Use "academic freedom" in a sentence

1. Academic freedom

2. ◦ secure academic freedom

3. Police versus academic freedom.

4. “Academic freedom is guaranteed

5. d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.”

6. - Academic Freedom - Pollster Chung affair.

7. the right to academic freedom.

8. Academic freedom shall be respected.

9. Academic freedom shall be respected

10. Academic freedom shall be respected’.

11. Academic freedom and institutional autonomy

12. Academic freedom and university autonomy (Doc.

13. 27 The issue centers around academic freedom.

14. He Ardently defended academic freedom throughout his career

15. The Government grants a great degree of academic freedom

16. (b) Freedom of thought, conscience and belief which shall include academic freedom in institutions of learning;

17. The 'humanism' of the Renaissance period stimulated unprecedented academic ferment, and a concern for academic freedom .

18. 1988 AUCC statement on academic freedom and institutional autonomy (pdf)

19. Defence of academic freedom in the EU's external action (vote)

20. The American Association of University Professors has claimed that "infringements on academic freedom are distressingly common and that the climate for academic freedom is distressingly poor."

21. Defence of academic freedom in the EU's external action *** (debate)

22. Every person has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, belief and thought and to academic freedom.

23. 'Basic research is vital to academic freedom,' the Swedish minister underlined.

24. Academe Magazine; Join the AAUP; Academic Freedom and the Goldwater Rule

25. In 1992, the university drafted a new Statement on Academic Freedom.

26. Once, academic freedom was the exclusive right of members of the academy.

27. CAUT offers courses, workshops and conferences, and investigates threats to academic freedom.

28. WARWICK, UK – Is academic freedom affordable in a time of economic crisis?

29. The enjoyment of academic freedom requires the autonomy of institutions of higher education.

30. Representative Dana Rohrabacher said, "The two pillars of America’s status as an open society are freedom of the press and academic freedom.

31. Teaching and academic freedom are restated and developed in Article # of the Basic Law

32. Freedom to engage in academic research, literary and artistic creation, and other cultural activities;

33. Furthermore, the staff at the Sydney institutes noted Beijing never threatened their academic freedom.

34. Political will and determination must go hand in hand with academic freedom, he highlighted.

35. This in turn can lead to a better protection for academic freedom in Europe.

36. John’s Bulldozes academic freedom, punishes professor for posing question about ‘Columbian Exchange’ by FIRE

37. Academic freedom and education are concepts that are increasingly interlinked and finding wider significance.

38. The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.

39. Numerous observers feel this was an arbitrary decision that violated the standards of academic freedom.

40. The report is produced by the scholar in academic freedom and under his or her responsibility.

41. The rights to academic freedom and university autonomy are the essence of an efficient university education

42. The intellectual arguments in its support assures academic freedom which is essential for progress in research.

43. Apart from academic freedom, many people are worried about the labeling effect of the consultation program.

44. ‘whereas candidate countries should commit to core higher education values, including academic freedom and institutional autonomy;’

45. Its contribution in promoting fundamental human values, academic freedom, learning and innovation has been second to none.

46. Measures that involve educational institutions can have an impact on the right to education and academic freedom.

47. Its role in promoting fundamental human values, academic freedom, learning and innovation has been second to none.

48. She proposed that CIHR submit a statement in support of the principle of academic freedom to CAUT.

49. The statement urged Thammasat University and other higher education institutions to uphold academic freedom and free speech:

50. The organization supports academic freedom as well as the right to education in the field of higher education.

51. The universities as institutions have academic freedom, pursuant to Section 2(2) of the Danish University Act (Universitetsloven).

52. It is necessary to conserve the academic freedom of research workers under cooperation arrangements between industry and universities.

53. In 1958, the school opened the Freedom of Information Center, the world's first academic center dedicated to the topic.

54. Censure results from the Association's findings that conditions for academic freedom and tenure are unsatisfactory at a college or university

55. So, real attacks on free speech and academic freedom by national politicians and major pro- Israel groups in this country.

56. The American - Arab Anti - Discrimination Committee titles its alert " Academic Freedom Under Attack by Pipes and Big Brother . " The Council on American -

57. Founded in 1820, IU Bloomington is the flagship campus of IU’s eight campuses and is known for innovation, creativity, and academic freedom.

58. They must have a higher degree of academic freedom and autonomy; and, there should be as much emphasis on research as on teaching.

59. The University of California Drifts toward Conformism: The Challenges of Representation and the Climate for Academic Freedom in the Country’s Greatest Public Research University

60. To reinstate academic freedom requires a reassertion of principles , something most effectively done through the widespread adoption of the " Academic Bill of Rights , " David Horowitz ' s initiative that has already reached 130 American campuses and eight state legislatures .

61. It freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press.

62. You should seek to move our nations towards modernity – modern nations with freedom of expression, freedom of faith, gender equality - academic, social, political and economic equity. Your duty will be to eliminate the poverty that has riddled the region.

63. They may provide non-academic as well as academic courses, but academic courses predominate.

64. We believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, especially freedom of ( political ) expression.

65. Freedom to lie is not freedom of the press.

66. Censures American Association of University Professors, (AAUP) From 2010, the state of Louisiana has received attention from the AAUP regarding faculty layoffs, firings, and other academic freedom violations

67. The government should dismiss the charges immediately and scrap this pernicious law, and Dongguk University should reinstate the professor and amend its internal rules to ensure academic freedom.

68. Academic Year

69. Academic qualifications

70. Edward Alsworth Ross gained fame as a founding father of American sociology; in 1900 Jane Stanford fired him for radicalism and racism, unleashing a major academic freedom case.

71. The school student paper, Yale Daily News, also raised the perceived lack of academic freedom in Singapore schools to argue against Yale’s expansion in the prosperous city state.

72. UC Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program Academic Talent Development Program

73. is the leading website for Academic Bible study

74. 17 Moreover, he distinguished the freedom from the casualness, the vulgarism of freedom from the virtue of freedom, and emphasized the value of"civilized freedom".

75. Freedom Abused

76. Academic Advising Academic Advising is your primary resource for advice, information, and guidance regarding your academic career.

77. Academic Activities

78. Academic activities

79. Academic Advising Academic advisors at HCC are committed to your success

80. Academic dishonesty or Academic misconduct is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal Academic exercise