Use "accruals" in a sentence

1. · Accruals-based accounting;

2. of which: interest accruals

3. Accruals and prepaid expenses (*

4. Total accounts payable and accruals

5. Adoption of IPSAS would change the basis for financial reporting from modified accruals to full accruals

6. Accruals and prepaid expenses (*)

7. Accruals and prepaid expenses (*1)

8. of which: accruals on loans

9. Accruals and income collected in advance

10. 11.5 Accruals and prepaid expenses (1)

11. Accruals and prepaid expenses (1)

12. • F413 Charges to Accruals for Severance Pay

13. • F419 Charges to Other Accruals and Allowances

14. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities — accruals

15. Increase/(decrease) in accounts payables and accruals

16. • F414 Charges to Accruals for Compensatory Leave

17. 3. For Higher Education:the accruals would be utilized for:

18. Accruals (Charges à payer) Continually recurring short-term liabilities.

19. Prepayments and accrued income - Accruals and deferred income These accounts comprise:

20. Accounts payable, accruals and allowances 43,644 44,421 777 Interest-bearing debt

21. Recording on a full accruals or transactions basis is not required.

22. Interest and commission receivable Deferred borrowing charges Other Accruals and deferred income:

23. Some groups thus introduced cash basis accounting and others accruals basis accounting.

24. The accrued interest income is composed of interest accruals on investments.

25. Tax charges and accruals allocated for payment in a later financial year.

26. ( 6 ) Two possible approaches for the recognition of accruals have been identified.

27. During the financial year, the Court adopted the principles of accruals accounting.

28. Reporting requirements take a “modified accruals” approach that is very close to cash accounting.

29. Nouns for accrue include accrual, accruals, accrue, accruement, accruements, Accruer, Accruers, accrument and accruments

30. Miscellaneous charges to expenses as a result of month end or year end accruals.

31. Common Accrued expenses include: Interest expense accruals – Interest expenses that are owed but unpaid.

32. The majority of these accruals will be paid out over the next five years.

33. Accruals for other items shall be calculated and recorded in the accounts at least annually.

34. Synonyms for Buildups include accruals, accumulation, backlogs, collections, development, enlargement, escalation, expansion, growth and logjams

35. The current interest payments, either received or paid, shall be recorded on an accruals basis.

36. Generally, Adjusting journal entries are made for accruals and deferrals, as well as estimates.

37. Commitments against appropriations not yet consumed — RAL (‘Restant à liquider’) — after deduction of accruals for 2014

38. Interest income is recorded on an accruals basis (this is not required for the monthly data).

39. Interest income is recorded on an accruals basis (this is not required for the monthly data

40. Accruals for these benefits are recognized in the consolidated financial statements of the Government of Canada.

41. Management information on interest accruals is available via a query report of Atlas general ledger data

42. [3] Other accounting accruals include exchange rate differences and recovery fees due to the EIB.

43. The net accrued revenue mainly consists of accruals made for year-end cut-off purposes.

44. The current interest payments, either received or paid, shall be recorded on an accruals basis

45. In millions Income and other taxes Trade payables Payroll-related accruals Accrued charges Accrued interest

46. Types of accruals that should be estimated include significant charges for professional services, rentals, and travel costs.

47. The actual expenditure amounts are calculated on the same basis as the corresponding budget (modified accruals basis).

48. A.16. Prepayments and accrued income – Accruals and deferred income These accounts comprise: Prepayments and accrued income:

49. "F125 - Allowances set up for compensatory leave" and "F419 - Charges to other accruals and allowances" are used.

50. • The monthly estimates of personal income taxes are based on source deductions with estimates of tax accruals.

51. Possible sources of supply are either internal, retained profits and depreciation accruals (i.e. cash flow), or external.

52. 2. The current interest payments, either received or paid, shall be recorded on an accruals basis.

53. Accruals for FX denominated instruments are calculated and booked daily at the exchange rate of the recording day

54. The Commission has developed IPSAS-compliant accounting policies and financial statements that are presented on an accruals basis.

55. Article 70 also provides for the balance sheet to be drawn up on the basis of accruals accounting.

56. To comply with the accruals accounting principle, the percentage of completion or elapsed-time method is more appropriate.

57. Finally, the difference between cash and accruals accounts constitutes an additional obstacle to the reduction of the debt.

58. Accruals provisions are made for goods and services received but not yet invoiced as at the reporting date.

59. Recording on a full accruals’ basis is not a requirement for the monthly key items balance of payments.

60. In accordance with the general principle of accruals accounting, interest earned on loans must be subject to on-balance-sheet recording as it accrues i.e. on an accruals basis, rather than when it is actually received or paid i.e. on a cash basis

61. Accruals for foreign exchange denominated instruments are calculated and booked daily at the exchange rate of the recording day

62. Time of recording Interest income is recorded on an accruals basis (this is not required for the monthly data).

63. Accruals for foreign exchange denominated instruments are calculated and booked daily at the exchange rate of the recording day.

64. The cash pool account was overstated by $100,257 because the interest accruals were recorded as cash, instead of receivables.

65. Time of recording Interest income is recorded on an accruals’ basis (this is not required for the monthly data).

66. Accruals for FX denominated instruments are calculated and booked daily at the mid-market exchange rate of the day

67. Time of recording Interest income is recorded on an accruals » basis (this is not required for the monthly data

68. The full cost also includes services provided without charge by other government departments as well as year-end accruals.

69. In the balance of payments, accruals are treated as an increase in the value of the financial instrument.

70. Types of accruals that should be estimated include significant charges for professional services, rentals, and travel costs. 5.

71. Recording on a full accruals basis is not a requirement for the monthly key items balance of payments.

72. In line with the System of National Accounts, the BPM5 recommends that interest should be recorded on an accruals basis.

73. In line with the System of National Accounts, the BPM5 recommends that interest should be recorded on an accruals’ basis.

74. 1. Accruals into the proposed non-lapsable fund will be made available for expansion of secondary education and higher education.

75. The difference between the spot and the forward rates shall be treated as interest payable or receivable on an accruals basis

76. In line with the System of National Accounts, the # recommends that interest should be recorded on an accruals » basis

77. Time of recording: Interest income is recorded on an accruals basis (this is not required for the monthly data).

78. However, the calculation of prepayments and accrued income and accruals and deferred income can be burdensome for micro-entities.

79. OECD Accruals Symposium and Task Force on Harmonizing International Accouting Standards Date(s): 2004-02-06 to 2004-02-11 Destination(s):

80. Income and expenditure must be included in the period to which it relates regardless of when received or paid (the accruals concept);