Use "across the road" in a sentence

1. He dashed frantically across the road.

2. They ran straight across the road .

3. I saw her pass across the road.

4. My best friend lives across the road.

5. 1 They ran straight across the road .

6. She wheeled her bicycle across the road.

7. She guided him across the busy road.

8. The soldiers make a barricade across the road.

9. The police put a barrier across the road.

10. At the road-mender's hut, across the bridge.

11. The lorries formed a barricade across the road.

12. He ran across the road, dodging the traffic.

13. With surprising agility, Karl darted across the road.

14. They watched a rabbit lolloping across the road.

15. 19 You must not run across the road.

16. The dog led the blind man across the road.

17. The collision sent the car spinning across the road.

18. The stripling helped the old man across the road.

19. The cafe is just across the road over there.

20. The child made a sudden dart across the road.

21. 22 Quick! Run across while the road is clear.

22. Next morning woke and saw campsite across the road.

23. There is a petrol pump just Across the road

24. We should go across a road at the crosswalk.

25. 8 The dog led the blind man across the road.

26. Three mornings I sat across the road waiting for you.

27. A dog darted across the road in front of me.

28. 8 Walking on the road dejectedly, I came across someone.

29. 9 We should go across a road at the crosswalk.

30. The car hit the pole and then Cartwheeled across the road.

31. 23 With surprising agility,[] Karl darted across the road.

32. The bomb was attached to a tripwire laid across the road.

33. She raised her binoculars to the distant road across the valley.

34. The car went out of control and veered across the road.

35. It was still parked across the road from the boarding house.

36. They were trying to manhandle an old sofa across the road.

37. The road to economic recovery should not be across women’s Backs

38. 26 Don't run across the road until you're sure it's safe.

39. The police put a barrier across the road to stop the traffic.

40. I retrace my route across the foothills and along the old road.

41. Road transportation is the primary form of freight transport across the country.

42. We shouldn't go across the road until the indicator light turns green.

43. Go across the bridge and walk along ( the road ) about fifty metres.

44. Japanese marten went across the road of the mountain quickly at night.

45. It's dangerous to go across the road when traffic lights are red.

46. Here and there a drift across the road was wet and slushy.

47. With a quickness that belied her age, she ran across the road.

48. The beach is only yards away, across the road, or through the underpass.

49. There are plans to construct a new road bridge across the river.

50. Laverne zips across the empty road, the airborne snakes skim along after him.

51. A western cottonmouth didn't survive the trip across a levee road in Illinois.

52. 12 Here and there a drift across the road was wet and slushy.

53. Billows of smoke blown across the road by the wind made my eyes water.

54. East of my bean- field, across the road, lived Cato Ingraham, slave of Duncan

55. I ran across the road and jumped up, clinging to the side of the phaeton.

56. Can I place a gate across the road that accesses my camp lot lease?

57. A dog suddenly ran across the road and I had to pull up short.

58. It's quickest to walk across the field going round by road takes much longer.

59. Just then, a car pulled up across the road, and two women got out.

60. The road across the mountain was narrow, and what's more, it was a steep slope.

61. The bombers were not near, but across the road from us were two Yankee soldiers.

62. The main road to Piedmont, across the pass of Tenda, was suitable only for mules.

63. If you want to visit the ancient castle, is the only access road across the river.

64. As fast as the rear-guard passed, trees were felled across the road to obstruct pursuit.

65. It hit the kerb on the nearside and seemed to ricochet across the road on two wheels.

66. RUTH walked beside Naomi on a road that stretched across the high, windswept plains of Moab.

67. The x-c ski races start on Bargy Road right across from the CCC Camp parking area

68. (= The petrol pump is on the opposite side of the road.) The people Across the border are moving

69. North of Destin, across the bay is Niceville, with the Mid-Bay Bridge linking the two by road.

70. Across the road in a secure compound are the buildings that house the mostly out-of-state blacklegs.

71. Athwart Signage We offer signage designs across the deck including road signs, billboards, interior and office signage […]

72. 14 It was always touch and go whether we would get across the road before the lights changed.

73. The completion of a road bridge across the Kerian River led to Nibong Tebal's decline as a transportation hub.

74. Set in its own separate gated community across Clint Moore Road, The Banyans offers a small neighborhood environment

75. One day we returned from service to find a barbed-wire fence across the road where we lived.

76. She made her way across the road at a pedestrian crossing, and stood in front of City Hall.

77. The road is winding its way across hills, is cutting into slopes and squeezes on to rock walls.

78. Often a fox goes across the road in front of me and I just catch it in the headlights.

79. It is believed the red bus Aquaplaned after coming down a hill and hitting water flowing across the road.

80. Over, on the other or far side of, past, beyond Anyone from the houses Across the road could see him