Use "ya" in a sentence

1. See ya later, alligator.

See ya later, alligator.

2. You ain't sore, are ya?

Du bist doch wohl nicht sauer, oder?

3. oh ya salam kenal mas ... ... ... .. because I was just so put me to the list of ready-made orang2 mas agam customers, the wait balesannya ya ... ... ....

oh ya salam kenal mas ... ... ... .. da ich gerade so brachte mich in orang2 Liste der Kunden, die sich mas agam, im Wartezimmer balesannya ya ... ... ....

4. be advised of new internet banking activin ya, what the poster plasticity paypal?

der neuen Internet-Banking Activin beraten ya, was das Plakat Plastizität PayPal?

5. And even her generous gift to ya of the ancestral home, the beautiful Belle Isle... has not eased the grief, pain and suffering'in your heart now, has it?

Konnte Ihre großzügige Gabe, die alte Villa, die schöne Belle Isle den Schmerz und Kummer in Ihrem Herzen nicht lindern?