blood-pudding in Vietnamese

@blood-pudding /'blʌd,pudiɳ/ (blood-sausage) /'blʌd,sɔsidʤ/
* danh từ
- dồi (lợn...)

Sentence patterns related to "blood-pudding"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blood-pudding" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blood-pudding", or refer to the context using the word "blood-pudding" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Ugh. Do you know what's in blood pudding?

2. Boudin Noir (blood Boudin) is blood pudding sausage made of pork tongues, pork blood, pork snouts, onions and various spices

3. What you see above is pork porridge. It features Chinese doughnuts, beansprouts, pork intestine stuffed with peppery pork mince, sliced pork heart, stomach slivers and blood pudding.

4. Inspectors in Wuhan, Hubei discovered that most of the pork blood pudding in Chinese markets contained little actual blood, but rather, was manufactured with formaldehyde, corn starch, industrial grade salt, artificial food colourings, and a variety of other additives.

Thanh tra Vũ Hán phát hiện ra rằng hầu hết dồi lợn tại thị trường Trung Quốc chứa ít thành phần máu thật mà được chế biến bằng cách thêm vào formalđehit, tinh bột ngô, muối công nghiệp và màu thực phẩm nhân tạo.