even up in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-giao trả sòng (cổ phiếu)
-giao trả xong (cổ phiếu)
-làm cho bằng nhau
-san bằng

Sentence patterns related to "even up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "even up" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "even up", or refer to the context using the word "even up" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Your chance to even up the score

# Your chance to even up the score # Cơ hội em có cả mười mươi rồi đấy.

2. The next morning, Protege was given a chance to even up the sides.

3. We use exotic gases, and we can make missions even up to 20 hours long underwater.

4. 4 Even up till now, TOYOTA main type Camry is considered as very vapidity and not "Cool" enough type.

5. Compensate definition: adjust for synonyms: equilibrate, even off, equilibrize, make up, counterbalance, even out, equilibrise, carry, even up, correct

6. Chalice corals range from around $40 to even up to $500, so both new enthusiasts and serious hobbyists can enjoy them in their tanks

7. Atlantis was the biggest new Saturday night drama series launch across all BBC channels since 2006, even up on the launch of hit show Merlin.

8. If your teen knows that dating is not even up for discussion, something tragic may happen: He or she may drive the relationship underground and date secretly.

Nếu con bạn nghĩ rằng chúng không thể tâm sự với bạn về chuyện hẹn hò, điều đó có thể dẫn đến hậu quả không hay: Chúng sẽ giấu nhẹm và lén lút hẹn hò với bạn trai hoặc bạn gái.

9. Nutrition Diva fan Heather writes: “A lot of magazine and internet articles recommend Chewing each bite of food 30, 40, even up to 80 times

10. Anyone looking to buy an appliance may need to wait a while — due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some appliances are currently Backordered for several weeks, even up to a few months

11. Other fish dishes include: Rakfisk - Norwegian fish dish made from trout or sometimes char, salted and fermented for two to three months, or even up to a year, then eaten without further cooking.

Món cá khác bao gồm: Rakfisk - món cá được làm từ cá hồi Na Uy đôi khi được ướp muối và lên men trong 2-3 tháng, hoặc thậm chí lên đến một năm, sau đó ăn không cần nấu.

12. This course is known as Biphasic anaphylaxis and is one of the main reasons why international anaphylaxis guidelines recommend observing patients in a hospital after anaphylaxis for at least 4–6 or even up to 24 hours

13. And before you know it , on a tree whose roots sink deeply into the core of the earth with branches that reach all the way out into the universe , there are leaves that , even up close , do n't seem so separate .

Và trước khi bạn kịp nhận ra điều này thì trên cái cây có bộ rễ ăn sâu vào tận đến lõi của trái đất , cành của nó vươn xa ra đến tận vũ trụ , có những chiếc lá mà thậm chí khi nhìn gần chúng dường như khôngcòn tách rời nhau .

14. The steel plates in the bow may be well over one inch thick [3 cm] —on polar icebreakers even up to two inches thick [5 cm]— and the body of the ship has specific ice-reinforcement ribs in addition to the regular ones.

15. The segmented scraper (3) comprises multiple protrusions (101-118), wherein each protrusion of the multiple protrusions (101-118) is facing the back plate, and an aggregated radial extension of the protrusions (101-118) equals a radius of the impeller (1) within an interval of ± 10%, ± 25% or even up to ± 40%.

16. Who was full of definiteness and actuality – and was on that account rejected by every gnostic system since, even up to now.” This means that Christ, unexpectedly, Betokens the finite (and not merely the infinite, although he does that too), and then as well he Betokens the definite, in that Christ “stand[s] for the completely definite, for the Man who, in taking on our human nature (as