adipose fin in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "adipose fin"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adipose fin" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adipose fin", or refer to the context using the word "adipose fin" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.


2. • Adipose fin clipping of juvenile Steelhead.

3. • Adipose fin clipping of juvenile Coho.

4. Did you catch any salmon with a missing adipose fin?

5. In common with many characins, the lemon tetra possesses an adipose fin.

6. They possess a deeply forked tail and an adipose fin (Figure 4).

7. The adipose fin is normally unpigmented in the centre, but edged with black.

8. A small adipose fin is present, and all other fins are relatively long.

9. (Coregonus artedi) Characteristics: 1. streamlined, elongate body; 2. adipose fin; 3. no teeth.

10. In a few catfishes, this Adipose fin develops a spine or soft rays.

11. Sometimes they may have a few barbels, but they don’t have an adipose fin.

12. CISCO (Coregonus artedi) Characteristics: 1. streamlined, elongate body; 2. adipose fin; 3. no teeth.

13. The majority of hatchery coho are also identified by removal of the adipose fin.

14. Trout-perches (Percopsidae) 1. adipose fin; 2. spines leading to dorsal and anal fins

15. • Tissue connecting the adipose fin with the caudal fin is deeply notched (fins appear separate)

16. Wild fish (those with an intact adipose fin) must be released unharmed back into the river.

17. Scales small, 114-130 in lateral line, 11-15 obliquely from adipose fin to lateral line.

18. • Chinook fry are adipose fin clipped and coded-wire-tagged. • Winter Run Steelhead return until May.

19. These fish have Parr Marks (see diagram below) as young and all species have an adipose fin.

20. Within the catfish family, the Noturus genus is characteristically small with an adnate or attached adipose fin.

21. (Osmerus mordax) Characteristics: 1. streamlined, elongate body; 1 2. adipose fin; 3. large teeth on jaw and tongue.

22. One large dorsal fin is located about halfway along the back and, behind that, a small adipose fin.

23. 2b); milky-white patches at the base of last pectoral-fin ray and on the inner posterior margin of skin flap connecting maxillary Barbel; basal portion of first ray and last ray of the pelvic-fin pale yellow, distal portion of adipose-fin pale yellow, more pronouncedly at anterior portion and posterior end of adipose-fin, dorsal and ventral

24. The Brindled madtom, like other Noturus species, has a caudally-fused adipose fin which extends from the caudal fin and runs nearly to the dorsal fin

25. The Northern Madtom has an overall colour pattern that is mottled with three irregular dark saddles on the back located at the front of the dorsal fin, behind the dorsal fin and at the adipose fin.

26. It should also be noted that in order to utilise these additional fishing possibilities, the Party in question shall prove that it can target only reared salmon, by conducting fishery for the additional fishing possibilities in defined terminal fishery areas and by participating in a comprehensive adipose fin clipping programme which will allow for distinction between wild and reared salmon.