof of this was the sale of AGAMA to the private sector at the end of 1996 by a public tendering procedure to the highest of four tenderers;

16. Two species of pharyngodonid (Oxyuroidea; Nematoda) parasites were collected from Agama adramitana in Saudi Arabia:

17. In their opinion, the Government of the Balearic Islands' management of AGAMA had given excellent results.

18. From their vantage point, agama lizards wait for the arrival of the herds, ready to seize their moment.

19. However, this is part of the commercial strategy of the retailers concerned and cannot be blamed on AGAMA.

20. [From New Latin Agamidae, family name, from agama.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

21. On the forest floor, I spotted a blue and orange agama lizard mounting watch on a fallen tree trunk.

22. Furthermore, because the territory is an island, AGAMA always has a market for its products, despite the sector having surplus capacity.

23. Baka The Bahagian Agama dan Kaunseling (Religious And Counselling Division) or Baka is the Muslim chaplain service of the Royal Malaysian Police.

24. The success of N. nigricollis likely lies not in dietary flexibility but in the consistency with which its juveniles prey upon a single prey type (lizards, mainly Agama agama) that is so abundant in nearly every altered habitat in Nigeria and is a virtually unlimited food resource for young N. nigricollis.

25. Ujian Aptitud Kemahiran Berfikir 4 Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah 3 Kecenderungan: Akademik 13.0 Agama 6.4 Sukan 10.9 Seni 7.8 Teknik/Vok 6.4 31

26. In addition, according to the documentation submitted by the Spanish authorities, AGAMA did not sell its products at below cost price.

27. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Agamid lizard"): agama (small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World)

28. Brahmana adalah salah satu golongan karya atau warna dalam agama Hindu.Mereka adalah golongan cendekiawan yang menguasai ajaran, pengetahuan, adat, adab hingga keagamaan

29. Agama belongs to second type of Knowledge known as ‘Sruta Jnana’ (Scriptural Knowledge) according to Jainism.The Jain Agamas describes the philosophy of Jainism.

30. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Agamid"): agama (small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World)

31. Hal ini disampaikan Ahy saat menggelar doa bersama lintas agama yang bertajuk "Doa Bersama untuk Bangsa" di Kantor DPP Partai Demokrat, Jalan Proklamasi No

32. (42) The Spanish authorities take the view that Government intervention in favour of AGAMA can be compared to the action of a private investor.

33. According to the planfour - sided , polygonal or curvilinearthe southern vimanas are classified in the southern Silpa and Agama texts as Nagara , Dravida and Vesara .

34. Early differentiation of the spermatid of Agama stellio is demonstrated by two anterior nuclear depressions, occupied by two proacrosomal vesicles, which fuse to form one vesicle.

35. These cloister galleries are designated in the Tamil inscriptions and texts as malikai ( malika ) as also in the Silpa and Agama literature on temple architecture .

36. In 1969, Aluk To Dolo ("the way of ancestors") was legalised as a sect of Agama Hindu Dharma, the official name of Hinduism in Indonesia.

37. Crocidura russula cypria, Microchiroptera, Cyrtodactylus kotschyi, Stellio stelion (Agama stellio), Chamaeleo chamaeleon, Ophisops elegans, Ablephrus kitaibelii, Chalcides ocellatus, Coluber jugularis, Telescopus fallax, Vipera lebetina, Bufo viridis.

38. (26) In May 1991, following AGAMA's notification that it had suspended payments and given the social consequences of the decision (most dairy farms on the island sold their milk to AGAMA), Semilla, with the assistance of Inmark SL, a company specialising in business management, decided to buy AGAMA shares and implement the measures proposed in an Inmark SL. study to guarantee the company's viability.

39. Shaivas may not necessarily believe in the Vedas, but they do in the sanctity and authority of the Agamas. The word "agama" means authoritative scripture.

40. (b) as regards the prevention of distortions of trade, production capacity was definitively reduced by 30 % and staff numbers were cut. In addition, AGAMA never sold its products below cost price;

41. 15 hours ago · Jakarta: Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (Ahy) meminta masyarakat tidak menghubungkan tindakan bom bunuh diri yang dilakukan teroris di depan Gereja Katedral dengan agama tertentu

42. Zoology any other lizard of the family Agamidae, which occur in the Old World and Australia and show a wide range of habits and diversity of structure another name for agama (sense 2)

43. Agama 阿含 (Skt, Pali; Jpn Agon ) Agamas: They are a class of scriptures from the early Buddhist teachings contained in the mahayana Tripitaka that correspond to the suttas (sutras) of the Pali canon

44. Other types of government or government-aided secondary schools include Religious Secondary School (Sekolah Menengah Agama), Technical Schools (Sekolah Menengah Teknik), Fully Residential Schools and MARA Junior Science College (Maktab Rendah Sains MARA).

45. The variety in form , namely , plan and rise , exemplified by these monoliths , locally called the rathas , would also indicate the existence of well - defined codes and manuals on rituals , art and architecturethe Agama , Silpa and Vastu Sastras .

46. (37) During the first period (August 1990 to April 1992), the Spanish Government intervened in favour of AGAMA through the publicly owned company Semilla, which paid off ESP 176 million (EUR 1057781,30) of AGAMA's debts to financial institutions.

47. While the unitary type of the southern temple in its simplest form consisted merely of the vimana proper enclosing the garbha - griha , with a porch - like antarala or ardha - mandapa , with the growth of the Agama and rituals , elaboration set in .

48. (13) On 3 April 1992, Semilla sold its shares and its option on AGAMA shares to Granjas Braut SA and Granjas Son Seat SAT for a total, including the repayment of AGAMA's debts to Semilla, of ESP 677 million (EUR 4068851,65).

49. (32) Government intervention in AGAMA also benefited milk producers, by enabling them to continue processing and marketing their milk despite the fact that being on an island prevents them supplying milk to neighbouring regions at a competitive price.

50. In addition, on 20 May 1991, Semilla took out, for ESP 1 million (EUR 6010,12), an option on 11674 AGAMA shares held by Paslac SA (a private company) at a total price of ESP 71 million (EUR 426718,59), i.e.

51. The two universities in question - the Agama Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Institute and Syiah Kuala University in Banda Aceh - lost one in ten of their staff and students and suffered major structural damage when the tsunami struck, and are still without direct communication links.

52. This temple complex in thus exemplifying the various features of the vimana form as enumerated and codified in the Silpa and Agama texts of the period , can be said to be a perfect text - book illustration or specimen to be studied in comparison with the texts .

53. With the experience and know how acquired in stone construction , technique and design , and with the forms and norms crystallized into codified Agama and Silpa manuals , the period that followed witnessed great activity in the construction of temples , particularly the great ones of south India and Sri Lanka .

54. Agamid: 1 n a lizard of the family Agamidae Synonyms: Agamid lizard Types: show 5 types hide 5 types agama small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World Chlamydosaurus kingi , frilled lizard large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck dragon , flying dragon , flying lizard any of several

55. The new species resembles P. almoriensis and P. kasauli from Agama tuberculata and Uromastix hardwickii, respectively; the genital cone is relatively well-developed, broad lateral alae terminate abruptly 50 to 90 μm anterior to the anus in males, and the caudal extremity of females is abruptly truncate and bears a short spinelike caudal appendage.

56. (69) With regard to the first Government intervention in favour of AGAMA, an external consultant carried out a viability study which set out the measures that needed to be implemented: a substantial reduction in staff numbers, renegotiation of the company's debt with its creditors, which resulted in the waiving of a substantial proportion of its debt, and injection of capital by the Government.

57. Other courts include the Commercial Court, which handles bankruptcy and insolvency; the State Administrative Court (Pengadilan Tata Negara) to hear administrative law cases against the government; the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi) to hear disputes concerning legality of law, general elections, dissolution of political parties, and the scope of authority of state institutions; and the Religious Court (Pengadilan Agama) to deal with codified Islamic Law (sharia) cases.

58. Under Law Number 1/PNPS/1965 on the Prevention of “Religious Abuse and/or Defamation”, commonly known in Indonesia as the blasphemy law (Undang-Undang Penodaan Agama) people may be imprisoned for “defamation” for as long as five years simply because they have peacefully exercised their right to freedom of expression or to freedom of thought, conscience or religion, which are protected under international human rights law.

59. Such a general understanding of the fundamentals of the southern vimana temple would be necessary , for it may not be practicable to describe in detail the temples that follow in the sequel , except The term vimana , according to all the early and most of the later Silpa and Agama works , as also many contemporary inscriptions , would denote the entire edifice from the upana or lowermost moulding of the adhishthana , or pedestal , to the stupi , or the topmost finial .

60. The extant three - storeyed brick structure of Sundaravaradaperumal over its stone adhishthana is unique again in having all the three storeys functional with the cellas dedicated to the standing , seated and reclining forms of Vishnu , while the abutting smaller shrines on the three sides of its two lower talas south , west and north , contain the six other principal forms of VishnuSatya , Achyuta , Anirudha , Naranarayana , Narasimha , and Varshathus incorporating the nine forms or navamurtis in accordance with the Vaikhanasa Agama .

61. In actual fact, the Government intervention in AGAMA, which was later sold for ESP 677 million (EUR 4068851,65), cost a total of ESP 663 million (EUR 3984710,25), i.e. ESP 606 million (EUR 3642133,35) plus interest, which breaks down as follows: loans of ESP 176 million (EUR 1057781,30) for the payment of debts to private financial institutions and ESP 272 million (EUR 1634752,92) for the payment of debts to milk producers and an injection of working capital of ESP 146 million (EUR 877477,67).