debilitating in Vietnamese

@debilitating /di'biliteitiɳ/
* tính từ
- làm yếu sức, làm suy nhược
=debilitating weather+ khí hậu làm yếu người

Sentence patterns related to "debilitating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debilitating" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debilitating", or refer to the context using the word "debilitating" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Huge debts are debilitating their economy.

2. She found the heat debilitating.

3. One young woman was in a debilitating accident.

Một thiếu nữ bị tai nạn xe hơi thảm khốc.

4. These are costly, debilitating, and even death-dealing problems.

Những vấn đề này gây ra nhiều tốn kém, ưu phiền, và có thể đưa đến chết chóc.

5. Rosa suffers from debilitating diabetes and other ailments.

Rosa mắc bệnh tiểu đường làm suy nhược, và các căn bệnh khác.

6. Many, after debilitating illness, learned that their livers were ruined.

Nhiều người sau khi bị suy nhược vì bệnh, biết được là họ bị hư gan.

7. This would include protecting their children from debilitating working conditions.

Điều này hẳn bao hàm việc che chở con cái họ khỏi những cảnh lao động cưỡng bức.

8. He was hoping for a cure from his debilitating illness.

9. The economy is now strengthening after a long and debilitating recession.

10. I have dealt myself with the debilitating effects of depression.

Tôi đã tự mình đối phó với những hậu quả làm suy yếu của sự chán nản.

11. Colin is immobilized as a result of a debilitating illness.

Căn bệnh suy nhược đã làm cho Colin bị liệt.

12. Jason suffers from a debilitating disease that has left him completely paralyzed.

Căn bệnh suy nhược cơ thể đã khiến anh Jason liệt toàn thân.

13. You have got to find less debilitating outlets than humiliating people.

Anh phải tìm ra cách thỏa mãn nào ít gây hại hơn là làm bẽ mặt người khác.

14. Polio, or poliomyelitis, a debilitating childhood disease, offered the prospect of similar success.

15. 3 A woman in Paris had been born with a debilitating bone disease.

3 Một phụ nữ ở Paris đã mắc bệnh xương bẩm sinh; bệnh này làm bà yếu cả người.

16. Adults and children suffer from strange, debilitating headaches that no drugs will cure.

17. Vulvovaginal Candidiasis presents with intense pruritus and edema; chronic recurrences can be debilitating

18. Anticipatory anxiety can range from a passing nervousness to a debilitating sense of dread

19. All will suffer from debilitating and uncontrollable movements and severe personality and cognitive changes.

20. So the algae hang on as debilitating parasites rather than evolving towards benign cooperation.

21. Bronchiectasis is a chronic, debilitating respiratory condition that affects people of all ages

22. Thus it is difficult for physicians to understand the debilitating impact of Anosmia.

23. Nonetheless, a debilitating illness may be a source of depression or guilt feelings.

Tuy nhiên, bệnh tật làm thân thể suy nhược có thể là nguồn của sự buồn nản hoặc cảm giác tội lỗi.

24. His work had been restricted since he suffered a debilitating stroke in 19

25. They have become involved in debilitating scandals and disastrous adventures following election victories.

26. Two additional risks related to social media are idealized reality and debilitating comparisons.

27. And osteoarthritis of the spine can cause debilitating pain and or numb ness .

Và bệnh thoái hoá đĩa đệm có thể gây đau và hoặc tê do thoái hoá .

28. Arachnoiditis is a debilitating condition characterized by severe stinging and burning pain and neurologic problems

29. 29 So the algae hang on as debilitating parasites rather than evolving towards benign cooperation.

30. (preposition) Agin conditions are highly recurrent, difficult to treat and have debilitating effects for sufferers.

31. I had no idea where these feelings came from, but they were strong and debilitating.

Tôi không biết những cảm giác này đến từ đâu, nhưng chúng rất mãnh liệt và làm cho tôi suy nhược.

32. Experts believe that Abalone may help prevent and treat debilitating health conditions including arthritis

33. Dependence on charity is just as debilitating as dependence on the state, if not more so.

34. Amend at UCSF fundamentally transforms culture inside prisons and jails to reduce their debilitating health effects

35. The Anticipated breakthrough will, if realised, bring an end to an economically debilitating 12-day strike

36. Langdon’s Aversion to closed spaces was by no means debilitating, but it had always frustrated him

37. In this way humans contract such debilitating and deadly illnesses as typhoid, dysentery, and even cholera.

Chính qua cách này mà con người bị nhiễm những chứng bệnh gây suy nhược và tử vong như thương hàn, kiết lỵ và cả dịch tả.

38. Compulsive Behaviors come in many forms, all of which can become debilitating or even dangerous

39. Antonyms for Advantaging include hampering, handicapping, impeding, disAdvantaging, hindering, limiting, blocking, crippling, curbing and debilitating

40. We might find that, after lengthy stays on the Moon, astronauts suffer debilitating degenerative disorders.

41. Compulsive behaviors come in many forms, all of which can become debilitating or even dangerous

42. Asbestosis is a progressive, debilitating, and incurable lung disease that causes pain and difficulty breathing

43. Maybe the second term that President Clinton began Monday will be defined by debilitating scandal.

44. There are, indeed, very debilitating emotional and physical side effects of steroidal, hormonal abortifacient contraception and abortion.

45. His ministry was always clearly focused because there was no debilitating or distracting double-mindedness in Him.

46. Contractures are a common and debilitating problem for individuals who have suffered from neurological or orthopedic injuries

47. All around the world, scientists are trying to beat the most debilitating condition known to humans: Ageing

48. They often pay a very high price for promiscuity, sometimes by contracting a debilitating venereal disease.

49. That's the way many people describe their sciatica - one of the commonest and most debilitating forms of neuralgia.

50. AT 18 years of age, Jason learned that he had Crohn’s disease, a debilitating and painful bowel disorder.

Lúc 18 tuổi, Jason biết mình mắc bệnh Crohn, là chứng rối loạn đường ruột khiến cơ thể đau đớn và suy nhược.