Use "achilles heel" in a sentence

1. You're his Achilles heel.

2. You're my Achilles heel.

3. Everybody's got an Achilles heel.

4. Innovation is "Europe's Achilles' heel"

5. The Achilles' heel of productivity.

6. Everyone has their Achilles heel.

7. It has its Achilles heel.

8. It was her Achilles' heel.

9. Well, dogs are her Achilles heel.

10. The brand has an Achilles' heel.

11. Do you understand your Achilles’ heel?

12. Nish'ta does have an Achilles heel.

13. "This is the NSA's Achilles heel.


15. You know what your Achilles heel is?

16. The team's offense is their Achilles' heel.

17. You said his family was his Achilles heel.

18. I think Frank's vanity is his Achilles' heel.

19. Measuring the microclimate was the expedition's achilles' heel.

20. But managerial capitalism, too, has its Achilles heel.

21. This is the heel of old Achilles himself.

22. But this wonderful system has an Achilles’ heel.

23. The desire for publicity became her Achilles' heel.

24. Security is the Achilles' heel of our computer systems.

25. You're close to revealing geography is your Achilles heel.

26. The chiliasts have found the Achilles’ heel of clericaldom . . .

27. The financing of terrorism is its Achilles heel

28. Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.

29. Delivery is the Achilles heel of the Lisbon strategy.

30. Mythology states even the ancients have an Achilles heel.

31. Even Achilles was only as strong as his heel.

32. Cara had one very big Achilles' heel - Barnaby Stewart.

33. Yet restenosis, the Aphorismic 'Achilles heel', remains to be conquered

34. This is where the term "Achilles' heel" is derived from.

35. Achilles tendon bone spur is at the back of the heel were the Achilles tendon inserts

36. But what you realize, it's got an Achilles' heel.

37. 17 Measuring the microclimate was the expedition's achilles' heel.

38. You have probably understood that mosquitoes are my Achilles' heel.

39. Biomedical researchers are busy looking for the diseases' Achilles' heel.

40. Paris then shot an arrow at Achilles' heel and killed him.

41. Oil is the Achilles' heel of the trade picture now.

42. Achilles killed both of these, but Paris then managed to kill Achilles with an arrow in the heel.

43. Human rights are clearly the Achilles heel of the Iranian regime.

44. Be alert, and never allow a spiritual Achilles’ heel to develop.

45. This is the Achilles heel of the matter, in my view.

46. Also, the “green revolution” has an “Achilles’ heel,” a vulnerable spot.

47. There was no giant out there without perhaps a simple Achilles heel.

48. Prisons are always the Achilles heel, the weak point of a democracy.

49. Every villain has his Achilles' heel. And microscopic scoundrels are no exception.

50. It showed up the Achilles heel of the government - its excessively dictatorial tendencies.

51. Achilles Heel Pain Running Modifications: If your plantar fascia, Achilles tendon and hamstrings are tight, this needs to be corrected

52. Data exchange and information systems are the Achilles heel of international freight services.

53. The enemy had an Achilles' heel somewhere, if only he could find it.

54. Charioteer KRYPTONITE: This is the achilles heel the Charioteer must watch out for

55. Subsequent clinical studies aimed to target this Achilles heel of hereditary tumor subtypes.

56. Bearing in mind the supposedly invincible Achilles, is it possible that we too may have a weak spot, a spiritual Achilles’ heel?

57. The Achilles heel of Bougainvillea has always been their delicate and thin root system

58. China’s Happy Mask by Giles Merritt BEIJING – China’s "face" may be its Achilles’ Heel.

59. A misbehaving minister is regarded as a government's Achilles heel and is expected to resign.

60. Derry's achilles heel so far in the current campaign has been a lacklustre, inconstant midfield.

61. However, this selectivity is also their Achilles heel as individual Biocatalysts tend to have limited

62. Discover the story of this hero, from his infamous anger to his ‘Achilles heel

63. Their goal was to find the Achilles heel of this pathogen for therapeutic targeting.

64. Enforcement law has often been termed the “Achilles’ heel” of the European Civil Judicial Area.

65. Infections associated with peritoneal dialysis are often the Achilles heel for success of peritoneal dialysis.

66. Peter should have a good chance of winning but his Achilles' heel is his carelessness.

67. The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body. When the calf muscles flex, the Achilles tendon pulls on the heel

68. If not correctly understood it can be the Achilles' heel of a complicated chain of investigations.

69. Cecilia is a very good dancer but she is too short. That's her Achilles' heel.

70. Atlanticism is the Achilles' heel of European security, self-identity and collective will, argues John Williams

71. Parsing is the Achilles' heel of Ruby implementations and for us it is a non-issue.

72. “The Achilles heel of the current structure is the imbalance of power in the United Nations system

73. Atlanticism Atlanticism is the Achilles' heel of European security, self-identity and collective will, argues John Williams

74. I hate her because she's always acting high-and-mighty. This may be her Achilles' heel.

75. Productivity growth, long Europe's Achilles' heel, was slightly higher than in the United States last year.

76. Marketing traditionally has been an Achilles' heel for phone companies because of their monopoly mind-set.

77. If beauty is the chink in our perilously thin female armor, motherhood is our Achilles' heel.

78. But it is the failure to build stable, diverse societies that is the continent's true Achilles heel.

79. If one can speak of a vocal Achilles heel, then Miss Roocroft's is still her cloudy diction.

80. He walked with a lilting gait, his left Achilles tendon apparently shortened, pulling his left heel up.