Use "margaret mitchell" in a sentence

1. By adroit use of public relations , he maintained support for naval aviation against Billy Mitchell , who favored putting all military aircraft into a separate air force .

Dieser Verwendung verdankt er seinen Spitznamen „Air Admiral“.

2. Alluvial fields along the Mitchell River and its tributaries were worked into the early twentieth century, while there was also some reef mining from the 1860s.

Alluviale Felder entlang dem Mitchell River und seiner Nebenflüsse wurden im 20. Jahrhundert bearbeitet, aber es gab auch Goldbergbau in den 1860er-Jahren.

3. The quotation comes from a statement made by Margaret Thatcher at the annual meeting of the American Petroleum Institute in Houston in November 1991.

Es handelte sich um einen Auftritt von Margaret Thatcher bei der Jahresversammlung des Amerikanischen Ölinstituts in Houston im November 1991.

4. By 1453 the overlordship of the island was held by James Butler, 4th Earl of Ormond, and in 1460 the advowson was exercised by Margaret Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury.

1453 befand sich die Insel im Eigentum (overlordship) von James Butler, 4th Earl of Ormond und 1460 wurde das Patronatsrecht von Margaret Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury ausgeübt.

5. For some reason, he forgot to mention in his accusatory speech that his conservative colleagues, including Crispin Blunt, David Amess, Andrew Mitchell, Charles Hendry, David Davis, Craig Whittaker, Bob Blackman and many others also spoke on Russia Today – not only his party’s opponents.

So vergaß er in seiner Rede zu erwähnen, dass in den Sendungen von Russia Today nicht nur seine Partei-Opponenten, sondern auch Kollegen aus dem konservativen Lager auftreten wie Crispin Blunt, David Amess, Andrew Mitchell, Charles Hendry, David Davis, Craig Whittaker, Bob Blackman u.a.