impose in Vietnamese

@impose /im'pouz/
ngoại động từ
- (+ on, upon) đánh (thuế...); bắt chịu, bắt gánh vác, bắt cáng đáng
=to impose heavy taxes upon luxury goods+ đánh thuế nặng vào hàng xa xỉ
=to impose one's methods on somebody+ bắt ai phải làm theo phương pháp của mình
=to impose oneself on somebody+ bắt ai phải chịu đựng mình
- (+ upon) đánh lừa tống ấn, đánh lộn sòng, đánh tráo
=to impose something upon somebody+ đánh lừa mà tống ấn cái gì cho ai
- (ngành in) lên khuôn (trang in)
- (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) đặt lên
nội động từ
- (+ on, upon) gây ấn tượng mạnh mẽ đối với, tác động mạnh đối với; bắt phải kính nể; bắt phải chịu đựng mình
=to impose on someone+ gây ấn tượng mạnh mẽ đối với ai; bắt ai phải kính nể
- (+ on, upon) lừa gạt, lừa phỉnh, bịp
=to be imposed upon+ bị lừa, bị bịp
- (+ on, upon) lạm dụng, lợi dụng
=to impose upon someone's kindness+ lợi dụng lòng tốt của ai
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-đánh thuế
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-lên khuô

Sentence patterns related to "impose"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impose" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impose", or refer to the context using the word "impose" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. I dislike to impose.

Tôi không thích khuân vác.

2. We impose the maximum penalty.

Ta tuyên án mức phạt cao nhất.

3. I don't want to impose on you.

4. The government may impose tariffs on imports.

5. It will not impose time limitation.

6. The Court decides what punishment to impose .

7. The US could impose punitive tariffs on exports.

8. The UN has decided to impose sanctions.

9. A better approach: Impose appropriate consequences for misbehavior.

Cách tốt hơn: Đưa ra hình phạt thích đáng cho hành động sai trái của con.

10. Some labels impose stricter requirements than others.

Một vài dịch vụ thì có những yêu cầu chặt chẽ hơn các loại khác.

11. The courts could impose a probation order.

12. The Society may impose conditions on any registration.

13. Liberalization, however, can impose additional strain on a system.

14. But I vowed to master the chaos, to impose order.

Nhưng tôi thề phải làm chủ sự hỗn loạn, áp đặt lệnh.

15. I didn't want to impose myself on my married friends.

16. The court can impose a fine or a prison sentence.

17. □ What burdens may we unwisely impose upon ourselves?

□ Chúng ta có thể dại dột tự mang đến cho mình những gánh nặng nào?

18. Deng then announced he would impose martial law.

Khi đó Đặng Tiểu Bình thông báo rằng ông ta sẽ ban hành thiết quân luật.

19. Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank.

20. The police hope to impose order and Constrain violence.

21. What burdens can advanced age impose on a person?

22. Don't impose yourself on people who don't like you.

23. We'd build a coalition to impose their own sanctions.

Chúng tôi sẽ xây dựng một liên minh và áp đặt các biện pháp trừng phạt riêng.

24. They led the fight to impose laws on smoking.

25. 5 The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .

26. 6 The host country may impose foreign exchange control.

27. US decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium (debate)

28. No, we'll find a motel - we don't want to impose.

29. (i) impose a temporary prohibition on the exercise of professional activity;

30. Don't impose yourself on people who don't want you.

31. This decision will impose serious constraints on all schools.

32. He wants to impose a levy on landfill waste.

33. Can schools impose an inflexible grading policy on teachers?

34. We have to impose charges when dealing with salmonella.

35. Could I impose upon you and call again sometime, maybe?

Tôi có thể mạn phép thỉnh thoảng tới thăm bà được không?

36. A leader does not impose a decision, he moulds it.

37. The Maastricht rules also impose strict limits on public debt.

38. Obviously this would impose a significant strain on the Exchequer.

39. Google reserves the right to impose fees on this currency conversion.

Google bảo lưu quyền áp dụng các khoản phí đối với việc quy đổi tiền tệ này.

40. The legislator, for example, has reason to impose a certain tax.

41. He has tried to impose solutions to the country's problems by fiat.

42. Another possibility is that the court could impose a community service order.

43. AIRLINE CHARGES Airlines often impose their own surcharges on advertised airfares.

44. In May 1531, Zürich reluctantly agreed to impose a food blockade.

Tháng 5 năm 1531, Zürich miễn cưỡng chấp nhận biện pháp phong tỏa thực phẩm.

45. They loot and impose depredations on the countries where they operate.

46. The government decided to impose a protective tariff on foreign cars.

47. I don't want to impose on you by staying too long.

48. Truman did not threaten to use force to impose his views.

49. Where uniform procedures exist, it is easier to impose centralised control.

50. You impose too much on me, and I'm so tired.