Use "abandoned land" in a sentence

1. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, ARCEA

2. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, AVEPA

3. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, ARTEA

4. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, AGEA

5. Soldiers then planted land mines in the abandoned homes.

6. Their temple was destroyed, and their land was abandoned.

7. The abandoned land is also now put to other uses.

8. Nearly 500 million hectares of that is abandoned agricultural land.

9. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, AGREA, OPPAB, APPAG

10. In many tropical areas, the agricultural land is abandoned after three to four years resulting in abandoned forests

11. In many tropical areas, the agricultural land is abandoned after three to four years resulting in abandoned forests.

12. + 21 See, Jehovah your God has abandoned the land to you.

13. It is the last land to be brought into production and the first land to be abandoned.

14. This abandoned land could also be used from a renewable energy perspective.

15. The conditional land surrender process was abandoned and replaced by a land use "designation" process to accommodate leasing arrangements.

16. The great rich men, landowners, coffee growers and cattlemen generally abandoned the land.

17. the yield from the sale or renting of the plant or land abandoned;

18. Q9 How should forest fallows/temporarily abandoned land (shifting cultivation areas) be classified?

19. “They brought the boats back to land, and abandoned everything and followed him.”

20. Often, though, the land soon fails to sustain the needed pasturage and is abandoned.

21. The lighthouse has been abandoned, and the Department has leased the land to cottagers.

22. + 11 So they brought the boats back to land, and abandoned everything and followed him.

23. Abandoned coins typically end up in public land, in household waste or in incineration plants.

24. They are, moreover, often illegally dispossessed of land their parents had abandoned before they died.

25. + 11 So they brought the boats back to land and abandoned everything and followed him.

26. Tulsa manages to crash-land the plane into an old, abandoned barn, causing a fiery explosion.

27. (vi) If a ship becomes or is found abandoned or scuttled on land or at sea;

28. Programmes also exist to guard against erosion and fire risk, particularly in relation to abandoned land.

29. Should the branch line be abandoned, it recommended that the abandoned right-of-way remain intact as one continuous parcel of land for utility or recreational purposes.

30. The account concludes: “They brought the boats back to land, and abandoned everything and followed him.”

31. Brownfields are abandoned or underused land, often in urban areas, that formerly housed industrial or commercial facilities.

32. It is surrounded by slopes of grapevines and vegetable crops, cereals (wheat fields) or abandoned agricultural land.

33. Born from the land of the Canaanites, she was picked up by Jehovah as an abandoned infant.

34. (i) protection and conservation of soils and sustainable land management, including rehabilitation of mined-out/abandoned mines;

35. They moved into an abandoned building and began draining the swamps and preparing the land for agriculture.

36. When she reaches her destination she finds the camp closed and abandoned, the land now Federal Property.

37. Once he abandoned the land, it reverted to communal ownership, and anyone could take it up for themselves.

38. These statistics do not contain information on decisions issued and return of abandoned property, business premises and land.

39. Although they had not moved from their village, the inhabitants were declared 'absentees' and their land 'abandoned property'.

40. These statistics do not contain information on decisions issued and return of abandoned property, business premises and land

41. The land that is guerrilla gardened is usually abandoned or perceived to be neglected by its legal owner.

42. In Brazilian Amazonia, 63,000 square miles [165,000 sq km] of land has reportedly been abandoned in this way.

43. Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 of the United Kingdom, concerning contaminated land and abandoned mines,

44. Abandoned definition, forsaken or deserted: an Abandoned building; an Abandoned kitten

45. They plowed unusable land and up and down hills and abandoned crop rotation —a proved method of soil retention.

46. (De 11:13-15) However, if they abandoned their covenant with God, he would make their land devoid of vegetation.

47. Abandonee From the web: what abandoned place are you quiz; what abandoned means; what abandoned island is in skyfall; what abandoned property; what abandoned olympic venues

48. The court said the land was not abandoned and therefore could not be placed under the custodian of enemy property.

49. In addition the conquest of the land required a stronger skeleton once the buoyant support of the sea was finally abandoned.

50. DIAND, as a land owner, may be liable for violations under CEPA if a mine site has been abandoned and control for the land has shifted back to the department's responsibility.

51. But during the mid-1800’s, many farms were abandoned as agriculture moved westward, and the forest began to reclaim the land.

52. Afforestation is the conversion of abandoned and degraded agricultural lands into forests, while reforestation is the replantation of trees in deforested land

53. No Edomites or other nationalities would be allowed to plunder the abandoned cities of Judah and use the land as pasture ground.

54. b) Draft decree on access to land for the displaced population and the freezing of abandoned assets, promulgated in September # as Decree No

55. Does not my father know that all my troops and chariots(?) are in the Land of Hatti, and all my ships are in the Land of Lukka?...Thus, the country is abandoned to itself.

56. You can find Cobwebs in abandoned mineshafts or abandoned libraries

57. Draft decree on access to land for the displaced population and the freezing of abandoned assets, promulgated in September 2001 as Decree No. 2007;

58. There is also evidence to suggest that elephants were briefly utilized in the Late Period but largely abandoned due to lack of grazing land.

59. In other areas, this separation is likely to involve making different use of land by finding alternative low-traffic routes or even reviving abandoned infrastructure.

60. You abandoned me.

61. ( Wil ) Looks abandoned.

62. Abandonee From the web: what abandoned place are you quiz; what abandoned means

63. It's an abandoned ship!

64. He abandoned his wife.

65. * Feeling abandoned and rejected

66. The party abandoned me.

67. He abandoned all hope.

68. Abandoned in a bin?

69. The town seemed abandoned.

70. A dozen abandoned villages.

71. Every city is abandoned,

72. Cleaning up Brownfield properties not only eliminates the threat to residents and neighborhoods from hazardous substances, it frees this abandoned or underutilized land for productive reuse

73. Instructions for Abandoned Boat Process

74. Find another word for Abandoned

75. Well, you abandoned your children.

76. Contemplation was abandoned for action.

77. They abandoned the project midstream.

78. 16 For before the boy knows how to reject the bad and choose the good, the land of the two kings whom you dread will be completely abandoned.

79. A large number of plantations were abandoned , and much of the land under coffee almost all of it in Ceylonwas switched over to tea , rubber and cinchona cultivation .

80. Abandoned: left unoccupied or unused