Use "abandoned land" in a sentence

1. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, ARCEA

2. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, AVEPA

3. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, ARTEA

4. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, AGEA

5. The abandoned land is also now put to other uses.

6. LPIS abandoned land, claim year 2012-2014, AGREA, OPPAB, APPAG

7. This abandoned land could also be used from a renewable energy perspective.

8. Q9 How should forest fallows/temporarily abandoned land (shifting cultivation areas) be classified?

9. Programmes also exist to guard against erosion and fire risk, particularly in relation to abandoned land.

10. The Court notes that the rules as established to date are incoherent as farmers who want to take parcels back into cultivation in the SAPS Member States that joined the EU in 2004 are excluded from SAPS aid with respect to such parcels while in Bulgaria and Romania farmers received SAPS aid where they farm formerly abandoned land.