adj (adjacent) in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "adj adjacent"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adj adjacent" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adj adjacent", or refer to the context using the word "adj adjacent" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Adjacent synonyms, Adjacent pronunciation, Adjacent translation, English dictionary definition of Adjacent

2. Conterminous: 1 adj being of equal extent or scope or duration Synonyms: coextensive , coterminous commensurate corresponding in size or degree or extent adj having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching “the side of Germany Conterminous with France” Synonyms: adjacent , contiguous , neighboring connected joined or linked together adj

3. Flat-Coated {adj} glatthaarig foil-Coated {adj} folienbeschichtet gold-Coated {adj} goldbeschichtet hard-Coated {adj} {past-p} hartcoatierttech

4. Absurdeste most abundant {adj} häufigste most academic {adj} akademischste most acceptable {adj} annehmbarste most accessible {adj} zugänglichste most accidental {adj} am zufälligsten most accurate {adj} akkurateste most acidic {adj} säurehaltigste most active {adj} aktivste most acute {adj} akuteste most adapted {adj} angepassteste most

5. Derivations: boggish (adj.), boggy (adj.), Bogginess (n.)

6. Adductive: 1 adj especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part Synonyms: adducent , adducting Antonyms: abducent , abducting especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part

7. Last-but-two adj Antepenultime lasting adj durabile, permanente adj permanente, durabile ~ one day adj diurne ~ , durable adj durabile ~ , enduring, permanent adj permanente ~ , enduring, permanent adj permanente (ppr of permaner) last-year n le anno passate latch n pessulo late (be ~) v esser in retardo

8. Seasonally Adjusted {adj} saisonbereinigt split-Adjusted {adj} splitbereinigtstocks value

9. Adjacent: Rooftop squares are not considered adjacent to ground squares.

10. Adjacent to [sth] adj + prep (beside [sth]) accanto a [qlcs], adiacente a [qlcs] prep preposizione o locuzione preposizionale: Particella o espressione che determina la funzione sintattica della parola o locuzione seguente: per, in, a causa di : A modern skyscraper is Adjacent to the historical church.

11. Numbers that are Adjacent in the sequence; Adjacent to something Our farm land was Adjacent to the river

12. Bicha = adj.

13. Blendend [fig.] [brillant] blinding {adj} [coll.] [fig.] [excellent] Blendend [Laune, Stimmung] sparkling {adj} [atmosphere, mood] Blendend [strahlend] radiantly {adv} Blendend [grell] glary {adj} Blendend hell dazzlingly brilliant {adj} Blendend weiß dazzling white {adj} dazzlingly white {adj} Blendend aussehen to look extremely splendid to

14. Affected {adj} [disposed] gesinnt Affected {adj} [well-liked] beliebt Affected {adj} [manners, speech etc.] geziert manieriert [geh.] Affected {adj} {past-p} [added] beigefügt sth

15. — antistrophic, Antistrophal , adj

16. BeblubberED • Beblubbered adj

17. — Arianistic, Arianistical , adj

18. — Allotropic, Allotropical, adj.

19. Right-Adjusted {adj} rechtsbündig risk-Adjusted {adj} risikogerecht risikoadjustiert risikogewichtetacc

20. Left-Adjusted {adj} linksbündig quality-Adjusted {adj} qualitätskorrigiertmed

21. Anthropogenetic: Anthropogenetic adj

22. — aeronautic, Aeronautical, adj.

23. — antistrophic, Antistrophal, adj

24. — antistrophic, Antistrophal, adj

25. — Atomistic, Atomistical, adj.