blood transfusion center in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-trạm truyền máu

Sentence patterns related to "blood transfusion center"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blood transfusion center" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blood transfusion center", or refer to the context using the word "blood transfusion center" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Objective:Leukocyte Elimination reduced blood transfusion pestiferous diseases and blood transfusion response.

2. Sonia adamantly rejected blood transfusion.

3. Perioperative blood loss is compensated by allogenic blood transfusion.

4. Intravenous (blood transfusion) inhalation (oxygen therapy) ingestion (enteral feeding) Short term (single blood transfusion ) Sub-acute (ECMO) Chronic (hemodialysis)

5. Soon thereafter, the first blood transfusion was attempted.

Ban đầu, các hạch bạch huyết gần đó bị tấn công sớm.

6. carried an article entitled “Heart Surgery Without Blood Transfusion.”

7. Blood groups and matching are the prime factors to be considered before blood transfusion

8. As my blood count kept dropping, the pressure to accept a blood transfusion intensified.

9. The ABO system is the most important blood-group system in human-blood transfusion.

10. There he received a blood transfusion, and his situation stabilized.

Tại đó ông được truyền máu và bệnh trạng của ông ổn định.

11. The most basic is ABO blood group determination, which is useful for blood transfusion.

12. Does the anesthetist have experience in surgery without blood transfusion?

Bác sĩ gây mê có kinh nghiệm với phẫu thuật không dùng máu không?

13. Roen PR, Velcek F: Extensive urologic surgery without blood transfusion.

Roen PR, Velcek F: Đại phẫu thuật khoa tiết niệu không dùng máu.

14. Before the discovery of blood typing and blood matching, Dr. Dieffenbach researched blood transfusion, about which he published Die Transfusion des Blutes und die Infusion der Arzneien in die Blutgefässe (1828).

Trước khi sự khám phá của nhóm máu và kết hợp máu, Tiến sĩ Dieffenbach nghiên cứu truyền máu, ông xuất bản Die Transfusion des Blutes und die Infusion der Arzneien in die Blutgefässe (1828).

15. This document may protect you from receiving a blood transfusion.

Giấy tờ này có thể bảo vệ bạn tránh bị tiếp máu.

16. In an article on the risks of blood transfusion, the Clinical Excellence Commission, New South Wales (Australia) Health, states: “A blood transfusion is a living tissue transplant.

Trong một bài nói về nguy cơ của việc truyền máu, Ủy ban chữa trị và y tế bang New South Wales (Úc) cho biết: “Truyền máu là việc cấy ghép mô sống.

17. One patient required repeated blood transfusion, but after oral Anovulant therapy no further bleeding occurred and no transfusion was required

18. Vercillo AP, Duprey SV: Jehovah’s Witnesses and the transfusion of blood products.

Vercillo AP, Duprey SV: Nhân Chứng Giê-hô-va và việc truyền các chế phẩm máu.

19. The mortality from blood transfusion equals that from ether anesthesia or appendectomy.

Số người tử vong do truyền máu bằng số tử vong do sự gây mê bằng ether hoặc mổ ruột thừa.

20. Other risks include severe blood loss (which may require a blood transfusion) and postdural-puncture spinal headaches.

21. The Abo system is regarded as the most important blood-group system in transfusion medicine because of severe hemolytic transfusion reactions and, …

22. Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood-based products from one person into the circulatory system of another.

23. Thus it can be seen that blood transfusion is a risky procedure.

24. Chips for use in tester for blood transfusion reaction for medical purposes

25. They contend that blood transfusion should be employed only in emergency situations.

Họ biện luận rằng chỉ nên truyền máu trong những tình thế khẩn cấp.