imposer in Vietnamese

@imposer /im'pouzə/
* danh từ
- người bắt phải chịu, người bắt phải gánh vác, người bắt phải cáng đáng
- người đánh lừa tống ấn, người đánh tráo

Sentence patterns related to "imposer"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imposer" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imposer", or refer to the context using the word "imposer" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Le parti a appele le secretaire general de l'ONU a suivre activement la situation, a Assumer entierement sa responsabilite et a prendre les mesures necessaires pour imposer le respect du cessez-le-feu et enjoindre au polisario de se retirer immediatement, inconditionnellement et completement de la zone a l'Est du dispositif de securite au Sahara Marocain.

2. The housing renovations are almost complete and hubby Ford is an Awfully busy scientist with a power career that eclipses most of the couple's concerns.: Compounding the problem are Awfully poor headlights on dipped beam.: They can be unmade by judicial fiat, but it feels Awfully cruel to do so.: Thus the solemn work of swearing is Awfully profaned by both the imposer and the jurant.