Use "troublesome" in a sentence

1. Sulfur dioxide is also a troublesome air pollutant today, causing acid rain.

이산화황은 오늘날에도 문제가 되고 있는 대기 오염 물질이며 산성비의 원인이다.

2. The end of the barrel was threaded, and this thread was used to screw on a blast-reduction tube of a length that depended on the installation requirements: One of the outstanding features of this weapon is the method of solving blast tube difficulties, a troublesome problem in all installations of aircraft cannon in fighter aircraft.

대부분 ShKAS와 다른 설계점은 가스 실린더가 ShVAK에서는 총열 아래에 있는데, 이것은 더 작게, 민첩하게 만들어준다.(giving it a more compact assembly) The end of the barrel was threaded, and this thread was used to screw on a blast-reduction tube of a length that depended on the installation requirements: 한 가지 주목할 점이 있다면, 이 무기는 어려운 추진관 방식으로 해결해서, 전투기 내에 설치된 곳에서는 문제를 좀 발생시켰다.