Use "chased" in a sentence

1. His father chased him with a meat cleaver; his mother spit on him in public.

아버지는 고기 써는 칼을 들고 아들을 쫓아다니는가 하면, 어머니는 사람들 앞에서 아들에게 침을 내뱉었다.

2. Such a view would require the assumption that Adoni-bezek came S to join other Canaanite forces but was met by Judah and Simeon, was chased N to Bezek, and was defeated there.

그러한 견해가 성립되려면, 아도니-베섹이 다른 가나안 군대와 연합하기 위해 남쪽으로 왔다가 유다와 시므온과 접전하게 되었고 북쪽의 베섹으로 추격당한 후 거기서 패배했을 것이라는 가정을 전제해야 한다.

3. One of the victims of the attack was a 16-year-old girl who tried to get away from the advancing soldiers, but was chased down and beaten to death near the steps of the government building, receiving blows to the head and chest.

희생자들 중에 한명은 전진하는 군인들로부터 달아나려고 했지만 군인들이 쫓아와 때려서 머리와 흉부에 충격을 받고 정부 청사 계단 근처에서 맞아 죽은 16세의 소녀였다.