social problems in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-các vấn đề xã hội

Sentence patterns related to "social problems"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "social problems" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "social problems", or refer to the context using the word "social problems" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Social problems in modern society are mounting.

2. Monumental social problems related to the disease are emerging.

3. Social problems cropped up in the wake of natural disasters.

4. Overpopulation is one of the country's most pressing social problems.

5. Occurring or existing concurrently; attendant: poverty and its Concomitant social problems

6. Inner cities have more than a proportionate share of social problems.

7. 5 The aetiology of social problems and the function of social work.

8. 26 Women, then, had more social problems, particularly connected with familial responsibilities.

9. 25 Unemployment serves as a useful point of reference in examining social problems.

10. But they also had an infinite capacity for destructiveness and creating social problems.

11. The crime crackdown is an attempt to divert attention from social problems.

12. Today's church is being forced willy-nilly to deal with today's social problems.

13. Social problems and poverty underlie much of the crime in today's big cities.

14. Economic activity cannot solve all social problems through the simple application of commercial logic.

15. Apart from over-sleepiness, symptoms include: lethargy, overeating, depression, social problems and loss of libido.

16. Social problems like poverty, juvenile delinquency, unemployment(sentencedict .com), etc. are in relation to overpopulation.

17. Yes, that's us, with the greatest income inequality and the greatest social problems, according to those metrics.

Vâng đó là chúng ta, với sự mất cân đối thu nhập lớn nhất và vấn đề xã hội lớn nhất theo những chỉ số này.

18. Foreseeing social problems of this kind is unquestionably the best way of nipping them in the bud.

19. However, there is also growing determination on the part of communities to address their social problems and the

20. In the nineteenth century, economic expansion through imperialism was seen as the panacea for the mounting social problems.

21. The psychological and social problems associated with facial deformity can affect quality of life in individuals with TCS.

22. Local economic development strategies divert attention and resources of government away from direct efforts to resolve social problems.

23. The misinterpretation of behavior as pathology also results quite often from the labeling of social problems as individual psychological problems.

24. Amongst other things, the sociologist is interested in how and why some things come to be seen as social problems.

25. The lack of good public housing, poor sanitation, and high unemployment led to social problems from crime to health issues.

Thiếu nhà ở công cộng tốt, vệ sinh kém, và tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao dẫn đến các vấn đề xã hội từ tội phạm đến y tế.

26. 20 Thus administered, the one-child policy has created enormous demographic stresses and set the scene for severe social problems.

27. Academies for Social Entrepreneurship (ASE) helps develop innovative solutions to social problems by providing training and mentoring for social entrepreneurs

28. Due to the faddish value is excessively pursued in the faddy society, it has brought strict eco-problems and social problems.

29. This section highlights some of the principal types of variation between places that impinge on their economic performance and social problems.

30. Abolitionists refuse to abide the paradigm where “prisons [serve] as catchall solutions to social problems,” as Ruth Wilson Gilmore has put it

31. What specific social problems are prevalent in the area and what support can you expect in trying to prioritise for special need?

32. As the aleatory risk is created and allocated by aleatory contract, it triggers some social problems that need to be regulated by legislation.

33. Such disruptions usually include increased crime, degraded mental health, weakened social and community bonds, abnormally high costs of living, and other social problems.

34. Casteism is one of the rural social problems, which is very peculiar to the Indian soci­ety. Indian society is a country of various religions

35. Preserving fairness in tax administration in the Mayo Era The reduction of policy and social problems to technical or structural ones Befogs the actual query about effectiveness

36. But if you look at that same index of health and social problems in relation to GNP per capita, gross national income, there's nothing there, no correlation anymore.

37. Marcella Borasque de Paula São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil Product Manager Gupy I am passionate about solving complex and social problems using data and technology

38. South Africa is a notable exception, offering the best prospect for driving regional economic integration, but it, too, has chronic social problems and, compared to East Asia, anemic economic growth.

39. The novel is meant to emphasize the need for cooperative, as opposed to individualistic, solutions to social problems brought about by the mechanization of agriculture and the Dust Bowl drought.

40. By being law-abiding citizens themselves and by helping others to change their lives for the better, Jehovah’s Witnesses lessen the load of agencies whose work it is to deal with social problems.

41. It applied Christian ethics to social problems, especially issues of social justice such as economic inequality, poverty, alcoholism, crime, racial tensions, slums, unclean environment, child labor, inadequate labor unions, poor schools, and the danger of war.

Nó áp dụng đạo đức Kitô giáo đến các vấn đề xã hội, đặc biệt là các vấn đề công bằng xã hội như bất bình đẳng kinh tế, nghèo đói, nghiện rượu, tội phạm, những căng thẳng về chủng tộc, khu ổ chuột, môi trường ô uế, lao động trẻ em, liên đoàn lao động không thể thích nghi đầy đủ với xã hội, trường yếu kém, và nguy cơ chiến tranh.

42. If enlargement is to be socially compatible, an all-out effort must be made to ease the social problems associated with enlargement and to accompany this with measures for involving the public more in decision-making.

43. English Language Learners Definition of Almoner British, old-fashioned : a person whose job is to help people in hospitals with their financial and social problems See the full definition for Almoner in the English Language Learners Dictionary

44. Despite the achievements I have just mentioned, Albania is facing many social problems that are the direct result of a difficult transition period and of the repeated crises that have struck the country and the region, such as those that have struck Kosovo.

45. It can lead to physical injury, social problems, emotional problems, and even death.1 Those who are bullied are at increased risk for mental health problems, headaches, and problems adjusting to school.2 Bullying also can cause long-term damage to self-esteem.3

46. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Emergency Management, welcome to our home page! The School works collaboratively to investigate, understand, and solve social problems related to crime and criminal behavior, primarily by examining the policies and systems designed to control criminality.

47. If it wants to resolve its serious economic and social problems, the right thing for it must be a good relationship with all its neighbours, both new and old, and this it must be allowed to build up under whichever President, without empty promises, admonitory finger-wagging or unconcealed arm-twisting.

48. "Bibliotherapy uses literature, in any form, that can help us find our way through psychological, emotional, and social problems," says Sandra Marinella, MA, MEd, an author and award-winning educator whose book, The Story You Need to Tell: Writing to Heal from Trauma, Illness or Loss, will be published in Spring 2017.

49. ‘If it Alleviates social problems later then it's a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.’ ‘A number of industry sources have said a massive cow cull in the past year could have alleviated the current problem.’ ‘The restrictions will stay in force until the problem is alleviated by a period of sustained rainfall.’

50. Will regression Afflict the developing countries as aging weakens the industrial world?: A number of serious diseases Afflict the population, including malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera.: Admittedly, these conditions Afflict a very small proportion of the population.: A vast array of social problems Afflict a country so recently traumatized by war.: The financial deregulation he champions has