imbalsamatore in Vietnamese

  • danh từ
    - {embalmer} xem embalm
    - {one who embalms corpses}
    - {taxidermist; expert in the art of preparing stuffing and mounting the skins of animals}

Sentence patterns related to "imbalsamatore"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imbalsamatore" from the Italian - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imbalsamatore", or refer to the context using the word "imbalsamatore" in the Italian - Vietnamese.

1. Il sangue viene drenato attraverso la giugulare e sostituito col fluido imbalsamatore, attraverso una delle 2 arterie principali.

Máu được hút ra tĩnh mạch cổ và thay bằng chất ướp thông qua 1 trong 2 động mạch chính.