shy in Vietnamese

@shy /ʃai/
tính từ
- nhút nhát, bẽn lẽn, e thẹn
=to be shy of doing something+ dè dặt không muốn làm việc gì
- khó tìm, khó thấy, khó nắm
- (từ lóng) thiếu; mất
=I'm shy 3d+ tôi thiếu ba đồng; tôi mất ba đồng
danh từ
- sự nhảy sang một bên, sự tránh, sự né
- (thông tục) sự ném, sự liệng
!to have a shy at thtục
- cố bắn trúng (mục tiêu); cố lấy cho được (cái gì)
- thử chế nhạo (ai)
* động từ
- nhảy sang một bên, né, tránh
- (thông tục) ném, liệng

Sentence patterns related to "shy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shy" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shy", or refer to the context using the word "shy" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Shy, very shy.

E thẹn, rất e thẹn.

2. Let people shy shy small fault.

Đáng ngạc nhiên lén lút!

3. They're shy.

Họ hay thẹn lắm.

4. She's shy around strangers.

5. Don't be shy, Albert.

6. You're not shy either.

Cạnh nam nhân, cô cũng không e lệ

7. Aw, she's shy today.

Hôm nay con bé ngại.

8. A Coy person is shy, or pretends to be shy, about love and sex

9. She's a mite shy.

10. It's different from being shy.

Nó khác với việc e dè xấu hổ

11. She was shy and reticent.

12. Don't fight shy of me.

13. The women are not shy

♪ Những phụ nữ không hề e thẹn

14. Mary is a shy girl.

15. She's very shy with adults.

16. Once bit [bitten] twice shy.

17. He seemed diffident, even shy.

18. He's not antisocial; just shy.

19. She was then plump and shy .

Lúc đó , nàng là một cô dâu tròn trĩnh và e thẹn .

20. Children often fight shy of dentists.

21. Don't tell me you've gotten shy.

Đừng nói anh đã biết ngượng chứ.

22. Why are your friends so shy?

Sao bạn của nhóc lại e thẹn thế?

23. He was a quiet, shy man.

24. Well, he's shy with new people.

À, nó e thẹn với người lạ.

25. He's so cool, a bit shy...

Cậu ấy rất tuyệt, nhưng lại hơi ngượng ngùng...

26. The shy pupil murmured his answer.

Em học sinh nhút nhát lẩm bẩm ra câu trả lời.

27. You shy away from it.

28. Many women fight shy of motherhood.

29. Brahmans are intelligent, inquisitive and shy

30. Well, he' s kind of shy

Nó còn e ngại lắm

31. She's shy, she enjoys her privacy.

Cô ấy hay thẹn. Cô ấy thích được riêng tư.

32. Some defiant children are very shy.

33. The panda is a shy creature.

34. She is more shy than unsocial.

35. Shy or pretending to be shy in order to attract people’s interest She gave him a Coy smile

36. Ellen was a shy, reserved girl.

37. She gave me a shy smile.

Nó nhìn tôi và cười ngượng ngịu.

38. I was too shy and embarrassed.

Tôi quá nhút nhát và ngượng ngịu.

39. He was a shy, nervous perfectionist.

40. He is more shy than unsocial.

41. “Once bitten, twice shy” is their motto.

Câu họ lấy nằm lòng là: “Bị một lần, cạch đến già”.

42. Kip had always been shy, even antisocial.

43. Irma was a shy and reticent child.

44. The shy girl was afraid to contradict.

45. Paul was a shy, pleasant, solitary man.

46. He is a naturally shy, retiring man.

47. Don't be shy-come and say hello.

48. As a teenager I was painfully shy.

49. He was a shy, self-effacing man.

50. He is a morose, work-shy layabout.