city wall in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-tường thành (cổ)

Sentence patterns related to "city wall"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "city wall" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "city wall", or refer to the context using the word "city wall" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The historians found the old city wall on three sides, the southern side was protected by the Nakhon Nayok River as a natural city wall.

Các nhà sử học đã phát hiện thành cổ có 3 mặt, mặt nam là sông Nakhon Nayok làm tường thành tự nhiên.

2. 12 What can be done about those breaches in the city wall?

12 Có thể làm gì với các chỗ nứt trên tường thành?

3. At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.

4. The 1906 Meishan earthquake devastated the entire city wall except the Eastern Gate.

5. They put him in a basket and let him down outside the city wall.

Họ để ông ngồi trong một cái thúng lớn và thòng dây cho ông xuống ngoài tường thành.

6. They put him in a basket and lowered him down through a hole in the city wall.

Họ lấy thúng thòng ông xuống qua cửa sổ trên vách thành.

7. Today only the northern gate still exists, together with a short stretch of the northern city wall.

Hôm nay chỉ có các cửa ngõ phía Bắc vẫn còn tồn tại, cùng với một đoạn ngắn của bức tường phía bắc thành phố.

8. The East Gate may have been approximately in line with the Inspection Gate in the city wall.

9. To intimidate the resistance, Titus ordered deserters from the Jewish side to be crucified around the city wall.

Để đe dọa sức đề kháng, Titus đã ra lệnh đóng đinh những kẻ đào ngũ người Do thái trên các bức tường của thành phố.

10. Hel ü City was magnificent by consisting of three city walls : outer citycity wall and city wall.

11. 14 The next morning they began their gruelling journey up the ancient Roman road which ran from London's city wall into Oxfordshire.

12. In the southern part the route is identical with the historic customs city wall that was Begirding the Old Berlin until 1861

13. The group will visit Bạch Mã Temple, a communal house, the last remaining city wall gate, Ðồng Xuân Market and Huyền Thiên Temple.

14. 15 After that she let them down by a rope through the window, for her house was on a side of the city wall.

15. At its height, the city boasted a large earthen city wall and moat; many of the buildings were built with stone and brick foundations.

Tại thời kỳ cực thịnh của nó, thành phố tự hào có một bức tường bằng đất thành phố lớn và hào, nhiều trong số các tòa nhà được xây dựng móng bằng đá và gạch.

16. Walls Early Modern Era Flintlock 3 800 none Projecting parts of a fortification, Bastions are an evolution of the city wall, allowingdefensive fire in several directions

17. Hello dear friends and welcome to AlfaOmega Games! I am glad to introduce my next project to you! A great Castle City Wall with several towers, Barbicans, an

18. Hello dear friends and welcome to AlfaOmega Games! I am glad to introduce my next project to you! A great Castle City Wall with several towers, Barbicans, an

19. Many areas of the Beijing city wall were torn down in the 1960s to make way for the construction of the Beijing Subway and the 2nd Ring Road.

Nhiều phần của tường thành Bắc Kinh đã bị giật đổ trong thập niên 1960 để xây dựng tàu điện ngầm Bắc Kinh và đường vành đai 2.

20. Distant voices of Bargemen on the river, and the chirping of birds among the weeds which topped the old city wall, were the only sounds that broke the morning silence

21. There are two winners who have won their awards very Controversially. St Martin's Gate A concrete footbridge over the 1960s Inner Ring Road which, Controversially, punched through the City Wall

22. Distant voices of Bargemen on the river, and the chirping of birds among the weeds which topped the old city wall, were the only sounds that broke the morning silence.

23. 1:13-18) When the plot became known, Saul chose the discreet course and left the city by allowing himself to be lowered in a basket through an opening in the city wall.

Khi biết âm mưu ấy, Sau-lơ đã hành động thận trọng và rời thành bằng cách cho người thòng ông xuống trong một cái thúng, qua cửa sổ trên vách thành.

24. (Nehemiah 1:2) When the visitors responded that the people of Jerusalem were “in a very bad plight” and that the city wall was “broken down,” Nehemiah “sat down and began to weep and mourn for days.”

(Nê-hê-mi 1:2) Khi những người khách trả lời rằng dân thành Giê-ru-sa-lem “bị tai-nạn và sỉ-nhục lắm”, và tường thành “hư-nát”, Nê-hê-mi “bèn ngồi mà khóc, cư tang mấy ngày”.

25. 32 In Damascus the governor under A·reʹtas the king was guarding the city of the Dam·a·scenesʹ to seize me, 33 but I was lowered in a basket* through a window in the city wall,+ and I escaped his hands.

26. Joab went along with the arrangement in full cooperation, but in his report to the king on the outcome of the battle, he adroitly used the fact to block David from reprimanding him because he had lost valiant men in the battle by sending them too close to the city wall.

27. 5.2 Bydgoszcz Venice (Wenecja Bydgoska) 6 Night in Bydgoszcz (Bydgoszcz nocą) 7 Old town (Stare miasto) 7.1 Castle, medieval city, city wall (Gród, zamek, miasto lokacyjne, relikty murów miejskich) 7.2 From air (Z góry) 7.3 Granaries (Spichrze) 7.4 City-hall – old College of jesuit (Ratusz – d

28. 19 The foundations of the city wall were adorned with every sort of precious stone: the first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chal·ceʹdo·ny, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth sar·donʹyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysʹo·lite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysʹo·prase, the eleventh hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst.