impotent in Vietnamese

@impotent /'impətənt/
* tính từ
- bất lực, yếu đuối, lọm khọm
=an impotent old man+ một cụ già lọm khọm
- bất lực, không có hiệu lực gì
=in an impotent rage+ trong một cơn giận dữ bất lực
- (y học) liệt dương
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-liệt dương

Sentence patterns related to "impotent"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impotent" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impotent", or refer to the context using the word "impotent" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Impotent.

Liệt dương.

2. The operation left him impotent.

3. Turned out to be impotent.

Hóa ra là bị liệt dương.

4. She blazed with impotent rage.

5. What a bumbling, impotent buffoon!

6. They say it expresses women's impotent desire.

7. The result is a compound of vulgar rascalities and impotent Byronics

8. They are impotent in the face of a centralised, powerful state.

9. 11 Being impotent, false gods can furnish no witnesses.

11 Vì bất lực, các thần giả không thể đưa ra nhân chứng.

10. The female equivalent of some guy who was impotent.

Một nữ cường tương đương với những anh chàng bất lực.

11. I was wandering, mad with rage, naked, impotent.

Tôi đã lang thang, điên lên vì giận dữ, khỏa thân, bất lực.

12. Without the chairman's support, the committee is impotent.

13. It shows that amulets and charms are impotent, powerless.

Kinh-thánh cho thấy rằng những bùa hộ mạng và các vật cầu may đều vô hiệu và không có quyền lực gì cả.

14. Clearly, not all legislatures are impotent or dying institutions.

15. They were virtually impotent against the power of the large companies.

16. We felt quite impotent to resist the will of the dictator.

17. The U.S. seems impotent to influence events in the region.

18. Isn't it obvious I'd become impotent with a furry wife?

Không rõ ràng khi tôi là người bất lực. Với người vợ dữ dằn?

19. The rebels are “ashamed” of these impotent trees and gardens.

Các kẻ phản nghịch bị “hổ-thẹn” về các cây và vườn bất lực này.

20. They sit in impotent opposition while the country goes to the dogs.

21. At one time such excluded or impotent minorities tended to be religious.

22. Emergency services seem impotent in the face of such a disaster.

23. So for women, housework prevents breast cancer, but for men, shopping could make you impotent.

Và với phụ nữ, việc nhà ngăn ngừa ung thư vú, nhưng đối với nam giới, mua sắm có thể làm cho bạn liệt dương.

24. 20 The use of Ozawa's impotent carriers as a decoy force was brilliant.

25. If he is impotent, he could keep up appearances by adopting children.

Nếu hắn bị bất lực, hắn có thể nhận con nuôi.

26. The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.

27. A female caged with an impotent male produced clutches at roughly one month intervals.

28. The Great Powers flexing their military muscles like so many impotent beach boys.

29. Herta sometimes looks as though she could do with the odd impotent interlude.

30. He felt impotent, uncertain about what he should be doing, what was expected of him.

31. They feel at ease negotiating interests but impotent to deal with value-loaded issues.

32. You feel so impotent when your child is ill and you cannot help them.

33. And, of course, on a cloudy day a solar cooker can be rendered impotent.

34. For women, housework prevents breast cancer, but for men, shopping could make you impotent.

Và với phụ nữ, việc nhà ngăn ngừa ung thư vú, nhưng đối với nam giới, mua sắm có thể làm cho bạn liệt dương.

35. He was protecting a weak, impotent, passive-Aggressive father who wanted his wife dead.

Nó đang bảo vệ người cha yếu đuối, bất lực, thụ động, hung hăng người muốn vợ chết.

36. A society, apparently working well, can stand impotent before its most domestic and external threats and important opportunities.

37. Most prominent amongst these are terms that mock the miller as an impotent and inadequate cuckold.

38. • The mass is politically Apathetic and impotent, and policy is imposed upon this large proportion

39. At this point, economic incentives and bureaucratic rules alone are impotent to make him a useful citizen.

40. She is adamant about what she really really wants, and finds Selvon a limp and impotent disappointment.

41. Antonyms for Cost effective include unprofitable, loss-making, impotent, incapable, unfruitful, unproductive, unskilled, valueless, worthless and draining

42. An impotent little misfit who's gonna spend the rest of his life on the outside looking in.

Kẻ bất lực lạc lõng kẻ sẽ dành cả đời còn lại đứng ngoài nhìn vào.

43. You’ll notice the limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and "impotence" -- the headline is, "Impotent" -- it’s not emphysema.

Bạn sẽ để ý thấy điếu thuốc đang trên miệng, và "bất lực"-- dòng tựa là "bất lực", không phải khí thũng.

44. However, rumors began to circulate among the men that taking Atabrine would make them sterile and render them sexually impotent.

45. They have become impotent - a fact which naturally causes a great deal of anxiety to them and to their wives.

46. You'll notice the limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and " impotence " -- the headline is, " Impotent " -- it's not emphysema.

Bạn sẽ để ý thấy điếu thuốc đang trên miệng, và " bất lực " -- dòng tựa là " bất lực ", không phải khí thũng.

47. People are not lazy, they simply have impotent goals..that is..goals that do not inspire them. Tony Robbins 

48. And of this, if thou hast become impotent, if thou no longer Arousest anything, what other purpose wilt thou serve?24

49. 19 Impotent show the penis cannot erect, or erect not firm, send indispose to insert the vagina, cannot make love.

50. Any objections from the latter would have likely had no effect, since the Soviet government had effectively been rendered impotent long before December.

Bất kỳ sự phản đối nào từ sau này sẽ không có hiệu lực, vì chính phủ Xô Viết đã KHÔNG còn quyền lực từ trước tháng 12.