blood plasma in Vietnamese

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-huyết tương

Sentence patterns related to "blood plasma"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blood plasma" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blood plasma", or refer to the context using the word "blood plasma" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Coagulase is an enzyme that clots blood plasma

2. The active components of such injections are not blood plasma per se but antibodies from the blood plasma of those who have developed resistance.

3. Albumin is the most common protein found in blood plasma

4. Albumin is the most abundant protein in the blood plasma

5. Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is a naturally occurring chemical found in blood plasma.

6. Volume replacement can be accomplished without using whole blood or blood plasma.

Hoàn lại thể tích có thể thực hiện mà không cần dùng máu hoặc huyết tương.

7. A protein called Albumin is abundantly present in the human blood plasma

8. In blood plasma, iron is carried tightly bound to the protein transferrin.

Trong huyết tương, sắt gắn chặt với protein transferrin.

9. A blood plasma for human use pooled from donors which belong to 10 % or more to a non-Caucasian population, the plasma obtainable by mixing blood or blood plasma of blood groups A and B, optionally AB without admixing substantial amounts of blood or blood plasma of blood group 0 characterized in that four to eight parts of blood or blood plasma from donors having the blood group A, more than three parts to seven parts of blood or blood plasma from donors having the blood group B, zero to two parts of blood or blood plasma from donors having the blood group AB.

10. Horned lizards readily consume harvester ants, resisting their envenomed sting with specialized blood plasma.

Thằn lằn sừng dễ dàng tiêu hoá kiến harvester, kháng vết đốt độc của kiến nhờ huyết tương đặc biệt trong máu.

11. Albumin is a blood protein that makes up a significant portion of the blood plasma

12. Albumin is a water soluble protein, and it is present in blood plasma in abundance.

13. The fasting levels of allantoin, uric acid and uracil in blood plasma were significantly increased.

14. This causes fibrinogen, an inert protein found in blood plasma, to be converted into fibrin.

15. Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or blood plasma.

Nhân Chứng Giê-hô-va không nhận truyền máu nguyên, hồng cầu, bạch cầu, tiểu cầu, hoặc huyết tương.

16. 12. blood component: active component of blood (... plasma), which may be prepared from blood by various methods;

17. In blood plasma, zinc is bound to and transported by albumin (60%, low-affinity) and transferrin (10%).

Trong huyết tương, kẽm bị ràng buộc và bị vận chuyển bởi albumin (60%, ái lực thấp) và transferrin (10%).

18. Nearly all blood fractions being used in medical applications consist of the proteins found in blood plasma.

19. Blood is made up of Blood plasma and various cells — red Blood cells, white Blood cells and platelets.

20. Unconjugated bilirubin is insoluble in blood plasma so binds to Albumens in the blood and is sent to the ______

21. If any medicine to be prescribed may be made from blood plasma, red or white cells, or platelets, ask:

Nếu bác sĩ kê đơn bất cứ thuốc nào có thể được bào chế từ huyết tương, hồng hoặc bạch cầu, hoặc tiểu cầu, hãy hỏi:

22. Coagulase An enzyme secreted by the micro-organism Staphylococcus aureus that causes clotting in blood plasma by converting prothrombin to thrombin

23. There are many different ways of detecting 7DHC levels in blood plasma, one way is using the Liebermann–Burchard (LB) reagent.

Có nhiều cách khác nhau để phát hiện nồng độ 7DHC trong huyết tương, một cách là sử dụng thuốc thử Liebermann-Burchard (LB).

24. A high Agglutinin level requires taking another red blood cell count, sometimes after replacing the blood plasma (which contains Agglutinins) with water.

25. Coagulase Test The Coagulase test identifies whether an organism produces the exoenzyme Coagulase, which causes the fibrin of blood plasma to clot.

26. “Blood plasma proteins have useful properties such as high solubility, emulsifying activity and hydrophobicity . . . and their use in food processing offers great advantages.

27. Calcitonin definition is - a polypeptide hormone especially from the thyroid gland that lowers the level of calcium in the blood plasma —called also thyroCalcitonin

28. Or if someone is exposed to certain diseases, doctors might prescribe injections of gamma globulin, extracted from the blood plasma of people who already had immunity.

Hoặc nếu một người có nguy cơ mắc bệnh nào đó, bác sĩ có thể cho tiêm gamma globulin, chiết từ huyết tương của những người có tính miễn dịch.

29. In the first half year of 200 the detection of HIV anti-body among former paid blood(plasma)donors since 1990's was developed in Shandong province.

30. Blood Bicarbonate (plasma Bicarbonate) the Bicarbonate of the blood plasma, an important parameter of acid-base balance measured in blood gas analysis. Bicarbonate of soda sodium Bicarbonate.

31. Glutathione Colorimetric assay kit is designed to measure the total glutathione, oxidized glutathione and reduced glutathione concentration in wide range of samples such as blood, plasma, serum, cultured cells and tissues

32. 2 days ago · A patient recovered from covid-19 donated Convalescent blood plasma in September at an Earth City, Missouri, site run by the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood …

33. Chlorides Chloride (Cl-) is an inorganic anionic halogen that is distributed exclusively within the extracellular fluid compartment (ECF), which comprises the blood/plasma (or serum) compartment and the interstitial fluid compartment

34. Since only a small fraction of L-leucine is metabolized into HMB, pharmacologically active concentrations of the compound in blood plasma and muscle can only be achieved by supplementing HMB directly.

Vì chỉ một phần nhỏ l-leucine được chuyển hóa thành HMB, nồng độ hoạt tính dược lý của hợp chất trong huyết tương và cơ chỉ có thể đạt được bằng cách bổ sung HMB trực tiếp.

35. The relationship between filtration of liquid through the alveolar-capillary barrier and the colloid-osmotic pressure of the blood plasma was investigated in lungs of the dog, using three different experimental approaches.

36. Convalescent Plasma For COVID-19 Turns Out To Be A Bust : Shots - Health News Infusing blood plasma from people who have recovered from COVID-19 into sick patients looks good on paper

37. Coagulase An enzyme secreted by the micro-organism Staphylococcus aureus that causes clotting in blood plasma by converting prothrombin to thrombin. This ability probably contributes to the tendency of the organism to form abscesses

38. Clotting process of blood,coagulation cascade is a complex chemical process that uses as many as 10 different proteins called as blood Clotting factors or coagulation factors found in blood plasma in the blood

39. Alkalosis is a condition developed from a reduction in the hydrogen ion concentration of the arterial blood plasma. Basically, it arises when the body fluids have an excess of alkali or too many bases

40. Circulatory System Blood Plasma- 90% H2O Cells White blood cells- immunity Red blood cells- carry O2 & CO2; hemoglobin carries the molecules Platelets- for clotting Bellwork – 3/17/15 What parts of your body make up the Circulatory system?

41. Bradykinin is a locally produced blood plasma protein which has a number of proinflammatory effects including stimulation of sensorimotor nerves, leading to pain and reflex responses (largely through B2 receptors), and CGRP and tachykinin release, leading to motor effects including plasma protein extravasation in skin and airways and to positive chrono- and inotropic effects in isolated atria.

42. Artificially acquired passive immunity is a short-term immunization achieved by the transfer of antibodies, which can be administered in several forms; as human or animal blood plasma or serum, as pooled human immunoglobulin for intravenous or intramuscular (IG) use, as high-titer human IVIG or IG from immunized donors or from donors recovering from the disease, and as monoclonal antibodies …