evenly distributed load in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-tải trọng phân bố đều
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-tải trọng phân bố đều

Sentence patterns related to "evenly distributed load"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "evenly distributed load" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "evenly distributed load", or refer to the context using the word "evenly distributed load" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. where additional load is necessary, it shall be evenly distributed in the luggage / load compartment(s).

2. Make sure the weight is evenly distributed.

3. Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.

4. Wealth is not evenly distributed between age groups.

5. Controls shall be distributed adequately and evenly throughout the vehicle

6. And this limited supply isn’t distributed evenly around the globe.

Và nguồn cung cấp nước hữu hạn này cũng không được phân phối đồng đều khắp thế giới.

7. Controls shall be distributed adequately and evenly throughout the vehicle.

8. By spreading the work evenly, load Balancing improves application responsiveness.

9. Additionally, there is no reason to think that the extra heat will be evenly distributed.

10. The Balanid habitats have been distributed patchily, not having been spread evenly over the whole offshore

11. Going forward , key will be ensuring region 's economic expansion is more evenly distributed , ADB said .

Theo nhận định ngân hàng ADB , trong tương lai , giải pháp sẽ đảm bảo sự phát triển kinh tế đồng đều hơn trong khu vực .

12. • Aggregate material should be distributed evenly from a moving truck spreader box or a powered spreading machine.

13. Aggregate material should be distributed evenly from a moving truck spreader box or a powered spreading machine.

14. Clonality measures how evenly receptor sequences (rearrangements) are distributed amongst a set of T or B cells

15. 17 The dough should be elastic, soft, tacky, but not sticky and the seeds should be evenly distributed.

16. After adequate mixing of the meat, the stuffing becomes firmly bound and all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

17. Fixed and indicative measurements must be evenly distributed over the year in order to avoid skewing of results

18. Fixed and indicative measurements must be evenly distributed over the year in order to avoid skewing of results.

19. The encasing in mud had distributed the baking heat evenly, the chicken golden Browniness was well and equally spread

20. The stiffening ring (14) distributes the cable load as evenly as possible across the elastomeric inner ring (13).

21. Average income is an impressive 143,375 Alkahests, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens

22. On the contrary adultlike first-year ♂ (paradoxus-type) are evenly distributed in smaller numbers over the whole altitudinal range.

23. That is, the centre of any object where the density is evenly distributed over its body is called the Centroid

24. They are distributed evenly around Ida, except for a protrusion north of crater Choukoutien which is smoother and less cratered.

Chúng phân bố đều trên Ida, ngoại trừ phạm vi phía bắc hố Choutoutien trở lên bằng phẳng và ít bị bắn phá hơn.

25. As shown in this graphic, gripping force is distributed much more evenly over the surface area of our pie jaw

Như minh hoạ trong hình ảnh này, gripping quân phân phối đồng đều hơn trên diện tích bề mặt của chúng tôi hàm bánh