Use "after us the deluge" in a sentence

1. A deluge of tropical rain fell on us an hour later.

2. 5 Centuries after the Deluge, the kingdom of Judah faced a serious state of affairs.

3. " Perfect deluge, " he muttered after a while: he leaned his forehead on the glass.

4. When a baby is newborn, friends, family, and even strangers deluge us with moral support and advice.

5. The new wind brought rain, and not just showers, but a constant soaking deluge flying sometimes straight at us.

6. Deluge: To overrun with water; inundate.

7. This has brought a deluge of criticism.

8. The spring thaw caused the river to deluge the region.

9. About a dozen homes were damaged in the deluge.

10. Noah and his family were therefore preserved through the Deluge.

11. A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post.

12. I got caught in the deluge on the way home.

13. When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge.

14. The week before, a monsoonal deluge had swept through the river valley.

15. That all geologic strata were formed by the Biblical Deluge.

16. The Antediluvian (or pre-diluvian - both meaning "before the deluge") period is that period in Biblical history between the Creation of the earth and the Deluge

17. Only those aboard the ark could survive the coming Deluge! —Gen.

18. Voice over Meanwhile, sporting venues across the region have disappeared in the deluge.

19. The Antediluvian (or Pre-diluvian) period – meaning “before the deluge” – is the period referred to in the Bible between the Creation of the Earth and the Deluge (flood) in the Biblical cosmology

20. Nana crawled after us under the house.

21. Who is looking after us?

22. Here, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?

23. Is your cartel after us?

24. The Genesis account tells us the precise year, month, and day when the Deluge began, when and where the ark came to rest, and when the earth dried off.

25. 11 The Deluge of Noah’s day was a case of such intervention.

26. Jehovah told Noah that the Deluge would come in a week.

27. Top synonym for Aspergation (other word for Aspergation) is deluge.

28. The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.

29. Antediluvian - any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge

30. This little stream can become a deluge when it rains heavily.

31. 7 God had not given Noah a date when the Deluge would begin.

32. The Scriptures provide an absorbing account of the Deluge in the days of Noah.

33. He brought it to us after the war.

34. Versál has already spoken of a 'Batholite.' The Second Deluge

35. And now, he'll come after us.

36. Are your savings being eroded by the deluge of bills that arrive every month?

37. A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast.

38. Each of us was assigned a minder, someone who looked after us.

39. Unlike that Babylonian legend, the Bible’s Deluge account engenders confidence in its accuracy.

40. Came the deluge of scans, scopes, tests, probes and invasions by miraculous instruments.

41. Help us understand how you felt after the decision.

42. Remember the perv who hit on us after school?

43. Before God executed wicked people in the Deluge, he had Noah deliver a warning message

44. Brother men who live after us, Harden not your hearts against us.

45. Well, daddy, the thief, abandoned us after you... Died.

46. Why didn't those things come after us?

47. Defeat after defeat filled us with despair.

48. The nation’s capital, Yerevan, enjoys a stunning view of the two peaks of Mount Ararat, where, according to tradition, Noah’s ark came to rest after the global Deluge. —Genesis 8:4.

49. You just pay us, tell us we're doing well, and serve us Scotch after a good day.

50. “Sounds like the poor Bastard is infected with the fungus.” DELUGE (Part 32) – Brian Keene

51. After saying a prayer, he plunged us into the water.

52. The Antediluvian period or the Pre-Flood period is referred to the time ‘before the great deluge’

53. After she wrote the melody, she asked us for criticisms.

54. (Genesis 6:1-5) Jehovah dealt with the situation by bringing the global Deluge of Noah’s day.

55. Tribulation, is just like the hungry tiger, chasing after us.

56. At the back window, the oaks and the steep brown hill looked wonderfully romantic in the deluge.

57. You just pay us, tell us we' re doing well, and serve us Scotch after a good day

58. The main thing is the income tax people are after us.

59. After the Germans invaded us, it wasn't the same atmosphere anymore.

60. 25 US forces withdrew after suffering heavy losses .

61. That after- hours with sorrow chide us not!

62. The priest came after us again, accusing us of not complying with the legal requirements for the funeral permit.

63. One June day, my sister was caught in a thunderstorm, and the deluge completely ruined her hat.

64. We felt jumpy after she told us the house was haunted.

65. An equally extraordinary number of replies found their way back in a deluge to Manchester.

66. After China joining WTO, china-us trade relations after the unceasing development, mutual dependency are also growing.

67. Dotson was on the road during the deluge, and said he couldn't believe it when he heard the news.

68. The passenger terminal is named after the late US Senator Howard Cannon.

69. Our children will carry this tradition on after us.

70. She began to harp us to drink after dinner.

71. After awhile, one girl said she wanted us all.

72. Darkness had come prematurely with the deluge, the gloom summoned early by such an abundance of black cloud.

73. I mean, after all, they're holding it for us.

74. 22 Mrs Dobson invited us to dinner after church.

75. US President Richard M. Nixon resins after Watergate scandal.

76. When the small child learns to talk he will deluge you with questions: ‘Why does it rain?

77. As a result, he and his wife and his sons and their wives were preserved through the Deluge.

78. Then, over sixteen hundred years later, a deluge that covered all the earth destroyed the abandoned Garden.

79. The Deluge, an act of God, evidently wiped out all traces of the garden of Eden itself.

80. If the books are not live after that period, please contact us.