Use "on his own" in a sentence

1. Schizo doesn't want a prospect doin'a deal this size on his own.

Schizo veut pas qu'un prospect fasse un si gros deal tout seul.

2. - to operate exclusively in his own name and on his own account,

- à opérer exclusivement en son nom et pour son propre compte,

3. Notably the Horta emerging/tunneling through the rock face when Captain Kirk encountered the Horta mother on his own was a combination of new and original footage. * The "suit" for the Horta, also with Prohaska inside, first appeared in the final episode of the original ABC series ''The Outer Limits''.

Le Docteur [[McCoy]] eut aussi son moment de communion avec le Horta.

4. On this holy night of Gethsemane, let us be vigilant, not wanting to leave the Lord on his own at this time; thus, we can better understand the mystery of Holy Thursday, which embraces the supreme, threefold gift of the ministry of the Priesthood, the Eucharist and the new Commandment of Love (agape).

En cette nuit sainte de Gethsémani, nous voulons être vigilants, nous ne voulons pas laisser le Seigneur seul en cette heure; ainsi nous pouvons mieux comprendre le mystère du Jeudi Saint, qui englobe le triple don suprême du Sacerdoce ministériel, de l'Eucharistie et du Commandement nouveau de l'amour (agape).