social structure in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-cơ cấu xã hội
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-cấu trúc xã hội

Sentence patterns related to "social structure"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "social structure" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "social structure", or refer to the context using the word "social structure" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Boxfishes have a harem social structure with 3-4 females per male

2. Social Structure and Nesting Habits Bees have diverse nesting and social habits.

3. Our family-based social structure, much like yours, is a guarantee against extremist ideas.

4. Their work had been uncongenial to the social structure and traditions of the land.

5. The new style was also encouraged by changes in the economic order and social structure.

Phong cách này cũng được phát triển bởi những thay đổi trong trật tự kinh tế và cấu trúc xã hội.

6. Therefore, females in a given area are closely related, influencing the social structure of colonies.

Cơ cấu xã hội có mối quan hệ chặt chẽ, hữu cơ với các quan hệ xã hội.

7. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND Anomie 673 structure defines, regulates, and controls the acceptable modes of achieving these goals

8. In the last decade Comas' economy, infrastructure, and social structure has grown at a very fast pace.

Những năm gần đây giáo dục, kinh tế, xã hội của xã có nhiều phát triển.

9. Topics include social structure, cultural transmission of behavior, as well as acoustic communicative behavior such as click trains.

10. Little is known about their social structure except that the sexes remain mostly separate except during mating season.

Ít được biết về cơ cấu xã hội, ngoại trừ phần giới tính vẫn còn riêng biệt, ngoại trừ trong mùa giao phối.

11. Anarchy is commonly associated with a philosophy of social freedom, through a state of chaos and an absence of social structure

12. 29 Marxist analyses of the social structure suggest that the political system is dominated by representatives of the bourgeoisie, the capitalist class.

13. Because cowboys ranked low in the social structure of the period, there are no firm figures on the actual proportion of various races.

14. But, if no change in the social structure is desired, neither can San Miguel change Architecturally from the historical colonial character that distinguishes it.

15. The variability of interactions between Conspecifics will vary a lot among animals, depending most on the reproductive characteristics and social structure of the species.

16. It was limiting the acquisitive factor in society , removing many of the barriers to growth , and thus leading to a rapidly expanding social structure .

17. The Antiphonic con-struction of pain is central to the truth-claiming strategies of Maniat women when in conflict with various aspects of the social structure

18. In other words, Biofilms are alive and have a complex social structure that scientists and engineers are still trying to unravel, a structure that both protects them …

19. In the ancient times, the social structure was rather unitary and the social stratification had not formed, so the primitive belief and the nature worship had not been demarcated.

20. The concept of Agency is used in the literature for two main reasons: to explain human creativity and to account for changes in social structure (Rapport & Overing, 2000, pp

21. Fairy Basslet groups live in a social structure consisting of dominance hierarchies arranged by size, with the largest fish at each coral head being the dominant one (Freeman and Alevizon 1983)

22. Since the late 1970s, scientists have used the herd to conduct studies on feral horse behavior, social structure, ecology, remote contraceptive delivery and pregnancy testing, and the effects of human intervention on other wild animal populations.

Kể từ cuối năm 1970, các nhà khoa học đã sử dụng đàn để tiến hành các nghiên cứu về hành vi hoang dã của ngựa, cấu trúc xã hội, sinh thái, tránh thai và mang thai, và những tác động của con người can thiệp vào các quần thể động vật hoang dã khác.

23. Social structure adapts to accommodate this possibility and to harness this productive potential, so you get cities, you know, and you get all the non-zero-sum games you don't think about that are being played across the world.

24. Allistic people tend to make judgments, form preferences, and imitate the most prevalent rhetoric and talking points of current issues; however, their political, social, religious, and cultural identity is based on the social structure of those in his or her immediate circle.

25. If the economic principles which guide you are correct and aim at the common good, if you can remain as aloof from egotistical individualism as from subjections which oppress the personality, you will contribute greatly to reinforcing the stability of the whole social structure.

26. Crofting is a form of land-tenure and small-scale food production that has taken place in Scotland's Highlands and Islands for hundreds of years, but is also a social structure that was traditionally defined by its common working communities or "townships".

27. This has led some scholars to hypothesize that the word Hawaiki, and, by extension, Savaiʻi and Hawaiʻi, may not, in fact, have originally referred to a geographical place, but rather to chiefly ancestors and the chief-based social structure that pre-colonial Polynesia typically exhibited.

28. Establishing Caravanserais within Merchants, caravaneers, pilgrims and people of cities is known in the Classical periods (Firebaugh tribal origin – in other words, people not part of the 1972) but it became most common during the social structure of the town – were seen as threats to Islamic era.