city toll in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-thuế của thành phố

Sentence patterns related to "city toll"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "city toll" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "city toll", or refer to the context using the word "city toll" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. We'll just be numbers in an official death toll added up in some city far away.

2. Other transportation facilities such as toll roads, flyovers, and bridges will be also built in and around the city.

Các phương tiện giao thông khác như đường chui, cầu vượt và cầu cũng sẽ được xây dựng trong thành phố.

3. Except for toll bridges and tunnels, very few U.S. Routes are toll roads.

Trừ các cầu thu phí và đường hầm thu phí, có rất ít quốc lộ Hoa Kỳ là đường thu phí.

4. The death toll mounted .

5. 20 The death toll mounted .

6. Thoughts are free from toll.

7. The casualty toll could reach

8. 14 The casualty toll could reach

9. The death toll continues to mount.

10. The official death toll stands at

11. The death toll has risen to

12. must take a psychological toll, no?

Phải bị chấn động tâm lý hả?

13. 1 Thoughts are free from toll.

14. 7 The death toll has risen to

15. The death toll is expected to rise.

Số người chết dự kiến sẽ tăng lên.

16. The government put the death toll at

17. The final official death toll is 3

18. The Trolls demand a toll each month.

Bọn Troll đòi cống nạp hàng tháng.

19. Her hatefulness takes no toll at all.

Sự căm hờn của cô ta cũng chẳng gây hại gì.

20. 22 The official death toll stands at

21. 8 The death toll continues to mount.

22. Canaan Toll Barrier (Booths removed in Nov

23. 2 The death toll continues to mount.

24. 23 The recession is taking its toll.

25. This cold front is taking its toll!