marabout in Vietnamese

* danh từ giống đực
- đạo sĩ Hồi giáo; mộ đạo sĩ Hồi giáo
- cái siêu (đun nước)
- (động vật học) cò già
- lông đuôi cò già (để trang sức mũ)

Sentence patterns related to "marabout"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "marabout" from the French - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marabout", or refer to the context using the word "marabout" in the French - Vietnamese.

1. Par exemple, nous reconnaissons le “funèbre” marabout.

2. Tissu chenillé, Cheviottes [étoffes], Frise (étoffe), Gaze, Tissus de chanvre, Indienne, Jersey (tissu), Tissus de jute, Calicot, Crêpe [tissu], Linge, Marabout [étoffe], Moleskine [tissu],Rarniestoffe, Bougran, Zéphyr

3. Tissu chenillé, Cheviottes [étoffes], Frise (étoffe), Gaze, Tissus de chanvre, Indienne, Jersey (tissu), Tissus de jute, Calicot, Crêpe [tissu], Linge, Marabout [étoffe], Moleskine [tissu], Tissus de ramie, Bougran, Zéphyr

4. Ce sont, notamment, les plumes d'autruche, d'aigrette, de héron, de faisan, de marabout, d'ibis, de paon, d'oiseau de paradis, de flamant, de geai, d'oiseau-mouche, de pie, de vautour, de mouette, de cigogne;