охаивать in Vietnamese

° ох́аивать несов. 1‚(В) разг.
- phỉ báng, chê bai, gièm pha, sàm báng

Sentence patterns related to "охаивать"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "охаивать" from the Russian - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "охаивать", or refer to the context using the word "охаивать" in the Russian - Vietnamese.

1. Гыйбат — «говорить о третьем лице в его отсутствие нелицеприятные вещи, осуждать за глаза, охаивать».

Tử cống viết: “Quân tử nhất ngôn dĩ vi tri, nhất ngôn dĩ vi bất tri, ngôn bất khả bất thận dã!