debauched in Vietnamese

* tính từ
- trác táng, trụy lạc

Sentence patterns related to "debauched"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debauched" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debauched", or refer to the context using the word "debauched" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 6 The emperor is reckless and debauched.

2. 4 Bad companions debauched the young girl.

3. 5 He debauched ( ie seduced ) many innocent girls.

4. 8 Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society.

5. 7 This debauched seductress in black, took me...

6. 1 Bad companions had debauched the young girl.

7. Tell him I have exposed Antony for the debauched rat he is.

Báo rằng ta đã vạch trần Antony là 1 con chuột cống trụy lạc như thế nào.

8. As we have seen, it is marked by debauched behavior.

Như chúng ta đã thấy, kỳ lễ này đầy những hành vi luông tuồng.

9. 9 A scoffer , debauched person , and , in brief, a man of Belial.

10. 12 His honesty was debauched by the prospect of easy money.

11. 14 Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society; deplorably dissipated and degraded; riotous living; fast women.

12. Top synonyms for Bastardised (other words for Bastardised) are bastardized, corrupted and debauched.

13. " Debauched aliens and atheists falling into great licentiousness and leading degenerate lives. "

" trong một nếp sống suy đồi, bại hoại, chìm đắm trong cực kỳ dâm loạn. "

14. Of course, many persons have not succumbed to living a debauched life.

23. Lòng tham muốn của cải vật chất có thể xui khiến nhiều người làm gì?

15. He eventually comes to abhor the debauched life he has been leading.

Cuối cùng, anh cảm thấy ghê tởm lối sống ăn chơi hoang đàng.

16. 11 A scoffer, a debauched person, and, in brief,( a man of Belial.

17. 2 The young man's honesty was debauched by the prospect of easy money.

18. 13 Entering the debauched diagnosis in neck in temple super a realm is viable.

19. Synonyms for Animalized include dehumanised, dehumanized, bestialized, brutalised, brutalized, vitiated, depraved, degraded, debauched and demoralised

20. First, he demanded his inheritance, and then he squandered it “by living a debauched life.”

Trước hết, nó đòi chia gia tài và rồi “ăn chơi hoang-đàng” tiêu sạch hết.

21. 15 Of course, there are no longer bawdy houses, where these unfortunates are displayed openly to debauched satyrs.

22. The Authoress also enforces her own sense of woman’s honor by punishing the disloyal and debauched slavewomen

23. I write this in the interest of the people, who are being neglected by a debauched king.

Tôi viết thư này trên danh nghĩa những người, bị bỏ rơi bởi 1 ông vua trụy lạc.

24. Paris’ legendary Montmartre was once the place where artists, writers and Bohemians gathered in flamboyant, often debauched cafes and bars

25. Even from a practical standpoint, those who live a debauched life bring upon themselves many heartaches and troubles.

Ngay trên bình diện thực tế, những kẻ sống một đời sống dâm dật bậy bạ mắc phải nhiều đau khổ và khó khăn.

26. 10 Currently treatment temple the neck is most debauched forerunner of is a BBT from Ning knife and LEEP knife technique.

27. You can win in the battle against debauched thinking if you detest utterly this world’s disgraceful course!

Bạn có thể thắng được trận chiến chống lại tư tưởng dâm dật bậy bạ nếu tỏ ra ghê tởm lối sống nhơ nhuốc của thế gian này!

28. Of course, there are no longer bawdy houses, where these unfortunates are displayed openly to debauched satyrs.

29. (Luke 15:20) Even if the father has heard of his son’s debauched living, he welcomes his son back.

Dù đã nghe về lối sống trác táng của con mình, người cha vẫn chào đón con trở về.

30. To live in the ways of the Corinthians, to be Corinthianized, had become synonymous with leading a debauched and immoral life.

Thời ấy, khi nói sống theo kiểu người Cô-rinh-tô, hoặc bị Cô-rinh-tô hóa, đồng nghĩa với việc có lối sống trụy lạc và trác táng.

31. In the words of the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, "It left behind an empty treasury, an undisciplined army and navy, and a people debauched by safe and successful riot."

Theo nhận xét của Britanica 1911: "Quốc hội đã thất bại trong nỗ lực cầm quyền, để lại đằng sau là ngân khố trống rỗng, lực lượng quân đội và hải quân vô kỷ luật, và một dân tộc trụy lạc, chơi bời trác táng trong an bình và thành công".

32. Later, after not many days, the younger son gathered all things together and traveled abroad into a distant country, and there squandered his property by living a debauched life.”—Luke 15:11-13.

Cách ít ngày, người em tóm thâu hết, đi phương xa, ở đó, ăn chơi hoang-đàng, tiêu sạch gia-tài mình” (Lu-ca 15:11-13).

33. Debauched King Henry II (Peter O'Toole) installs his longtime court facilitator Thomas Becket (Richard Burton) as the Archbishop of Canterbury, assuming that his old friend will be a compliant and loyal lackey in the King's on-going battles with the church.

34. Crudeness, vulgarity; obscenity; desecration of the holy; abomination, shameful act, profane language or behavior, profane word or phrase profanity debauched party, gathering at which the participants take part in wild revelry and debauchery; any activity which is done in a extravagantly indulgent way; sacred religious rites of worship that

35. Climax, the latest film from Argentinian-French provocateur Gaspar Noé, is a disturbing, depraved, disgusting, and debauched piece of absolute insane genius that I thoroughly adored from beginning to end, and which I never, ever, want to see again.Lord of the Flies by way of Heronimus Bosch or Zdzislaw Beksinski, Climax is what you might get if you mashed-up Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma