宇内 in Vietnamese

Kana: うだい

  • n
  • cả thế giới

Sentence patterns related to "宇内"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "宇内" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "宇内", or refer to the context using the word "宇内" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. ^ 輓近専ラ智識才藝ノミヲ尚トヒ文明開化ノ末ニ馳セ品行ヲ破り風俗ヲ傷フ者少ナカラス ^ 道徳ノ学ハ孔子ヲ主トシテ人々誠實品行ヲ尚トヒ然ル上各科ノ学ハ其才器ニ隨テ益々畏長シ道徳才藝本末全備シテ大中至正ノ赦学天下ニ布満セシメハ我邦獨立ノ精紳ニ於テ宇内ニ恥ルコト無カル可シ ^ 仁義忠孝ノ心ハ人皆之有り然トモ其幼少ノ始ニ其脳髄ニ感覚セシメテ培養スルニ非レハ他ノ物事已ニ耳ニ入り先入主トナル時ハ後奈何トモ爲ス可カラス ^ 農商ニハ農商ノ学科ヲ設ケ高尚ニ馳セス實地ニ基ツキ他日学成ル時ハ其本業ニ帰リテ益々其業ヲ盛大ニスルノ教則アランコトヲ欲ス