aditus in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "aditus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aditus" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aditus", or refer to the context using the word "aditus" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Mastoid antrum, aditus ad antrum, mastoid air cells Adnexa oculi

2. 1600, from Latin Aditus "an approach, an… See definitions of Adit.

3. Accumulation of secretions in the hypopharynx, aditus laryngis and trachea constitute a cardinal trait of oropharyngeal dysphagia.

4. The study of embryological temporal bones indicated a special role of the aditus during the development of the temporal bone.

5. Conservative tympanoplastic procedures in 210 clinical cases of chronic suppurative otitis media and tympanosclerosis have shown granulation tissues to be present within the aditus often to the extent that antrum and tympanic cavity were virtually separated from each other; i.e., there was an occlusion of the aditus.

6. Whether you are interested in a flat, a house, a property or a business investment, Aditus is your partner for real estate in Croatia.

7. In adults, it is apparently the complex fine structure of the aditus, as described in the present paper, that aids the retention of secretions and the formation of granulation tissues.

8. The theatre's aditus maximi, its main entrances, are 3.5 metres (11 ft) in width, and lead to a stone-paved orchestra with a diameter of 23.5 metres (77 ft).

9. The mastoid Antrum (plural: mastoid antra) (also known as tympanic Antrum or Valsalva Antrum) is an air space (up to 1 cm in size) lying posterior to the middle ear and connected to it by a short passageway, the aditus ad Antrum.

10. By activation of pull means (ring 17) the tube tip may be made to tilt in the curvature plane of the tube in order to be inserted into aditus laryngis under auscultatory-tactile control and further through glottis onwards to trachea upon gradually slackening the pull via the ring.

11. The important complications of arteriography observed were: thrombosis of the carotid artery and jugular vein; hemorrhage into the tissues about the punctured vessels with a concomitant edema of the aditus laryngis; and those changes which were induced by a spasm of the cerebral arteriole with subsequent petechiae, occurring after injection of the contrast medium.

12. The intrinsic laryngeal muscles may be divided into three functional groups: (i) muscles varying the rima glottidis (the transverse arytenoid as well as the lateral and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles); (ii) muscles regulating tension in the vocal ligaments (i.e. the cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid as well as the compound thyroarytenoid and vocalis muscles) and (iii) muscles modifying the laryngeal inlet (the so-called ‘sphincter aditus’, which is formed by the oblique arytenoid and aryepiglottic muscles and counteracted by the thyroepiglottic muscle).

13. The device according to the present invention consists of an ocular (1) connected to an optic fibre (2) sheathed with a means (4) for the moving of the visualizing end (3), that may be applied by means of a connecting element (8), between the handle (M) and the blade (LA) of the laryngoscope, so that said optic fibre (2) sliding along the blade through two guides (11) or similar, arrives to the larynx, undirectly visualizing said larynx and its aditus, even when this seems to be impossible with a direct vision, thus solving the problem of difficult and, at present, impossible intubations.