social stratification in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-sự phân cấp xã hội
-sự phân tầng xã hội

Sentence patterns related to "social stratification"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "social stratification" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "social stratification", or refer to the context using the word "social stratification" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. How to guide social stratification and avoid unreasonable social stratification is always emphasized in theory research.

2. Too often, past social stratification forms an obstacle.

3. The Indian caste system is an example of social stratification.

4. 4 The Indian caste system is an example of social stratification.

5. China has self characteristics in development of urbanization and social stratification.

6. They therefore look to social stratification to see how far it meets these functional prerequisites.

7. The chapter analysed two important concepts of the study of social stratification, class and stratum.

8. Many sociologists would see these differences in life chances as a direct consequence of social stratification.

9. Disposal way of house resource has become the vital factor influencing social stratification of the urbanite.

10. Marxs class theory and Weber stratum theory provided main re courses for late social stratification study.

11. This paper makes a theoretical analysis of the relationship between the social stratification mode and system shift.

12. Taking the Chinese study of John King Fairbank as an example, this paper describes social stratification study .

13. Social stratification still exists and the middle-classes still dominate business and industry - as well as the government.

14. The concept enriches social network theory and social stratification theory and provides a new dimension to study China's society.

15. Discussion Our evidence suggests that a new approach to social stratification is required to assess health inequalities in childhood.

16. The research of China's changing social stratification system has focused almost entirely on the analysis of income and occupational mobility.

17. Marx largely focuses on the capital industrialist society as the source of social stratification, which ultimately results in class conflict.

Marx chủ yếu tập trung vào xã hội công nghiệp tư bản là nguồn gốc của sự phân tầng xã hội, cuối cùng dẫn đến xung đột giai cấp.

18. Beliefs which state that systems of social stratification are based on biological inequalities can be seen as rationalizations for those systems.

19. Its thorough examination of the development of Western Aristocracies will make it urgent reading for students of social stratification in general.

20. The consumer culture has become one kind of "status mark", the consumer culture has very strong relevance with the social stratification.

21. Crimes which are committed by those in higher positions in the social stratification system are commonly referred to as white-collar crimes.

22. It is also the unique characteristics of social transformation that have led to the inherent uniqueness of social stratification of modern Chinese women.

23. Agriculture population is the majority in China. As to the social stratification in China, rural families are in the relatively lower position of the stratification.

24. With the social and economic development, social stratification and the media selection mode of diversification, the general public are becoming increasingly personalized, debris, and Focus.

25. This period saw also the beginning of the social stratification by the use of varna, the division of Vedic society in Kshatriya, Brahmins, Vaishya and Shudra.

Giai đoạn này cũng chứng kiến sự bắt đầu của sự phân tầng xã hội bằng cách sử dụng Varna, sự phân chia của xã hội Vệ Đà ở Kshatriya, Bà-la-môn, Vaishya và Shudra.

26. Generally speaking, the social stratification structure in rural China is like a pyramid. And the polarization of social classes in rural area is still going on.

27. Obviously, information with its technology has already become a new variable and, in its close relation to social strata, is now rebuilding the mechanism of social stratification.

28. In the study of social stratification, scholars focus more on the income of the middle class in large cities, education, social status and other aspects of differentiation.

29. When that social stratification got stronger and stronger, it impacted the government. With the Developing of Japanese monetary economy, Japan had gradually added into East Asia financial circle.

30. In the ancient times, the social structure was rather unitary and the social stratification had not formed, so the primitive belief and the nature worship had not been demarcated.

31. "The No Class Award" As for the question of Hitler's "Classlessness," the description is evidently relative and has to be seen in terms of Germany's social stratification at the time.Springtime for Hitler

32. A civilization or Civilisation (see English spelling differences) is any complex society characterized by urban development, social stratification imposed by a cultural elite, symbolic systems of communication (for example, writing systems), and a perceived separation from and domination over the natural environment.